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         Von Eotvos Roland:     more detail
  1. Physicien Hongrois: Edward Teller, Theodore Von Kármán, Dennis Gabor, Leó Szilárd, Cornelius Lanczos, Nicholas Kurti, Roland Eötvös (French Edition)

81. COZMO Biografier Over Videnskabsmænd
Riemann, George Friedrich Bernhard (18261866) EB; Maxwell, James Clerk (1831-1879)EB; Eötvös, roland, Baron von (1848-1919) EB; Kapteyn, Jocobus Cornelius
Danske: Tycho Brahe
Niels Bohr (1885-1962)
Websider med referencer til originalartikler:
A.S. Eddington
E.A. Milne

E.P. Hubble

G. Gamow
G. Lemaitre
EB= Encyclopedia Britannica
SA= St. Andrewsi - Indexes of Biographies
ET= Eric's Treasure Trove of Scientific Biography
AB= History of Astronomy: Index of Persons , (see also this page
ST= .
  • Thales (624-550)
  • Anaximander (610-546)
  • Pythagoras (580-500)
  • Heraklit (540-480)
  • Anaxagores (499-428)
  • Empedokles (490-430)
  • Zenon (490-430)
  • Demokrit (470-360)
  • Leokippos (ca. 440)
  • Platon (427-347)
  • Aristoteles (384-322). Aristoteles' Fysik
  • Epikur (341-270)
  • Euklid (300 f.v.t.) EB
  • Aristarch (310-230)
  • Eratostenes (275-195)
  • Hipparch (161-126)
  • Poseidonius (135-51)
  • Arkimedes (287-212)
  • Augustin, Aurelius (354-430) EB : Absorberer Nyplatonismen i kristendommen.
  • Avicenna (980-1037)
  • Roger Bacon (1220-1292) EB
  • Aquinas, Thomas (1225-1274) EB : Absorberer Aristotelismen i kristendommen.
  • Ockham, William of (1285-1347/48) EB
  • Cusanus, Nicolas (1401-1464) EB
  • Kopernikus, Nikolaus (1473-1543) EB
  • Digges, Thomas (1546-1595)
  • Tycho Brahe (1546-1601) EB CZ
  • Giordano Bruno (1548-1600) EB
  • Galilei, Galileo (1564-1642)

82. Phys. Rev. Lett. 51, 706 (1983): Von Molnar Et Al. - Electron Localization In A.
Permanent address Department of Low Temperature Physics, roland Eötvös S.von Molnar and F. Holtzberg, in Magnetism and Magnetic Materials—1972,
Phys. Rev. Lett. Phys. Rev. A Phys. Rev. B Phys. Rev. C Phys. Rev. D Phys. Rev. E Phys. Rev. ST AB Phys. Rev. ST AB Rev. Mod. Phys. Phys. Rev. (Series I) Phys. Rev. Volume: Page/Article: MyArticles: View Collection Help (Click on the to add an article.)
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Electron Localization in a Magnetic Semiconductor: Gd x nu x S
S. von Molnar
IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, New York 10508
A. Briggs
J. Flouquet and G. Remenyi
Received 15 March 1983 The metal-insulator transition in the magnetic semiconductor Gd x v x S , where v stands for vacancies, has been studied by tuning through the transition with the application of a magnetic field at low temperatures. For two samples with x and 0.325 the transition is continuous. sigma T 0) is linear in H H c which implies that sigma T [is proportional to] E E c ), where H c is a critical field and E c is the mobility edge. This is consistent with new scaling theories of both localization and interaction effects. URL:

