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21. Information On WALLACE WILLIAM THOMAS JR wallace william THOMAS JR. Name WO1 William Thomas Wallace, Jr. Status KilledIn Action from an incident on 06/04/1970 while performing the duty of Pilot. http://www.flyarmy.org/K12067.HTM | |
22. Tourist Travel Information Visitor Guide To Scotland, Hotels Scotland, Weekend B effort to ensure that your scotland wallace william questions are answered.Browse through our site to find you scotland wallace william answers, http://www.in-scotland.co.uk/index.asp?title=scotland wallace william |
23. 1850 Census Of Ohio County, KY P.42a 28 582 582 Bland Richard 15 M Farmer Kentucky 29 583 583 wallace william 49 MFarmer 500 Maryland 30 583 583 Wallace Amanda 35 F Kentucky 31 583 583 Wallace http://www.fortunecity.com/meltingpot/ormonde/2/42a.htm | |
24. Sir William Wallace Of Ellerslie "from Outlaw To Guardian Of Scotland" - Backgro Kyn Wai Chung s biography includes a chronology of the Battle at Stirling Bridgewith route maps and a bibliography. http://www.waichung.demon.co.uk/william/wallace.htm | |
25. Sir William Wallace Of Ellerslie "from Outlaw To Guardian Of Scotland" - The Out Having reached Ellerslie, william wallace s uncle, Sir Reginald de Crauford On william wallace s return to Riccarton, his uncle, Sir Richard wallace was http://www.waichung.demon.co.uk/william/outlaw.htm | |
26. MY TRIBUTE TO WILLIAM WALLACE Paul Waters offers historical information, photos, and a quick overview of the motion picture Braveheart. http://www.angelfire.com/ok3/Braveheart | |
27. Trials Without Justice - William Wallace - Braveheart - Page 1 Sixteen chapters on the struggle for both the Scottish throne and the nation's independence from Carole D. Bos. http://www.lawbuzz.com/justice/braveheart/braveheart.htm | |
28. William Wallace: Scottish Composer 1860-1940 Analysis of four works, The Passing of Beatrice, Villon, Sir william wallace, and Sister Helen plus biographical information. http://www.musicweb.uk.net/wallace/ | |
29. William Wallace The Truth william wallace the truth. braveheart and hero of scotland hammer of the englishand scotlands greatest patriot who became the nations uncrowned leader. http://www.highlanderweb.co.uk/wallace/ | |
30. Click2Flicks - Braveheart - Chapter 1 - Preface Historical background for the main character in the form of a story, with links to relevant resources embedded into the text, and some photographs. http://www.click2flicks.com/braveheart/braveheart_ch1.htm | |
31. William Wallace - The Truth william wallace The Truth We ve moved to . THIS PLACE! http://www.highlanderweb.co.uk/wallace/home.htm | |
32. MAGIC DRAGON MULTIMEDIA HOME PAGE Modern and historical images and information concerning Robert Bruce and william wallace. http://www.magicdragon.com/ | |
33. Sir William Wallace (Braveheart) - Britannia Biographies A brief biography of Sir william wallace (Braveheart). http://www.britannia.com/bios/wallace.html | |
34. Scottish History Origins...up To William Wallace Robert M. Gunn tells the story of Scotland, including its rulers, up to william wallace. http://members.aol.com/Skyelander/menu2.html | |
35. William Wallace - William Wallace Sword william wallace was born in January in 1272 in the Scotish city of Elerslie (near william wallace battled against the English with its famous swords. http://www.aceros-de-hispania.com/william-wallace-sword.htm | |
36. The Book Page: Free Online Books Classic obscure antiquarian science texts 19th and 20th century Darwin's Voyage of the Beagle,Thomas Huxley's Lectures on Evolution, George Grant McCurdy, John Tyndall Lectures on Light, Alfred Russel wallace, Erwin Schrodinger's What is Life?, EW Maunder's Are the Planets Inhabited? JBS Haldane's Daedalus, Bertrand Russell's Icarus, william Paley's Natural Theology http://home.att.net/~p.caimi/oremia.html | |
37. Office Theories, thoughts, links to business and economics sites, and online resume. http://homepages.stmartin.edu/fac_staff/dwallace/index.htm | |
38. William Harvey Lamb Wallace wallace, william Harvey Lamb, soldier, born in Urbana, Ohio, 8 July, 1821; diedin Savannah, Start your search on william Harvey Lamb wallace. http://www.famousamericans.net/williamharveylambwallace/ | |
39. William Wallace Tartan Army Match and travel information, a tribute to Sir william wallace, photographs, and links. http://www.williamwallaceta.com/ | |
40. Wallace, William Ross william Ross wallace Son of Rev. Matthew G. wallace, a Presbyterian preacher,was a native of Kentucky, born at Lexington in 1819; well educated; http://www.wvu.edu/~lawfac/jelkins/lp-2001/wallace.html | |
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