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21. Mises, Ludwig Von -- Britannica Student Encyclopedia richard von mises Biography of this Austrianborn American mathematician and aerodynamicist who notably advanced the theory of probability. http://www.britannica.com/ebi/article-9312530 | |
22. Richard Von Mises - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia In aerodynamics, richard von mises made notable advances in Geburtstag von richard von mises , Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 63 (7) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_von_Mises | |
23. Von Mises Stress - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Applied mathematician richard von mises came up with the von mises Criterion in 1913. Also known as the maximum distortion energy criterion, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Von_Mises_stress | |
24. Richard Ebeling: Short Biography richard M. Ebeling is president of The Foundation for Economic Education. Prior to his appointment at FEE, he was the Ludwig von mises Professor of http://www.fff.org/aboutUs/bios/rme.asp | |
25. The Future Of Freedom Foundation -- Book Reviews By Richard M. Ebeling edited by Kevin Dowd and richard H. Timberlake Jr. (July 1998) Austrian Economics for Investors Ludwig von mises Goes to Wall Street http://www.fff.org/issues/listRME-reviews.asp | |
26. Mises, Richard Von mises, richard von (18831953). Austrian mathematician and aerodynamicist who von mises was born in Lemberg (now Lvov, Ukraine), and educated at Vienna. http://www.cartage.org.lb/en/themes/Biographies/MainBiographies/M/Mises/1.html | |
27. Library Of Economics And Liberty: Biographies In Brief BöhmBawerk was influenced by Carl Menger; Ludwig von mises and Joseph richard Whately, Archbishop of Dublin and Professor of Political Economy at the http://www.econlib.org/library/briefbios.html | |
28. Editorial Bibliography, Ludwig Von Mises, Money, And The Fall And Rise Of Classi The Selected Writings of Ludwig von mises, ed. richard M. Eberling (Indianapolis Liberty Fund, 2000) 3 vols. These books can be ordered from Liberty http://www.econlib.org/library/Essays/LtrLbrty/msEdBib1.html | |
29. Mises, Richard Von (1883-1953) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Biog mises, richard von (18831953) mises, R. von. Mathematical Theory of Probability and Statistics. New York Academic Press, 1964. mises, R. von. http://scienceworld.wolfram.com/biography/Mises.html | |
30. Ludwig Von Mises: Information From Answers.com He was the older brother of richard von mises, who developed the Distortion energy theory of stress. von mises was still a small boy when his family moved http://www.answers.com/topic/ludwig-von-mises | |
31. Richard Von Mises About the life and studies of richard von mises. richard von mises, Austrianborn American mathematician, engineer, and positivist philosopher, http://www.philosophyprofessor.com/philosophers/richard-von-mises.php | |
32. Richard Von Mises - Definition Of Richard Von Mises In Encyclopedia richard von mises.richard von mises (19 April 1883 14 July 1953) was a scientist who worked on fluid mechanics, aerodynamics, aeronautics, statistics and http://encyclopedia.laborlawtalk.com/Richard_von_Mises | |
33. Richard Von Mises - Enpsychlopedia In aerodynamics, richard von mises made notable advances in Only with the appointment of richard von mises to the University of Berlin did the first http://psychcentral.com/psypsych/Richard_von_Mises | |
34. Ludwig Von Mises - Enpsychlopedia Studying under Carl Grünberg, von mises started off as an exponent of the socalled Liberalism Contributions to liberal theory richard von mises http://psychcentral.com/psypsych/Ludwig_von_Mises | |
35. Richard Von Mises -- Facts, Info, And Encyclopedia Article richard von mises (19 April 1883 14 July 1953) was a scientist who worked on richard von mises died in (A state in New England; one of the original 13 http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/encyclopedia/r/ri/richard_von_mises.htm | |
36. Ludwig Von Mises -- Facts, Info, And Encyclopedia Article (Click link for more info and facts about richard von mises) richard von mises Ludwig s brother (Click link for more info and facts about Ludwig von mises http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/encyclopedia/l/lu/ludwig_von_mises.htm | |
37. Biography Of Richard Strigl (1891-1943) biography of economist richard von Strigl. Image of mises Coat of Arms Ludwig von mises Institute 518 West Magnolia Avenue Auburn, Alabama 368324528 http://www.mises.org/content/striglbio.asp | |
38. Who Is Ludwig Von Mises? richard von mises, Ludwig s brother, the mathematician, dies. 19541955. January 1954 to April 1955 Adviser to National Association of Manufacturers. http://www.mises.org/content/mises.asp | |
39. Richard-von-Mises-Preis Translate this page Ausschreibung des richard-von-mises-Preises der GAMM Das richard-von-mises-Preiskomitee prüft die Unterlagen (Alter und wissenschaftlicher Werdegang, http://www.gamm-ev.de/rm_preis.htm | |
40. Richard-von-Mises-Preis Translate this page The GAMM donated a richard-von-mises-Preis for outstanding scientific performances in the area of applied mathematics and mechanics. http://www.gamm-ev.de/english/Gamm_eng/rm_preis.htm | |
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