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41. Wer War Theodore Von Kármán? http://www.tvk.rwth-aachen.de/karman.html | |
42. American Society Of Civil Engineers (ASCE) theodore von karman Medal THE AWARD This award was established and endowed in 1960 by the Engineering Mechanics Division of the Society with gifts http://www.asce.org/pressroom/honors/honors_details.cfm?hdlid=74 |
43. The Theodore Von Karman Award The theodore von karman Award. This award is the premier award of the Academy. It is given annually to recognize outstanding lifetime achievements in any http://www.iaanet.org/awards/karman.html | |
44. History Of The International Academy Of Astronautics In March 1982, Eilene Galloway, President of the theodore von karman Memorial The theodore von karman Memorial Foundation, Inc., a United States http://www.iaanet.org/history/building.html | |
45. Majestic Documents.com: Evidence We Are Not Alone theodore von karman was a mathematical prodigy and his father, fearing that his son would become a freak, steered him towards engineering. http://www.majesticdocuments.com/personnel/vonkarman.php | |
46. Majestic Documents.com: Press Releases Posted to theodore von karman s MJ12 Personnel Page of the website is a fourpage document on one of the most important players in the MJ12 story Dr. http://www.majesticdocuments.com/press/2002.09a.php | |
47. Professor Bazant Receives Von Karman Medal CEE Professor Zdenek Bazant has been selected to receive the theodore von karman Medal from ASCE. For more information on the von karman award, click here. http://www.civil.northwestern.edu/news/bazant-karman.html | |
48. Theodore Von Karman: New & Used Books Search Result For Theodore Von Karman theodore von karman New Used Books Search Result for theodore von karman. Compare new and used books prices among 122 book stores in a click. http://www.fetchbook.info/search_Theodore_Von_Karman/searchBy_Author.html | |
49. The Theodore Von Karman Prize The theodore von karman Prize, established in 1968, is awarded for a notable application of mathematics to mechanics and/or the engineering sciences made http://www.siam.org/meetings/ARCHIVES/AN94/karman.htm |
50. A Fluid Dynamics Institute : Von Karman Institute History theodore von karman inside the Florine III tandem rotor helicopter conceived (by In the course of 1955, theodore von karman, who was chairman of the http://www.vki.ac.be/public/history.htm | |
51. Von Karman Institute For Fluid Dynamics The von karman Institute is a nonprofit international educational and Created in 1956 following theodore von karmans proposal, it is currently http://www.vki.ac.be/welcome.html | |
52. Theodore Von Kármán -- Facts, Info, And Encyclopedia Article Collected Works, (4 Volumes), von karman Institute, Rhode St. Genese, 1975 (limited (with L. Edson) The Wind and Beyond theodore von Kármán Pioneer in http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/encyclopedia/T/Th/Theodore_von_Kármán.htm | |
53. Remarks In House von karman, theodore. Remarks in House. Tribute, E18 21JA http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?i108:I12246:i108VINATIERI.html |
54. THIS SEARCH THIS DOCUMENT THIS CR ISSUE GO TO Next Hit Forward theodore von karman (BY MICHAEL H. GORN) (Extension of Remarks February 22, 1989) theodore von karman, born in Budapest, Hungary on May 11, 1881, http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?r101:E22FE9-42: |
55. VON KARMAN WF Durand, theodore von karman Frank Malina stand before the first US JATO airplane (Ercoupe) August 1941. In November 1943, after a request from the Army http://www.tripolivegas.com/feature.html | |
56. 1992 Theodore Von Karman, Aerospace Scientist 1992 theodore von karman, Aerospace Scientist. $10.00. We hope you enjoy our selection of Postage Stamps. Milepost Antiques and Currituck Trading Company http://www.milepostantiques.com/images/postage-stamps/Theodore-von-Karman-Aerosp | |
57. Theodore Von Karman Prize theodore von karman Prize. Subject theodore von karman Prize; From Allison Bogardo bogardo@siam.org ; Date Fri, 05 Jun 98 114950 0500 http://www.csc.fi/math_topics/Mail/NANET98-2/msg00156.html | |
58. Publications Scientifiques De Frank J.Malina Reprinted in English in Collected Works of theodore von karman, theodore von karman, 18811963 , International Astronautical Federation Bulletin, http://www.olats.org/OLATS/pionniers/publications_scientifiques_de_.shtml | |
59. Untitled 1966. Reference to Frank Malina p. 85. von karman, theodore. Collected Works of theodore von karman, 19521963, von karman Institute for Fluid http://www.olats.org/pionniers/malina/sources/publicationsConsacreesOS.shtml | |
60. Air Force Magazine Hungarianborn theodore von karman is considered one of the great aeronautical scientists of the theodore von karman was a theorist and moremuch more. http://www.afa.org/magazine/Jan2004/0104vonkarman.asp | |
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