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Whyburn Gordon: more books (23) | ||
21. Tree Students of whyburn, gordon Thomas. Aitchison, Barbara (0/0). Johns HopkinsUniversity (1933). Burton, Leonard P. (0/0). University of North Carolina(1951) http://www.discovery.utexas.edu/rlm/people/2151.html | |
22. Loosely Closed Sets And Partially Continuous Functions., Gordon T. Whyburn gordon T. whyburn. Loosely closed sets and partially continuous functions.Source Michigan Math. J. 14, iss. 2 (1967), 193205 Primary Subjects 54.60 http://projecteuclid.org/Dienst/UI/1.0/Display/euclid.mmj/1028999717 | |
23. The Michigan Mathematical Journal, Volume 14, Iss. 2 Loosely closed sets and partially continuous functions.. gordon T. whyburn;193205 view abstract. The regular convergence theorem.. CN Lee; 207-217 http://projecteuclid.org/Dienst/UI/1.0/Journal?authority=euclid.mmj&issue=102899 |
24. Floyd Graduate Fellowships He started as a student of gordon whyburn, the head of the department, doinganalytic topology. He became interested in groups acting on spaces, http://www.math.virginia.edu/grad/floyd/floyd.htm | |
25. The Faculty gordon T. whyburn Professor of Mathematics; Ph.D., Yale University, 1971.Representation theory. Linear quivers and the geometric setting for quantum GLn, http://www.math.virginia.edu/grad/grad5.htm | |
26. Claremont Lacrosse: Roster whyburn, gordon, 17, M, Atherton, CA, Pinewood HS, Pomona, 6 2 , 175, So. Wilson,Tim, 4, G, Redlands, CA, Redlands HS, CMC, So http://www.geocities.com/claremontlacrosse/roster.htm | |
27. Numerical.htm 17, gordon whyburn, M. 18, Matt Rogan. 19, David FussellLouie, A/M. 20, Peter Vanek,D. 21, Zach Ainsley, M. 22, Chris Davis, M. 23, Mitchel Geary http://www.geocities.com/claremontlacrosse/numerical.htm | |
28. The Students Of R. L. Moore: Preliminary Report (13 January 2000) By Ben Fitpatr gordon T. whyburn (19041969), PhD, University of Texas, 1927. whyburn was amember of the National Academy of Sciences. He was President of the American http://at.yorku.ca/i/a/a/b/40.htm | |
29. TOPCOM, LEONARD GILLMAN; AN INTERVIEW By Melvin Henriksen Lou McAuley, Mary Ellen Rudin, John Slye, gordon whyburn, Ray Wilder, most eminent students, the other two being gordon whyburn and Ray Wilder). http://at.yorku.ca/t/o/p/c/49.htm | |
30. INSTITUTO ARGENTINO DE MATEMÁTICA whyburn, gordon Thomas. Topological analysis. University Press. Princeton 1958.whyburn, gordon Thomas. Analytic topology. American Mathematical Society. http://www.iam.conicet.gov.ar/Biblioteca/BD-LIBROS-W.html | |
31. Kleene Math Library New Books - August 2002 whyburn, gordon Thomas, 1904. TOPOLOGICAL ANALYSIS. Rev. ie 2d ed. Princetonmathematical series, 23. Princeton, NJ, Princeton University Press, 196. http://math.library.wisc.edu/newbooks/2002-08.htm | |
32. ½ÅÂøµµ¼2005³â3¿ù 514 W622t2 c.2, Topological analysis, whyburn, gordon Thomas. Princeton UniversityPress. 1964. 17. 200504-08. 516.35 G915e v.1 c.3, E le ments de http://www.math.snu.ac.kr/lib/html/newly_publish05_04.htm | |
33. The University Of NC At Greensboro Archives - Chancellors' Papers The papers of Chancellor gordon Williams Blackwell of the Woman s College of the John E. Watts Hospital School of Nursing White, Katherine whyburn, http://library.uncg.edu/depts/archives/chancellors/blackwell.html | |
34. Read This: R.L. Moore: Mathematician & Teacher Then we meet the first group of Moore PhD students JR Kline at Penn, and then,at Texas, Raymond Wilder, gordon whyburn, and Burton Jones. http://www.maa.org/reviews/RLMoore.html | |
35. Electronic Access To SIAM Publications Go to Zentralblatt MATH number 0133.30702; 7 gordon whyburn Topological analysis,Second, revised edition. Princeton Mathematical Series, No. http://locus.siam.org/linkedrefs/SIMA/volume-19/0519018.html | |
36. Graph Theory White Pages Richard Duke Ph.D. 1965 Virginia; gordon whyburn Minimal imbeddings and open mappings of graphsin manifolds Students. Eric Richard Bussian 1996 Georgia Tech http://www1.cs.columbia.edu/~sanders/graphtheory/people/Duke.RA.html | |
37. Graph Theory White Pages Duke, Richard A. Ph.D. 1965 Virginia; gordon whyburn Minimal imbeddings and open mappings of graphsin manifolds Graph Theory Students. Eric Richard Bussian 1996 Georgia http://www1.cs.columbia.edu/~sanders/graphtheory/people/random.cgi?Duke, Richard |
38. Wh - New General Catalog Of Old Books & Authors gordon Thomas whyburn {US} (M 1904 Jan 7 1969 Sep) Kenneth WHYLDE (M 1926Mar 6 - 2003 Jul 11) The Guinnness Book Of Chess Records n ? http://www.kingkong.demon.co.uk/ngcoba/wh.htm | |
39. Baralaba Headstones, Queensland, Australia Surname Moulds First names gordon Charles Born 4 Jun 1946 At Died 11 Jun Surname whyburn First names William James (Bill) Born 1907 At Died 27 http://www.myrasplace.net/hstones/hbaral.htm |
40. PNAS -- Index By Author (Jun 15 1969, 63 (2)) Walsh, Kenneth A. Abstract Warren, Leonard Abstract Webb, Jerry G. Abstractwhyburn, gordon T. Abstract Woese, Carl Abstract Woodroofe, http://www.pnas.org/content/vol63/issue2/aindex.shtml | |
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