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41. Publications Of Dr. Earl Branes Special isuue of the Journa of Linear Algebra dedicated to helmut wielandt on his 65th Birthday, June 1996. Barnes, ER, An Inequality for Probability http://www.isye.gatech.edu/people/faculty/Earl_Barnes/publications.html | |
42. Universität Tübingen - Presse- Und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit Translate this page Dr.Dr.hc helmut wielandt an seinem Alterswohnsitz in Schliersee. helmut wielandt wurde am 19. Dezember 1910 bei Lörrach geboren. Er studierte Mathematik an http://www.uni-tuebingen.de/uni/qvo/Tun/Tun100-27.html | |
43. Report On UKIESIAM Activities (August 2001 To July 2002 at which a presentation on `The Debt Linear Algebra Owes helmut wielandt was made by Hans Schneider (Wisconsin) and the Householder Prize was presented http://www.ma.hw.ac.uk/~gabriel/ukiesiam/siamuk.rep02 | |
44. PSIgate - Physical Sciences Information Gateway Search/Browse Results helmut wielandt Born 19 Dec 1910 in Niedereggenen, Lörrach, Germany Died 14 Feb 2001 Click the picture above to see three larger pictures Show birthplace http://www.psigate.ac.uk/roads/cgi-bin/search_webcatalogue2.pl?limit=1725&term1= |
45. Helmut Keunecke - ResearchIndex Document Query of inverse iteration 3 from its To appear in helmut wielandt, Mathematische Werke, 16 I. Ipsen, helmut wielandt s contributions to the numerical http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/cis?q=Helmut Keunecke |
46. IPNet Digest Volume 9, Number 08 September 5, 2002 Today S Editor 353, 13 Table of Contents helmut wielandt 19 December 1910-14 February 2001 A personal memoir Hans Schneider wielandt s proof of the exponent inequality http://www.mth.msu.edu/ipnet/ipnet_archive/digests/Digest_v9n08 | |
47. Rod Edwards's Mathematical Genealogy Page Roderick Edwards (1994); Reinhard Illner (1976); Jens Peter Guenter Frehse (1968); Harro Heuser (1957); helmut wielandt (1935); Issai Schur (1901) http://www.math.uvic.ca/faculty/edwards/genealogy.html | |
48. Biography-center - Letter W wielandt, helmut wwwhistory.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/~h istory/Mathematicians/wielandt.html; Wieman, Carl E. www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/2001/wieman-autobio. http://www.biography-center.com/w.html | |
49. UM Mathematics: Faculty-Detail I studied permutation group theory, differential geometry, and functional analysis from helmut wielandt at the University of Tuebingen, Germany. http://www.math.lsa.umich.edu/people/facultyDetail.php?id=192 |
50. Mathematics Of Computation A history of inverse iteration, volume in helmut wielandt, Mathematische Werke, Mathematical Works, Vol. 2 Linear Algebra and Analysis, pages 464472. http://www.ams.org/mcom/2002-71-237/S0025-5718-01-01357-6/home.html | |
51. CIM Bulletin #13: An Interview With Thomas J. Laffey Among them were John Thompson, John Conway, Sandy Green, helmut wielandt, Bertram Huppert, Reinhold Baer, Michio Suzuki, Wolfgang Gaschütz. http://at.yorku.ca/i/a/a/h/45.htm | |
52. Helmut Wielandt Université Montpellier II Translate this page helmut wielandt (1910-2001). Cette image et la biographie complète en anglais résident sur le site de luniversité de St Andrews Écosse http://ens.math.univ-montp2.fr/SPIP/article.php3?id_article=1985 |
53. AAS-Biographical Memoirs-Neumann Richard Rado (Emeritus Professor at Reading), helmut wielandt (Professor at Tubingen and longtime editor of Mathematische Zeitschrift) and, http://www.science.org.au/academy/memoirs/neumann.htm | |
54. Warwick Mathematics Institute At that time, the distinguished German Professor helmut wielandt arrived for 6 weeks to take part in an Algebra Symposium. He stayed with his wife in House http://www.maths.warwick.ac.uk/research/2004_2005/dhf_meeting/stonehewer.html | |
55. Uppsala Universitetsbibliotek. Ångströmbiblioteket - Nyförvärv Finite permutation groups / by helmut wielandt. New York Academic P., cop. 1964. - 114 s. (Academic paperbacks) ISBN 0-12-749650-5. Wijkström, Åsa http://www.ub.uu.se/linne/ang/sep02.htm | |
56. Cullinane Journal 2003 Dec. 16-31 Happy Birthday, helmut wielandt (wherever you may be). Cover illustration, AMS Notices, January 2004. In light of my entry on changeringing of this date http://log24.com/blog/0312b.html | |
57. Yurinsha Book News wielandt, helmut Mathematische Werke / Mathematical Works, Vol. 1 Group Theory. 1994 802 pp. (de Gruyter) 311-012452-1 35500. http://www.yurinsha.com/topics/col.htm | |
58. A Guide To The William T. Reid Papers, 1925-1977 Tauberian theorem for power series, with correspondence with Paul Erdös, Konrad Knopp, and helmut wielandt. William M. Whyburn, 19011972 http://www.lib.utexas.edu/taro/utcah/00231/cah-00231.html | |
59. Emilie V. Haynsworth helmut wielandt, Miroslav Fiedler, Marvin Marcus, Vlastimil Ptak, and Olga TausskyTodd ( click here for a picture of Emilie taken in 1980). http://science.kennesaw.edu/~bthomas/Spring2005_files/page0004.htm | |
60. On Eigenvalues Of Sums Of Normal Matrices., Helmut Wielandt 3 H. wielandt, Die Eins chlies sung der Eigenwerte normaler Matrzen, Math. Ann. 121 (1949), 234241. Mathematical Reviews MR11307d http://projecteuclid.org/Dienst/UI/1.0/Display/euclid.pjm/1103044390 | |
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