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81. ASCE - EMD - Awards theodore von karman Award. This award was established and endowed in 1960 by the Engineering Mechanics Division of the ASCE. The award consists of a bronze http://www.ce.jhu.edu/emd/awards.html | |
82. Title Obtained patents with coinventor , Dr. theodore von karman- this innovative concept has had very significant impact on the current development of high lift http://libweb.zju.edu.cn/yuansw/03/ |
83. October 6, 1999: DR. GEORGE E. MUELLER, KISTLER AEROSPACE CORPORATION CEO, RECEI Dr. theodore von karman, a scientist of the highest international reputation. The von karman Award was founded as a beacon to inspire us to rise to http://www.kistleraerospace.com/newsinfo/pressreleases/100699.html | |
84. FAI Astronautic Records Commission - 100 Km. ALTITUDE BOUNDARY FOR ASTRONAUTICS It took a most notable man, Hr. theodore von karman to put things together. He was born at Budapest (nowadays in Hungary; then a part of the Austria http://www.fai.org:81/astronautics/100km.asp | |
85. DR. GEORGE E. MUELLER, KISTLER AEROSPACE CORPORATION CEO, RECEIVES THE IAA'S 199 AEROSPACE CORPORATION CEO, RECEIVES THE IAA S 1999 von karman AWARD Dr. theodore von karman, a scientist of the highest international reputation. http://www.spaceref.com/news/viewpr.html?pid=162 |
86. SC-NET Digest Monday, June 22, 1998 Volume 98 Issue 6.0 + Notices/News theodore von karman Prize Internet Book on Scientific Supercomputing Conference Announcements and Calls for Papers/Participation http://www.sci.utah.edu/siag-sc/newsletter/9806.txt |
87. COOPERATIVE EDUCATION & WORK-BASED LEARNING, Wichita State University, Kansas, U The institute, founded according to the wishes of theodore von karman, onetime chairman of the advisory group for aeronautical research and development at http://webs.wichita.edu/dt/beta.asp?u=coopstudent&p=/news/ |
88. Defence Wins International Award For Aircraft Fatigue Test The von karman Award was founded in 1980 in memory of theodore von karman (1881 1963), a Budapestborn aeronautical scientist regarded by some as a genius http://www.minister.defence.gov.au/Hilltpl.cfm?CurrentId=1882 |
89. GPN-2000-001500 - Theodore Von Karman Dr. theodore von karman, cofounder of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) Pasadena, California was an aeronautical theoretician. His contributions in the http://grin.hq.nasa.gov/ABSTRACTS/GPN-2000-001500.html | |
90. NA Digest, V. 03, # 39 Subject Call for Nominations, The theodore von karman Prize CALL FOR NOMINATIONS for THE theodore von karman PRIZE SIAM will present the theodore von http://www.netlib.org/netlib/na-digest-html/03/v03n39.html | |
91. NA Digest, V. 04, # 04 theodore von karman PRIZE SIAM will present the theodore von karman Prize at the SIAM Annual Meeting scheduled for July 1216, 2004, in Portland, Oregon. http://www.netlib.org/netlib/na-digest-html/04/v04n04.html | |
92. IEEECSS Nominations theodore von karman Prize Contributed by Joanna Littleton, littleton@siam.org SIAM will present the theodore von karman Prize at the SIAM http://www.ieeecss.org/PAB/eletter/archive/February2004.shtml | |
93. IEEECSS 2.3 Nominations Sought theodore von karman Prize contribution will look in the emailed version from the preview below. If the text lines are wrapping http://www.ieeecss.org/PAB/eletter/archive/October2003.shtml | |
94. Citebase - The Von Karman Equations, The Stress Function, And Elastic Ridges In G/A, 18 T. von karman, The Collected Works of theodore von karman (Butterworths Scientific Publications, London, 1956), Vol. 1, p. 176. http://citebase.eprints.org/cgi-bin/citations?id=oai:arXiv.org:cond-mat/9608050 |
95. Búsqueda De KARMAN, THEODORE VON karman, theodore von. Métodos de análisis matemático en ingeniería http://www.bibliotecas.unc.edu.ar/cgi-bin/Libreo-OPAC?accion=buscar&expresion=KA |
96. Nicholas Hoff, Pioneering Aeronautical Engineer, Dies (8/97) the theodore von karman Medal of ASME, the Daniel Guggenheim Medal, the von karman Lecturership of the American Institute of Aeronautics and http://www.stanford.edu/dept/news/pr/97/970806hoff.html | |
97. Theodore Von Karman Und Aachen Translate this page zurück zur Homepage von Rüdiger Haude. Turbulenzen. theodore von Kármán und Aachen. Dies ist das Manuskript eines Textes, den ich 1997 in der Aachener http://home.wtal.de/haude/karman.html | |
98. Summer Research Journal Today I began to look at von karman vortex streets. This pattern was developed by theodore von karman. When an obstacle interrupts a constant flow, http://laser.physics.sunysb.edu/~hilary/journal.html | |
99. American National Biography Online: Kármán, Theodore Von http://www.anb.org/articles/13/13-01987.html?from=../13/13-02215.html&from_nm=Ma |
100. Dr Theodore Von Kármán Is Considered To Be One Of The Greatest Dr theodore von Kármán s lifelong mission of scientific cooperation was theodore von Kármán was a true international engineering scientist and his http://www.rta.nato.int/RTOhistory/TvK.htm | |
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