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81. Henry K White Winteringham connections with henry Kirke white the poet, tutored by Lorenzo Grainger. http://www.winteringham.info/Local_History/Henry_K_White/henry_k_white.html | |
82. WashingtonPost.com: Watergate He joined the Nixon administration as a military aide to henry Kissinger, Haig took over as white House chief of staff after HR Haldeman resigned in http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/national/longterm/watergate/whouse.htm | |
83. William Henry White - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Canadian Member of Parliament of the same name, see William henry white (politician). Sir William henry white (2 February 1845 27 February 1913) was a http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Henry_White |
84. Ira J. Taylor Library - Archives - Bishop Henry White Warren Papers The papers of henry white Warren, teacher, lecturer and author, were deposited in the archives 1857, henry white Warren ordained Deacon by Bishop Baker. http://discuss.iliff.edu/archives/warren/ | |
85. White-Boucke Dear Henry ©2004, whiteBoucke Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. DEAR henry (Brian A. Bramson). DEAR henry (Brian A. Bramson). ISBN 1-888580-19-4 Pub date 2002 http://www.white-boucke.com/dearhenry.html | |
86. Sargent - Mrs Henry White http://www.lyons.co.uk/sargent9/html/Mrswhite.htm |
87. Sierra Trading Post: Henry White Sophisticated jacket from henry white of Ireland is a wardrobe staple you can Gorgeous classic jacket from henry white takes autumn days to new heights. http://www.sierratradingpost.com/search/xq/asp/showimages.yes/BrandName.Henry Wh | |
88. The White Bone, By Barbara Gowdy, Reading Group Guide, Henry Holt And Company Pu henry Holt and Company, Books fiction, literature, biography, history, mysteries, childrens, juvenile, young readers, nature, travel, science, cooking. http://www.henryholt.com/readingguides/gowdy.htm | |
89. Hank White Fan Club henry kept his train of thought and focus straight. white s next start should come Tuesday when Mark Prior is expected to make his first start of the http://www.desipio.com/hankwhite.htm | |
90. Author Henry Kirke White, From The Oldpoetry Poetry Archive All poetry.com poets post poetry and share in a free encouraging friendly environment. The best love, angst poems on the net! http://oldpoetry.com/authors/Henry Kirke White | |
91. George Henry White George henry white An Even Chance in the Race of Life. Benjamin R. Justesen. Although he was one of the most important African American political leaders http://www.lsu.edu/lsupress/Books/fall2000/fall2000/justesen.html | |
92. IL Dept Of Agriculture Henry White Experimental Farm Located in St. Clair County, the henry white Farm was bequeathed to the Illinois Department of Planning a visit to the henry white Farm? Please note http://www.agr.state.il.us/Environment/LandWater/henrywhite.html | |
93. Henry White Family History henry white Geneology. henry white, my great grandfather, was born in Monaghan County, Ireland sometime between 1815 to 1820 and died in Baltimore, http://home.att.net/~l.forry/HenryWhite.html | |
94. Henry County Sheriffs Office Ten Most Wanted If you know where they are, call henry County Crime Stoppers toll free at Stottler is described as a white male, 25 years old, 5 ft. http://www.henrycty.com/sheriff/fugitives.html | |
95. WHITE, Henry Julian Translate this page white, henry Julian, * 27 August 1859 in Islington, + 16. Juli 1934 in Oxford, Latinist und Neutestamantler. Er studierte am Christ Church College in Oxford http://www.bautz.de/bbkl/w/white_h_j.shtml | |
96. NCOC: Class 32-70 B Data Walters, William S. . 101st Abn 58th Inf. Plt. Scout Dogs white, henry L. Americal Co B 5/46th 198 LIB http://w3.ime.net/~ncocloca/32-70B.HTM | |
97. Sportal.com.au - Rugby Union henry was dismissive of white. It irritates me if coaches use the media to try white mocked henry s comments and said he could understand why he was http://www.sportal.com.au/union.asp?i=news&id=69341 |
98. Finding Aid To The White House Staff Files Of Henry Hall Wilson white House Staff Files (196163) of henry Hall Wilson, lawyer, government official. Administrative Assistant to the President (1961-67). http://www.jfklibrary.org/fa_wilson_wh.html | |
99. Sport, Rugby, Cricket & League News On Stuff.co.nz: Henry And White Trade More V henry today said he was peeved that white was attempting to influence white defended his actions, saying henry was only irritated because white brought http://www.stuff.co.nz/stuff/0,2106,3369568a10295,00.html | |
100. A Literary Miscellany: Henry Kirke White In 1906 an image of the poet henry Kirke white was reproduced on the menu for a centenary banquet to honour him in his native city of Nottingham. http://longford.nottingham.ac.uk/spotlight/story005/page8.asp | |
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