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81. Site Unknown Comprehensive guide to Scotland's fight against three English kings. The story of the struggle fought and won by william wallace and Robert Bruce. http://www.scotlands-war.com | |
82. Walk For Wallace Index Page David R Ross's walk to London in August 2005, commemorating the route taken by william wallace, during August 1305 when he was taken to his death. http://www.walkforwallace.com | |
83. William Wallace The Truth Archive of historical details, reviews of books dedicated to the Scot, and links related to the Scottish Wars for Independence. http://www.highlanderweb.co.uk/wallace/index2.html | |
84. Cecilia s......Home Search People wallace, william Vincent wallace, william Vincent.wallace, william Vincent. Collection http://www.cecilia-uk.org/html/search/verb/ListIdentifiers/set/agentName/1141 | |
85. Judges Of The United States Courts wallace, william James. Born April 14, 1837, in Syracuse, NY Died March 11, 1917,in Jacksonville, FL Federal Judicial Service http://air.fjc.gov/servlet/tGetInfo?jid=2485 |
86. Judges Of The United States Courts wallace, william Robert. Born February 21, 1886, in Troy, TX Died June 24, 1960Federal Judicial Service US District Court, Western District of Oklahoma http://air.fjc.gov/servlet/tGetInfo?jid=2486 |
87. Handbook Of Texas Online: WALLACE, WILLIAM ALEXANDER ANDERSON [BIGFOOT] Handbook of Texas Online, sv wallace, william ALEXANDER ANDERSON BIGFOOT, http//www.tsha.utexas.edu/handbook/online/articles/WW/fwa36.html (accessed http://www.tsha.utexas.edu/handbook/online/articles/WW/fwa36_print.html | |
88. Davenport: FANNIN AND HIS MEN, 1936 (hd_441.html) wallace, william, First Sergeant. Age Married, Wyatt s Company. May 17, 1855,James S. Gillett, Adjutant General, certified that the name of william wallace http://www.tsha.utexas.edu/supsites/fannin/hd_441.html | |
89. Book Wallace, William Books price comparison and prices (wallace, william). BOOKS BIOGRAPHIES MEMOIRS HISTORICAL BRITISH wallace, william http://books.idealo.com/875R89C5K0-Biographies-Memoirs-Historical-British-Wallac | |
90. WILLIAM ROSS WALLACE wallace, william Ross. william Ross wallace, lawyer and poet, was born inLexington, Kentucky, in 1819. He studied law at Hanover College, in Indiana, http://www.niulib.niu.edu/badndp/wallace_william.html | |
91. GUIDE TO THE COLLECTION OF WILLIAM LUXON WALLACE In May 1978 Mrs. Velma wallace, wife of william Luxon wallace, donated the wallace william Luxon wallace, lawyer and politician, was born in Richmond, http://www.library.eku.edu/collections/sca/manuscripts/wallacew.htm | |
92. Review Of Metaphysics, The: Wallace, William A. Domingo De Soto And The Early Ga Access the article, wallace, william A. Domingo de Soto and the Early Galileo.(BookReview) from Review of Metaphysics, The, a publication in the field of http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_hb3545/is_200406/ai_n8362705 | |
93. Somerset County Council wallace, william. Division, Blackmoor Vale. Picture. Address, Lemons Ground,Yenston, Somerset, BA8 0NG. Telephone, (01963) 370423. Fax, (01963) 371468 http://www.somerset.gov.uk/council/member.asp?councillor_id=104 |
94. Cowley Publications Catalog Top » Catalog » AUTHOR INDEX » Blainewallace, william My Account Cart Contents Beckmann, Kim (1) Blaine-wallace, william (1) Bonhoeffer, Dietrich (1) http://www.cowleypublications.org/catalog/default.php?cPath=47_53 |
95. William Wallace Portrait Headstone Photograph Headstone Text Big william Alexander Anderson (Bigfoot) wallace, soldier and Texas Ranger, He was descended from Highlanders william wallace and Robert Bruce, http://www.cemetery.state.tx.us/pub/user_form.asp?step=1&pers_id=347 |
96. REVOLUTIONARY WAR PENSION APPLICATION - WILLIAM WEYMOUTH WALLACE REVOLUTIONARY WAR PENSION APPLICATION william WEYMOUTH wallace Contributed byWard Hamilton forsyth1789@aol.com http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/nh/rockingham/military/revwar/pensions/wall |
97. Abercrombie Babb Conkle Wallace Family Cemetery Inscriptions Henry wallace); Emma Ophelia (wife of John Massey); Mary Jane william K. Their and william Carson wallace (s/o Alevia Elizabeth Babb Charles wallace). http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/ga/henry/cemeteries/cemetery1/a1620001.txt |
98. The Political Graveyard: Index To Politicians: Wallace Brother of Benjamin Franklin wallace and william Henson wallace; wallace,william J. of New Jersey. Single Tax candidate for US Senator from New http://politicalgraveyard.com/bio/wallace.html | |
99. Composition-and-songwriting: Composers: W: Wallace,-william So Musical william wallace Scottish Composer 18601940. Analysis of four works, The Passingof Beatrice, Villon, Sir william wallace, and Sister Helen plus http://www.somusical.com/composition-and-songwriting/composers/w/wallace_-willia | |
100. Global Village Energy Project: Our Partners: Wallace, William william wallace. 1617 Cole Blvd. MS 2721 Golden 804013393 United Stateswallaceb@public3.bta.net.cn Project Manager, NREL - National Renewable Energy http://gvep.org/content/directory/detail/7334 | |
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