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Wald Abraham: more books (32) |
41. Jewish Economists Robert Solow; Joseph Stiglitz; Jacob Viner; abraham wald Amos Tversky;Jacob Viner; abraham wald; Henry Wallich; Murray Weidenbaum; Jacob Wolfowitz http://www.jinfo.org/Economists.html | |
42. Jewish Computer & Information Scientists Andrew Viterbi; abraham wald; Peter Weinberger; Joseph Weizenbaum; Norbert Wiener;Jerome Wiesner; Stephen Wiesner; Avi Wigderson; Shmuel Winograd http://www.jinfo.org/Computer_Scientists.html | |
43. Wald Poznati statisticari abraham Vold (abraham wald, 19021950). strelica.gif (1686bytes) StrelicaDesno.gif (1944 bytes) http://statlab.fon.bg.ac.yu/srb1/IstorijaVer/mat11.htm |
44. Nuclear Weapons Program Could Get Own Police Force MATTHEW L. WALD / NY Times 8m MATTHEW L. wald / NY Times 8may04. WASHINGTON, May 7 Facing questions about The secretary, Spencer abraham, also said that the department would reduce http://www.mindfully.org/Nucs/2004/Police-Force-Nuclear8may04.htm | |
45. Report Questions Bush Plan For Hydrogen-Fueled Cars MATTHEW L. WALD / NY Times 6 MATTHEW L. wald / NY Times 6feb04. WASHINGTON, Feb. I see it as not only awise investment for America, Mr. abraham said, but really where the world http://www.mindfully.org/Energy/2004/Hydrogen-Fuel-Cell-Cars6feb04.htm | |
46. Abraham Wald Translate this page resultado de abraham wald, Encontrados 139 resultados 1835-1917) wald,abraham (1902 - 1950) Walras, Léon (1834-1910 http://buscador.hispavista.com/abraham-wald/ | |
47. Abraham Maslow Translate this page Mas-Colell, Andreu (1944-) Maslow, abraham (1908-1970) Max-Neef, Manfred (1932 1835-1917) wald, abraham (1902 - 1950) Walras, Léon (1834-1910 http://buscador.hispavista.com/abraham-maslow/ | |
48. Lakatos Collection Authors T-Z wald, abraham. Statistical decision functions / A. wald. London Chapman Hall,1950. (Wiley publications in statistics series). QA279.4 W15 LAK. http://library-2.lse.ac.uk/collections/lakatos/lakatos_t.htm | |
49. Urban Legends Reference Pages: College (The Unsolvable Math Problem) Around 1950 I received a letter from abraham wald enclosing the final galleyproofs of a paper of his about to go to press in the Annals of Mathematical http://www.snopes.com/college/homework/unsolvable.asp | |
50. Names Of Location Theorists wald, abraham Walker, RA Warntz, William Watts, HD Webber, Melvin Webber, Michael,Weber, Alfred (18681958) Weber, Max Weigmann, H. Wingo, Lowdon http://faculty.washington.edu/~krumme/450/names.html | |
51. UC Irvine | The Paul Merage School Of Business abraham wald, another founder of theoretical statistics, went further Thequestion as to how the form of the weight that is, loss function should be http://www.gsm.uci.edu/econsoc/McCloskey.html | |
52. 1858 Tax Census For Jews Living In Jakobstadt (M Thru Z) SINABURG, 175, 613, Itzik s 1st cousin Itzik abraham Sinaburg, Joel Isaac wald, 169, 594, Lipke s wife Chaye Ida, 45, Chaye JANKELOWITZ http://members.aol.com/paulfile/S1858M-Z.htm | |
53. Earliest Known Uses Of Some Of The Words Of Mathematics (B) Bayes Risk and Bayes Solution are terms used in abraham wald s classical wald used the term Bayes solution in his An Essentially Complete Class http://members.aol.com/jeff570/b.html | |
54. Awards - Special Lectures Info The wald Memorial Lectures honors Professor abraham wald. The wald Lecturer givestwo, three or four one hour talks on one subject. http://www.imstat.org/awards/lectures.htm | |
55. IMS Awards wald, abraham Wallace, David L. Wallis, W. Allen Wang, JaneLing Wang, SuojinWasserman, Larry A. Waterman, Michael S. Watson, GS Watterson, Geoffrey A. http://www.imstat.org/awards/honored_fellows.htm | |
56. SSRN-Abraham Wald's Equilibrium Existence Proof Reconsidered By Reinhard John SSRNabraham wald s Equilibrium Existence Proof Reconsidered by Reinhard John. http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=151468 |
57. Sociological Methods & Research -- Sign In Page ISI; wald, abraham 1943. Test of Statistical Hypotheses Concerning SeveralParameters When the Number of Observation is Large. http://smr.sagepub.com/cgi/content/refs/32/4/453 | |
58. Franco Modigliani - Autobiography in an informal seminar which met in New York around 194041, whose membersincluded, among others, abraham wald, Tjalling Koopmans and Oscar Lange. http://nobelprize.org/economics/laureates/1985/modigliani-autobio.html | |
59. Abraham's Bosom - Definition Of Abraham's Bosom By The Free Online Dictionary, T Meaning of abraham s bosom. What does abraham s bosom mean? abraham s bosom synonyms abraham W. Venable abraham wald abraham Watkins Venable http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Abraham's bosom | |
60. Henry B. Mann At Columbia he had the opportunity of working with abraham wald in the departmentof economics, which at that time was headed by Harold Hotelling. http://www.math.ohio-state.edu/history/biographies/mann/ | |
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