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61. Lukas Foss (The Lied And Art Song Texts Page: Texts And Translations To Lieder, Song cycles and individual song based on lyrics from wallace Stevens, W. H. Auden, A. E. Housman, Franz Kafka, Friedrich Nietzsche, and william Shakespeare. Includes lyrics not under copyright. http://www.recmusic.org/lieder/f/foss.html | |
62. Books & Literature/Poetry/W/Wallace, William Ross Poetry by william Ross wallace. Browse the poetry database. http://search.able2know.com/Books___Literature/Poetry/W/Wallace__William_Ross/ | |
63. Braveheart @ MacBraveHeart : Keeping Alive The Spirit Of Braveheart Focuses mainly on the motion picture Braveheart, starring Mel Gibson, based on the life of william wallace. Includes a detailed account of the life of wallace and articles on Scottish history and culture. http://www.macbraveheart.co.uk/ | |
64. USS William Wallace NCC 2045 The USS william wallace, NCC2045, a Nebula refit is serving in Gauss Group, Task Force 93. http://www.angelfire.com/scifi/WilliamWallace/ | |
65. Wallace, A. R. -- Wallace, William Ross: In Cornell University's Making Of Ameri wallace, william, The Gods of Old. An Ode. The American Whig Review, vol. wallace, william A, Senator, The Mission of the Democratic Party. http://cdl.library.cornell.edu/moa/browse.author/w.16.html | |
66. Find A Grave - Millions Of Cemetery Records And Online Memorials Memorial plaque located at St Bart's Hospital, Smithfield. Also portrait and photographs, biographical sketch, and interactive visitor comments from Find A Grave. http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=2411 |
67. Cornell University Making Of America Searching for wallace, william , Previous set wallace, william A., Senator,1. wallace, william Ross, 14. wallace, Wm. Ross, 2. Waller, Elwyn, 1 http://cdl.library.cornell.edu/cgi-bin/moa/sgml/ww-idx?type=author&q1=Wallace, W |
68. MacBraveHeart Provides biographical information on william wallace, fan testaments, FAQ, images, fan art, and related links. http://www.braveheart.co.uk/ | |
69. MOH Citation For William Wallace Full text Medal of Honor Citation for william wallace. http://www.homeofheroes.com/moh/citations_1865_ind/wallace.html | |
70. Falkirk Another description of the battle, and the betrayal of william wallace. http://www.nwlink.com/~scotlass/falkirk.htm | |
71. EUI Online Publications: Items For Author WALLACE, William Items for Author wallace, william in All of DSpace Bridge Too Far The UnitedKingdom and the Transatlantic Relationship, wallace, william; OLIVER, Tim http://cadmus.iue.it/dspace/items-by-author?author=WALLACE, William |
72. Medieval Scotland A collection of articles by Sharon L. Krossa, including such topics as handfasting, kilts, william wallace, and Robert Bruce. Also a bibliography and links for Scottish medieval names, clothing, history, and literature. http://www.medievalscotland.org/ | |
73. Smokejumpers.com :. Wallace, William V. (McCall 1943) Home of The National Smokejumper Association. Your source for smokejumping news,products, forums, history, and much, much more! http://www.smokejumpers.com/obituaries/item.php?obituaries_id=138 |
74. Genealogy Search Engine: WALLACE, PURCELL, LILLIAN, CROMARTIE, WILLIAM, DAVIS, J free genealogy web site wallace, LILLIAN, PURCELL, william, CROMARTIE, JACQULYN,DAVIS, TEXAS, AARA, AARON, MD OR PA, MARGARET, PENNSYLVANIA, KENTUCKY, http://www.kindredkonnections.com/wallacegenealogy/WALLACE-2.html | |
75. BRAVEHEART! The Movie, The Man; The Unending Dream Provides a script, brief history of william wallace, and photos. http://members.tripod.com/~TroubleCat/Braveheart/Braveheart.html | |
76. Genealogy Data: WALLACE, MARY, JUNIATA CO PA, MAYBE, PHILLIP, LUCINDA, WI, COKEN wallace, AE, Born 1831, wallace, william, GILLESPIE, SOPHIA, ,, TENNESSEE,AE wallace Born 1869, wallace, william, MOORE, MARY, ,, IL, http://www.kindredkonnections.com/wallacegenealogy/WALLACE-1.html | |
77. FREEDOM-L Link to a mailing list dedicated to discussion of william wallace, Robert the Bruce, and other important figures in the Scottish Wars of Independence. http://members.aol.com/diobarach/index.html | |
78. William John Associates - Doug Wallace - William John Associates Maine Expert Wi Doug wallace. Firm Name william John Associates PO Box 941959 Maitland, FL 32794Phone This Expert Witness Tel 407660-8554 Fax 407-647-4655 http://expertpages.com/details.php/3700_3817_406_20_121.htm | |
79. Scotland's Past Details his early years, famous battles and execution. http://www.scotlandspast.org/wallaceID1.cfm | |
80. Wallace,William wallace,william (1933). Sex, Male. Comments. Trio Concertante. Written, 1986.Duration. Comments. Publisher, Unknown. Inst. 3 Clarinet in Bb, Piano, http://test.woodwind.org/Databases/Composers/Names/010578.html | |
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