83. Erniedrigendes Halbwissen
Translate this page die berühmten Versuche des ungarischen Barons roland von Eötvös zu wiederholen,der 1899 und 1908 die Äquivalenz von träger Masse (dem Aspekt eines
erniedrigendes Halbwissen
Gaspard de Coriolis (1792–1843) "[...] eine der wirklich wichtigen Erkenntnisse, die man auf der Uni gewinnt, ist der Umstand, daß viele Dinge, die man in Lehrbüchern [und von Lehrern] lernt, eigentlich gar nicht stimmen."
(Alan Boss) Da will ich mich doch glatt mal selbst zitieren: Zu[...] gehört allemal das frohgemute Eingeständnis, dass man als LehrerIn zu 80 % Schauspieler , d.h. zu Anschaulichkeit und Anekdoten verpflichtet ist (und dennoch keinE AnimateurIn einer [immer schon] gelangweilten Konsumgeneration) Bei aller fachlichen Solidität bedarf es dennoch immer mal wieder des Muts (!) zur pointierten Ungenauigkeit , also dazu, sich - aus Sicht des reinen Fachwissenschaftlers - "die Finger schmutzig zu machen". EinE LehrerIn ist in erster Linie Populär - und erst in zweiter Linie Fach wissenschaftlerIn (was sie bzw. ihn nicht davon entbindet, solide [zumindest im Hinblick auf den Schulstoff] fachwissenschaftliche Ahnung zu haben und - soweit überhaupt möglich - Überblick über neueste grundsätzliche fachliche Entwicklungen zu behalten) Um also Sachverhalte anschaulich auf den Punkt zu bringen, bedient sich eine Lehrkraft ab und zu gerne arg holzschnittartiger Bilder. So habe ich z.B. mal, um die äußere Enge von Kafkas Leben auf den Punkt zu bringen, im Unterricht (wider besseres Wissen!) gesagt, in Prag gäbe es einen großen Platz (den Wenzelsplatz), und an seinem

Eötvös, roland, Baron von (18481919). Madarský fyzik, který se ve svých vedeckýchpocátcích zabýval kapilárnímu jevy. Pozdeji se venoval gravitaci.

85. Newsletter - Neue Musik
Translate this page roland Bräutigam war der Solist in Rotterdam am 21. 4. 2004. Neue Werke von István Szábo inszenierte Drei Schwestern von Peter Eötvös Premiere am 2.
Uraufführungen ab 1. August 2005
Aufführungen ab 1. August 2005

Komponist des Monats

Klaus Huber, Bettina Skrzypczak, Younghi Pagh-Paan und Heiner Goebbels beim Warschauer Herbst 2005

Gastspiele von Ensembles aus der Schweiz und Deutschland Termin: 17.-23.9.2005
Europäischer Herbst mit Heiner Goebbels

Surrogate Cities in Venedig, Landschaft mit entfernten Verwandten in Warschau und eine Italien-Tournee des Ensemble Modern Termin: 22./23.9.2005
Europa-Tournee mit Younghi Pagh-Paans
Das Ensemble Recherche mit neuem Ensemblewerk unterwegs Termin: 26.9.-27.10.2005
Kronos Quartett mit Hubert Stuppner unterwegs

Das Doppelstreichquartett Mahler-Bilder als nächstes in Neapel und Florenz Termin: 4.10.2005 Orient und Okzident, vereint – Die Musik von Samir Odeh-Tamimi Gdadrója für drei Soprane und Orchester bei den Donaueschinger Musiktagen 2005 Termin: 15.10.2005 Auf dem Weg zu Mondschatten Younghi Pagh-Paan feiert ihren 60. Geburtstag Termin: 30.11.2005 Enno Poppe - neue Werke und ein bedeutender Musikpreis Uraufführung des Ensemblewerks Salz bei den Salzburger Festspielen Musik für Augustinus , neues Chorwerk von Nikolaus Brass Uraufführung beim Festival Europäische Kirchenmusik 2005 in Schwäbisch Gmünd Uraufführung von Reinhard Febels Mini-Oper Frida in Salzburg Sechs Aufführungen beim TRT Taschenopern-Festival Robert HP Platz mit neuer Website (Ur-)Aufführungen von Pagh-Paan, Poppe, Neuwirth und Globokar in Brüssel

