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121. Family Tree Maker's Genealogy Site: User Home Pages: Lost And Fallen Branches Of Ancestors and descendants of johnny Ray (john) McPhail, Thomas Dyer, Larry Joel west and Katheryne Elaine Summey. http://familytreemaker.genealogy.com/users/m/c/p/Kate-Mcphail/ | |
122. Jumpin' Tyme Bluegrass with a Twist. Their repertoire includes original and traditional compositions and incorporates the music of popular artists like The Eagles, john Denver, Merle Haggard, and Gordon Lightfoot. Based Valley Bend, west Virginia, US. http://jumpintyme.com | |
123. John A. WIlliams With the publication of Safari west, john A. Williams turns to poetry, his first love, while never straying from his exploration of the AfricanAmerican http://aalbc.com/authors/johna.htm | |
124. Rogers Descendants of john Rogers and Eleanor (Nelly) Wilson, who lived in what is now west Virginia. http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/6047/rogers/ |
125. Remarks In Senate west, john C. Remarks in Senate. Tribute, S2854 22MR http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?i108:I12518:i108WELLS.html |
126. Road Photos From John And Barb Bee Various photo pages featuring unique road features of western Pennsylvania and the Northern Panhandle of west Virginia. http://www.geocities.com/usandthem8087/ |
127. John Elway Subaru West, Subaru, Golden, Colorado, New Cars, Used Cars, Auto Repa A Golden, Colorado, car dealer offering new cars, used cars, used trucks, car sales, auto repair, auto parts, car and truck accessories. http://www.johnelway-west.subaru.com/en_US/ | |
128. The Stovers Of Mason County West Virginia Descendants of john J Stover and Catharine (Hartman) Stover. Focus is on the lineages of Mason County, west Virginia, USA. http://blake.prohosting.com/~stevejs/ | |
129. John Steuart Curry: Inventing The Middle West, At The M. H. De Young Memorial Mu john Steuart Curry Inventing the Middle west is the first comprehensive exhibition of Curry s work in over 25 years. In this exhibition Patricia Junker, http://www.tfaoi.com/newsmu/nmus5d.htm | |
130. Don Bosco West Salesians of St. john Bosco 1100 Franklin Street San Francisco, CA 94109 john Rasor. Please send any information to be posted on the Web Site to Fr. http://www.donboscowest.org/ | |
131. John West On Evolution On National Review Online By john G. west. The National Center for Science Education (NCSE) is on the john west is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute and an Associate http://www.nationalreview.com/comment/west200404010900.asp | |
132. Arts And Culture Centres - Newfoundland And Labrador Information on upcoming events for Gander, Corner Brook, St. john's, Stephenville, Grand FallsWindsor and Labrador west. http://www.artsandculturecentre.com/ | |
133. The John Godfrey Website - MP For Don Valley West Liberal MP for the Ontario riding of Don Valley west. http://www.johngodfrey.on.ca/ |
134. Flashback: William F. Buckley Jr. At West Point On John Kerry On National Review commencement address to the United States Military Academy at west Point. A drastic charge, flamboyantly made by decorated veteran john Kerry (now a http://www.nationalreview.com/flashback/wfb200402040837.asp | |
135. Frank Lloyd Wright's SAMARA: HOME History and photographs of Frank Lloyd Wright's 'Usonian' house for Dr john E. Christian (1955), by Professor Robert Sovinski, hosted by Purdue University. http://www.hort.purdue.edu/arch/samara/SAMARA.htm | |
136. Anthologies Of The American West | Featuring HOT BISCUITS And Other Fine Short S Western anthologies from john Jakes, Richard Wheeler, Dale Walker, Max Evans, Robert Randisi, Elmore Leonard, Loren Estleman, Jon Tuska. http://www.readthewest.com/booksAnthologies.html | |
137. John Chapman - South West Tasmania - Bushwalking Guide Book Including Federation Publisher and Author john Chapman Covers all the main tracks and routes in South west and Wild Rivers National Parks in Tasmania. http://www.john.chapman.name/pub-sw.html | |
138. BlueMovieRecords west coast based blues belter. Site includes biographies, reviews, tour schedule and sound samples. Info on his album Impromptu Blue . http://www.bluemovierecords.com/ | |
139. Information On Senator John D. Rockefeller, IV Of West Virginia Senator john D. Rockefeller, IV of west Virginia. john D. Rockefeller, IV DC Address, The Honorable john D. Rockefeller, IV United States Senate http://www.visi.com/juan/congress/cgi-bin/newmemberbio.cgi?member=WVJR&site=ctc |
140. John M. Gates, Ch. 3, The Pacification Of The Philippines - Title Experience in the decadesold 'Indian Wars' in the American west served the US Army veterans well in the war against Philippine irregulars in the 1899-1902 war. By john M. Gates. http://www.wooster.edu/history/jgates/book-ch3.html | |
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