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Von Mises Hilda Geiringer: more detail | ||||
41. Biographies Of Women Mathematical Scientists And History Of Women In Mathematica 167, R. SiegmundSchultze, hilda geiringer-von mises, Charlier series ideology,and the human side of the emancipation of applied mathematics at the http://darkwing.uoregon.edu/~vitulli/WomenInMath/Publications/Bibliographies/bio | |
42. Sources Of Portraits Of Statisticians Die Mathematik war eing Halt und eine Freude hilda geiringer zum 100 Geburtstag,Koruphy aumlaut;e 15 mises, Richard von 18831953. Frontispiece from http://www.york.ac.uk/depts/maths/histstat/people/sources.htm | |
43. Portraits Of Statisticians geiringer, hilda 18931973. GINI, Corrado 1884-1965. GNANADESIKAN, Ramanathan mises, Richard von 1883-1953. MITRA, Sujit Kumar 1932-2004 http://www.york.ac.uk/depts/maths/histstat/people/welcome.htm |
44. List Of Mathematicians Francis Galton (Britain, 1822 â 1911); Carl Friedrich Gauss (Germany, 1777 1855); hilda geiringer von mises (1893-1973); Gerhard Gentzen (Germany, http://www.algebra.com/algebra/about/history/List-of-mathematicians.wikipedia | |
45. List Of Mathematicians - Art History Online Reference And Guide hilda geiringer von mises (18931973); Gerhard Gentzen (Germany, 1909 - 1945);Joseph Diaz Gergonne (France, 1771-1859); Sophie Germain (France, http://www.arthistoryclub.com/art_history/List_of_mathematicians |
46. Untitled Document hilda Hudson hilda von geiringer mises Hypatia of Alexandria Ingrid DaubechiesJulia Robinson Karen Uhlenbeck Kathleen M Antonelli Krystyna Kuperberg http://science.kennesaw.edu/~mmyers/1101fa03/bio_misc.html | |
47. Biblioteca Centrale Di Ingegneria - Leonardo - Elenco Nuove Accessioni *Probability, statistics and truth / Richard von mises. 2. rev. English ed./ prepared by hilda geiringer. - New York Dover, 1981. http://bci.biblio.polimi.it/accessioni7.html | |
48. MathBirthdays - Wednesday, September 28 Time, All day event. Summary, 1893 hilda geiringer von mises. Time, All dayevent. Summary, 1901 Kurt Otto Friedrichs http://educationaltechnology.ca/dan/calendars/print.php?cal=mathBirthdays&getdat |
49. MathBirthdays - September 2005 All day event, 1893 hilda geiringer von mises mathBirthdays. Wed, Sep 28 All dayevent, 1901 Kurt Otto Friedrichs mathBirthdays. Thu, Sep 29 http://educationaltechnology.ca/dan/calendars/month.php?cal=mathBirthdays&getdat |
50. Historia Matematica Mailing List Archive: Re: [HM] Authors Soug with some connection to Austria, for example Alfred Tauber, Philipp Furtwaengler,Wilhelm Wirtinger, hilda geiringer (Pollaczek, von mises), http://sunsite.utk.edu/math_archives/.http/hypermail/historia/jun00/0205.html | |
51. Figures From The History Of Probability & Statistics hilda geiringer has written a history of probability from a Misean standpoint, In the 60s Kolmogorov returned to von misess theory of probability and http://www.economics.soton.ac.uk/staff/aldrich/Figures.htm | |
52. New Zealand Mathematical Societu Newsletter Number 86, December 2002 Wilhelm Wirtinger, Philipp Frtwangler, Kurt Reidemeister, Felix Pollaczek,Richard von mises and his wife hilda geiringer, Karl Popper, Franz Alt, http://ifs.massey.ac.nz/mathnews/NZMS86/news86a.shtml | |
53. Hilda Geiringer Université Montpellier II von mises hilda geiringer (1893-1973). Cette image et la biographie complète en anglais http://ens.math.univ-montp2.fr/SPIP/article.php3?id_article=1184 |
54. Richard Von Mises Université Montpellier II hilda geiringer hilda Hudson Richard von mises (1883-1953). Cette image et la biographie complète en anglais http://ens.math.univ-montp2.fr/SPIP/article.php3?id_article=1561 |
55. The Approximate Solution Of Matrix Problems 14 RICHARD von mises AND hilda POLLACZEKgeiringer, Praktische Verfahren derMatrixaufl6sung, Z. angew. Mat. Mech. 9 (1929), 58-77, 152-64. http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=320932.320933 |
56. Author Index - G hilda geiringer, seehilda geiringer von mises. Tim van Gelderphilosopher, wiki,google. BS Geldzahlerastronomer, spires, google, reference of paper 40.23. http://www.ph.surrey.ac.uk/~phx1mr/author/g.html | |
57. Math.space - Frauenschwerpunkt Translate this page Doch genau diese Differenz zwischen einer von ihrem Wesen her völlig geschlechtsneutralen Mathematische Heldinnensagen hilda geiringer von mises http://math.space.or.at/veranst/mwh03.html |
58. Math.space - Programm 2003 Translate this page Mathematische Heldinnensagen hilda geiringer von mises. 1100 - 1200 MathematischeHeldinnensagen Emmy Noether. 1430 - 1600 http://math.space.or.at/veranst/gesamt03.html | |
59. Bm:bwk - Aktuelle Pressemitteilung: Gehrer Eröffnet Veranstaltungsreihe Die M Translate this page Sophie Germain, hilda geiringer-von mises und Emmy Noether beschreiben.Vorträge von Mathematikerinnen zu Themen wie ?Mathematik erfolgreich forschen http://www.bmbwk.gv.at/ministerium/pm/archiv/Aktuelle_Pressemitteilu10406.xml | |
60. IMS Awards geiringer, hilda Geisser, Seymour Gelfand, Alan E. Gelman, Andrew Geman, Donald J . von mises, Richard. W. Wahba, Grace Wald, Abraham Wallace, David L. http://www.imstat.org/awards/honored_fellows.htm | |
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