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21. Walter Frank Raphael Weldon - Wikipedia Translate this page Walter Frank raphael weldon, (15 marzo 1860, Highgate, Londra - 13 aprile 1906,Londra), statistica britannico, tar i fondatori della rivista Biometrika http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walter_Frank_Raphael_Weldon | |
22. AIM25: University College London: Weldon Papers Name of creator(s) weldon Walter Frank raphael 18601906 zoologist. CONTEXT.Administrative/Biographical history Born, 15 March 1860; http://www.aim25.ac.uk/cgi-bin/search2?coll_id=2871&inst_id=13 |
23. AIM25: Thesaurus-assisted Personal Name Search 1 Match(es). Your search was. weldon family Papers, 18601935, relatingto Walter Frank raphael weldon, consisting of family and personal papers, http://www.aim25.ac.uk/cgi-bin/thesaurus/thes_search?keyword=Weldon | family&acc |
24. Raphael Sbarge | Find Celebrity Information And More At ActorTracker.com An alien (raphael Sbarge) helps a detective s daughter (Kate Hodge) hunt Starring raphael Sbarge, Kate Hodge, Michael weldon Directed by Seth Pinsker http://www.actortracker.com/s/Raphael_Sbarge.html | |
25. Weldon, Fay -- Encyclopædia Britannica Walter Frank raphael weldon University of St.Andrews Biographical sketch of thisEnglish mathematician who worked on statistical analysis and organic http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9104976 | |
26. Karl Pearson: Information From Answers.com of Geometry at Gresham College; here he met Walter Frank raphael weldon, weldon introduced Pearson to Charles Darwin s cousin Francis Galton, http://www.answers.com/topic/karl-pearson | |
27. William Bateson: Biography And Much More From Answers.com Bateson became involved in a bitter dispute with the biometricians led by hisformer teacher Walter Frank raphael weldon and by Karl Pearson. http://www.answers.com/topic/william-bateson | |
28. CANTON LODGE Joe Walter Terry, Edgar Rufus Trigleth, Charles S. Tucker, Joe Edgar Turner,John Callicout Turner, weldon Harry Tyner, Jr., raphael Thomas Verucchi, http://www.icrr.net/canton8.htm | |
29. Brady Weldon Evangelistic Association, Inc. - Recommended Resources These resources come highly recommended to you by Brady weldon EvangelisticAssociation An Unstoppable Force Erwin raphael McManus, Flagship Resources http://www.bradyweldon.com/resources.html | |
30. No2Violence Israel - Books - Domestic Violence weldon chronicles every second of the passionate, painful marriage, the divorce, Jody raphael is executive director of the Center for Impact Research, http://www.no2violence.co.il/Books/Domestic.htm | |
31. Allscifi Information Page Starring raphael Sbarge, Kate Hodge, Jovin Montanaro, Many years later formerLA detective Tom Beck (weldon), now prematurely aged and hideously http://www.allscifi.com/topics/info_29554.asp | |
32. Portraits De Personnages Celebres : WEL weldon (Walter Frank raphael)(18601906). Photo 1. weldon (Sir WilliamHenry)(1837-1919). Peinture 1. WELGER (Anna). Photo 1. WELITSCH (Ljuba)(1913-1996) http://www.onlipix.com/personnages/wel.htm | |
33. ONLIPIX - Great Names Pictures : WEL weldon (Walter Frank raphael)(18601906). Photo 1. weldon (Sir WilliamHenry)(1837-1919). Painting 1. WELGER (Anna). Photo 1. WELITSCH (Ljuba)(1913-1996) http://www.onlipix.com/personages/wel.htm | |
34. Math Forum: Math Books Recommended By G. Brandenburg, Page 2 Karl Correns) and the scientists (raphael weldon, TH Morgan, and especiallyWilliam Bateson) who, two decades after his death, quarreled over the http://mathforum.org/t2t/faq/brandenburg.new2.html | |
35. Read About Karl Pearson At WorldVillage Encyclopedia. Research Karl Pearson And of Geometry at Gresham College; here he met Walter Frank raphael weldon, weldon introduced Pearson to Francis Galton, who was interested in aspects http://encyclopedia.worldvillage.com/s/b/Karl_Pearson | |
36. Browse By Author: J - Project Gutenberg Jean Froissart, Thomas Malory, raphael Holinshed. Chronicle and Romance (TheHarvard Classics Series) (English) Johnson, James weldon (18711938) http://www.gutenberg.org/browse/authors/j | |
37. DARWINISM: SCIENCE OR PHILOSOPHY? Chapter 5 The turn of the century biometrician, raphael weldon, was another. The moderateDarwinian thinks that natural selection is the most important mechanism of http://www.leaderu.com/orgs/fte/darwinism/chapter5.html | |
38. DiyAudio Forums Archive - Car Enclosure Designs raphael Shaw. I am loking for Ideas and information about speaker encloseres Cal weldon. raphael, I think what Stocker is trying to say is that you have http://www.diyaudio.com/forums/showthread/t-57480.html | |
39. Ess0979 Agreement Analysis, Basic Ess0979b ADAPTIVE IMPORTANCE ess1191, Vertical Density Representation. ess1192, Vitality Measure. ess1193,Wavelets. ess1194, weldon, Walter Frank raphael http://www.isye.gatech.edu/~brani/ess2/ess3a.htm | |
40. Biography-center - Letter W weldon, raphael wwwhistory.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians /weldon.html;weldon, John www.nfb.ca/e/highlights/jo hn_weldon.html http://www.biography-center.com/w.html | |
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