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61. Johann (John) Von Neumann Writes The "First Draft" In June 1945, Johann (john) von neumann published a paper entitled First Draft of a report to the EDVAC, in which he presented all of the basic elements of http://www.maxmon.com/1944ad.htm | |
62. John Von Neumann Translate this page Difusión científica. Biografías de astrónomos, físicos y matemáticos destacados. http://www.astrocosmo.cl/biografi/b-j-v_neumann.htm | |
63. Von Neumann, John. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001-05 von neumann, john. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 200105. http://www.bartleby.com/65/vo/VonNeuma.html | |
64. Dictionary Of Philosophy Of Mind - Von Neumann, John von neumann, john (b. 1903 Budapest, Hungary, d. Washington, DC, 1957. Ph.D. mathematics, University of Budapest, 1926). http://philosophy.uwaterloo.ca/MindDict/vonneumann.html | |
65. Von Neumann, John (1903-1957) von neumann, john (19031957) von neumann devised the so-called von neumann architecture used in all modern computers and studied cellular automata in http://www.daviddarling.info/encyclopedia/V/von_Neumann.html | |
66. History Of Computing Science: John Von Neumann Part of a multipage presentation on the history of computers. This page talks about von neumann s contributions to the idea of stored programs. http://www.eingang.org/Lecture/neumann.html | |
67. The John Von Neumann Minerva Center For Verification Of Reactive Systems The john von neumann Minerva Center for Verification of Reactive Systems The john von neumann Minerva Center for Verification of Reactive Systems http://www.wisdom.weizmann.ac.il/~verify/index.shtml | |
68. ISCID - John Von Neumann The International Society for Complexity, Information, and Design (ISCID) is a crossdisciplinary professional society that investigates complex systems http://www.iscid.org/vonneumann.php | |
69. Von Neumann, John von neumann, john (19031957) He invented his rings of operators (called von neumann algebras) in the late 1930s, and also contributed to set theory, http://www.cartage.org.lb/en/themes/Biographies/MainBiographies/V/VonNeumann/1.h | |
70. Read About John Von Neumann At WorldVillage Encyclopedia. Research John Von Neum john von neumann. Everything you wanted to know about john von neumann but had no clue how to find it.. Learn about john von neumann here! http://encyclopedia.worldvillage.com/s/b/John_von_Neumann | |
71. John Von Neumann From FOLDOC john von neumann. person /jon von noy mahn/ Born 190312-28, died 1957-02-08. A Hungarian-born mathematician who did pioneering work in quantum physics, http://foldoc.doc.ic.ac.uk/foldoc/foldoc.cgi?von Neumann, John |
72. Von Neumann From FOLDOC In contrast to a Turing machine, a von neumann machine has a von neumann, john. john von neumann. Try this search on Wikipedia, OneLook, Google http://foldoc.doc.ic.ac.uk/foldoc/foldoc.cgi?Von Neumann |
73. FFK: Fechenbach.de - Schaufenster Für Buch Und Politik Buchhandlung in Lage mit Belletristik und Sachbuch sowie Postkarten, H¶rb¼chern und mehr. Auerdem bietet die Website Informationen zur Person von Felix Fechenbach (1894 1933). http://www.fechenbach.de/ | |
74. John Louis Von Neumann von neumann, john, Theory of SelfReproducing Automata. john von neumann Collected Works, 1903-1957, 6 Vols., Pergamon Press, Oxford (UK) (1961-63). http://www.aeiveos.com/~bradbury/Authors/Computing/VonNeumann-J/ | |
75. IEEE John Von Neumann Medal IEEE Awards, IEEE john von neumann Medal, Recognition. http://www.ieee.org/portal/site/mainsite/menuitem.818c0c39e85ef176fb2275875bac26 |
76. IEEE John Von Neumann Medal Recipients list of past recipients for IEEE john von neumann Medal. http://www.ieee.org/portal/site/mainsite/menuitem.818c0c39e85ef176fb2275875bac26 |
77. International Social Science Review: John Von Neumann's Contribution To Economic Full text of the article, john von neumann s contribution to economic science from International Social Science Review, a publication in the field of http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0IMR/is_3-4_79/ai_113139424 | |
78. Course Technology--InfoWeb: John Von Neumann Perhaps the greatest mathematician of his time, john von neumann Chapter Four discusses the life and contributions of john von neumann in many areas, http://www.cciw.com/content/neumann.html | |
79. Biography: John Von Neumann - 1903-1957, Atomic Bomb And Computers john von neumann was born in Budapest, Hungary on December 28, 1903. His contributions were in the john von neumann and the Origins of Modern Computing. http://www.light-science.com/vonneumann.html | |
80. The Von Neumann Architecture Of Computer Systems The name applied to it comes from john von neumann, who as author of two In Taub, AH, editor, john von neumann Collected Works, The Macmillan Co., http://www.csupomona.edu/~hnriley/www/VonN.html | |
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