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61. Price Vanmeter Fishback At IDEAS john Joseph wallis Price Fishback Shawn Kantor, 2005. Politics, Relief, and Reform Fishback, Price V. Kantor, Shawn wallis, john Joseph, 2003. http://ideas.repec.org/e/pfi13.html | |
62. Intellectual Property Rights In China: The Changing Political Economy Of Chinese wallis, john Joseph, 1987. Employment, Politics, and Economic Recovery during wallis, john Joseph, 1998. The Political Economy of New Deal Spending http://ideas.repec.org/p/ewc/wpaper/wp39.html | |
63. Archives Hub: Sir Isaac Newton: Papers Add.3977 Correspondence with Henry Oldenburg, john wallis, john Collins, Thomas Tenison, Archbishop of Canterbury, and William Lloyd, Bishop of Worcester, http://www.archiveshub.ac.uk/news/03081803.html | |
64. Individual List - - PhpGedView wallis, Edward john (I6420) Birth 1882 Adelong, NSW, Australia wallis, Elizabeth (I6421) Birth 1866 Tumut, NSW, Australia wallis, http://www.hattam.co.uk/familytree/indilist.php?surname=Wallis |
65. SmartChristian Blog » ADDRESSING “I FOLLOW” CHRISTIAN BLOGGING Does your blog loudly and publicly declare I follow john Piper, Brian McLaren, Jim wallis, john MacArthur, or RC Sproul? I could easily name others. http://smartchristian.com/blog/?p=1933 |
66. Ronald Coase Institute: Conference Attendees wallis, john, University of Maryland, USA, wallis@econ.bsos.umd.edu. Wang, Ning, University of Chicago, USA, ningwang@uchicago.edu http://coase.org/conferenceattendeeslist.htm | |
67. John Wallis To read some selections from A Treatise on Algebra (1685) by john wallis. The following are a few selected items relating to john wallis and his http://www.dean.usma.edu/math/people/rickey/hm/john_wallis.htm | |
68. The Galileo Project CJ Scriba, A Tentative Index of the Correspondence of john wallis, _, The Autobiography of john wallis, FRS, Notes and Records of the Royal http://galileo.rice.edu/Catalog/NewFiles/wallis.html | |
69. Maryland Population Research Center john Joseph wallis (2003) The Public Promotion of Private Interest (Groups) john Joseph wallis (2001) A History of the Property Tax in America http://www.popcenter.umd.edu/people/wallis_john/pubs.shtml | |
70. London Pollbooks, 1713: Voters, U - Z | British History Online Waller, john, bre A wallis, Jacob, sad A wallis, john, clo A wallis, john, cp A wallis, john, mer B568 wallis, john, mer A124B8 wallis, Richard, dye B http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.asp?compid=38814 |
71. EH.Net Encyclopedia: Historical Political Business Cycles In The United States wallis, john J. Employment, Politics, and Economic Recovery during the Great wallis, john J. The Political Economy of New Deal Spending Revisited, http://www.eh.net/encyclopedia/?article=heckelman.political.business.cycles |
72. Bibliography wallis, john, 16161703, Johannis wallis Opera mathematica wallis, john, 1616-1703, Opera mathematica / mit einem Vorwort von Christoph J. Scriba http://www.library.cornell.edu/math/bibliography/display.cgi?start=W& |
73. Research - Arts & Cultures - University Of Newcastle wallis, john (1714 1793) 2004. Davis, Peter and Boulger, GS. www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/28573. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography http://www.ncl.ac.uk/sacs/research/publications/publication/24345 | |
74. Professor John Wallis - Professor Of Organic Chemistry Email john wallis. Postal address School of Biomedical and Natural Sciences, Nottingham Trent University, Clifton Lane, Nottingham, NG11 8NS http://www.ntu.ac.uk/research/schoolofbiomedicalandnaturalsciences/academic prof | |
75. CMKB: LIMK1 - Isoforms Wendl, Michael C, Yang, ShiawPyng, Schultz, Brian R, wallis, john W, Spieth, john, Bieri, Tamberlyn A, Nelson, Joanne O, Berkowicz, Nicolas, Wohldmann, http://data.cellmigration.org/cmckb/report.cgi?report=prot_isoforms&prot_acc=LIM |
76. BARNICOAT, John Wallis - 1966 Encyclopaedia Of New Zealand Te Ara The Encyclopedia of New Zealand is a comprehensive guide to the countrys peoples, natural environment, history, culture, economy, institutions and http://www.teara.govt.nz/1966/B/BarnicoatJohnWallis/BarnicoatJohnWallis/en | |
77. The United States Of America Laid Down From The Best Authorities, Agreeable To T Publisher London john wallis Type Separate Map Note Hand colored. Publication Author wallis, john, 17141793 Pub Date 1783.0 http://www.davidrumsey.com/maps5481.html | |
78. Die 18-Loch-Golfanlage In Der Rhonetalebene Im Wallis - John Chilver-Stainer - D Translate this page Die offiziellen Informationen von wallis Tourismus. wallis Tourismus stellt Ihnen vollst?ige Informationen ?ber die Feriendestinationen, die Winter und http://www.matterhornstate.ch/de/Wallis-SportVS-GolfVS-34339.html | |
79. Leeds University Business School: Staff: All Academic Staff Mr, john, Hillard, Director of Taught Postgraduate Studies Dr, Emma, wallis, Research Fellow, Workplace Learning and Performance http://lubswww.leeds.ac.uk/lubs/ | |
80. ::..:: Gathering My Way ::..:: posted by john @ 1013 AM. . living, loving, learning. About Me. Namejohn wallis LocationLewes, Delaware, United States. View my complete profile http://gatheringmyway.blogspot.com/ | |
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