Ilk uzak deprem (Japonya, 14.04.1889) kaydi (von Rebeur yatay sarkaci) Nature,40, 1889, p. roland EÖTVÖS (1848, Budapeste1919, Budapeste)
Tarihteki Büyük Jeofizikçiler
Jeofiziðe katkýda bulunan bilimcilerin anýsýna ... Isaac NEWTON : (1643, Woolthorpe - 1727, Londra) Cambridge'te matematik profesörü; 1687'de "Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica" yý yazdý ve bu eserle modern fiziðin yasalarýný ortaya koydu. Bunu, Gravitasyon yasasýnýn keþfi ve gök cisimlerinin hareket yasalarý izledi. Anders CELSIUS : (1701, Uppsala- 1744, Uppsala)
Uppsala'da astronomi profesörü; Meridyen ölçümleri amacýyla Lappland araþtýrmasýný yaptý. Hjörter ile birlikte manyetik süreksizlikler ile polar ýþýklarýnýn iliþkisini keþfetti ve Seekälberstein'da deniz suyu seviyesinin düþüþünü kanýtladý. O, jeofizikçi olmayanlara da kendini 100'lü termometreyi keþfederek tanýttý.
William GILBERT : (1544, Colchester-1603, Londra) Kraliçe I. Elizabeth'in özel doktoru; 1600 yýlýnda "De magnete, magnetisque corporibus, et de magno magnete tellure; Physiologia noua"yý yazdý ve yermanyetizmasýnýn yerin içinden kaynaklandýðýný gösterdi. Alexander von HUMBOLT : (1769, Berlin-1859, Berlin) Doðabilimcisi; 1799-1804 yýllarý arasýnda Güney ve Kuzey Amerika'ya yaptýðý bilimsel araþtýrma gezileri ve sonuçlarý (1831-1843) ile tanýndý. Güney Amerika'da yaptýðý mutlak yer manyetik alaný ölçümlerinden ekvatordan kutuplara doðru yer manyetik alaný þiddetinin arttýðýný ve bir inklinasyon iðnesinin salýným zamanýnýn azaldýðýný çýkardý. Humbolt, jeofizikten kaynaklanan fiziksel coðrafyanýn nedenlerini ortaya koydu. Çok sayýda oþinografik araþtýrmaya katýldý.

87. "Mortimer Chemie" Bei ZVAB - Verzeichnis Antiquarischer Bücher (antiquarische B
von derzeit 10 Millionen in Kalocsa - Das Baron roland Eötvös Geophysikalische Institut in Budapest
Mortimer Chemie
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Mortimer Chemie ' an.
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[SW: Forschung; Forschungsgemeinschaft; Forschungsgeschichte; Philosoph; Philosophie; Science; Wissenschaftsgeschichte; Wissenschaftslehre; Wissenschaftsphilosophie; Wissenschaftstheorie] Details Ashcroft/ Mortimer Thermochemistry of transition metal complexes. London, 1970, IX, 478 S. m. zahlr. Abb. und Tabellen, Originalleinen (original cloth)
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88. SWR. »Von Vier Bis Vier« - Berlin - Sinfonie Einer Großstadt
Translate this page roland Kluttig studierte an der Dresdner Musikhochschule und bei Peter Eötvös, Seit 2000/01 ist roland Kluttig als Musikalischer Assistent von Lothar

Samstag, 29. Juni 2002, 22.30 bis 23.45 Uhr
Hochschule für Gestaltung
Berlin - Sinfonie einer Großstadt
Sinfonischer Dokumentarfilm
Regie: Thomas Schadt (2002)
Komposition: Iris ter Schiphorst, Helmut Oehring
Live mit dem SWR Sinfonieorchester
Baden-Baden und Freiburg, Ltg.: Roland Kluttig
Reich bebildertes Angebot zur Entstehungsgeschichte, zur Musik und zum Film, mit vielen Bildern von Berlin. Homepage des SWR Sinfonieorchesters Baden-Baden und Freiburg Mit Konzerttipps, CD-Aufnahmen und vielen weiteren Informationen A-Z Suche E-Mail Adressen ... Impressum

89. April 8 - Today In Science History
roland Eötvös. (source), Died 8 Apr 1919 (born 27 July 1848) (baron) roland Baronvon Eötvös was a Hungarian physicist who studied at Heidelberg where he
Visit our new gallery of Perpetual Motion Machines through the centuries
APRIL 8 - BIRTHS Melvin Calvin
Born 8 Apr 1911; died 8 Jan 1997.
American biochemist who his elucidated the mechanism by which carbon dioxide is incorporated into green plants, for which he received the 1961 Nobel Prize for Chemistry. In the Calvin Cycle, he described the "dark reactions" of photosynthesis occuring through the night turning carbon dioxide into sugar. Using carbon-14 isotope as a tracer, Calvin and his team mapped the complete route that carbon travels through a plant during photosynthesis, starting with absorption of atmospheric carbon dioxide to its conversion into carbohydrates and other organic compounds. The Calvin group showed that sunlight acts on the chlorophyll in a plant to fuel the manufacturing of organic compounds, rather than on carbon dioxide as was previously believed.
"The Road to Stockholm: Nobel Prizes, Science, and Scientists"
by Istvan Hargittai, James D. Watson Martin Julian Buerger
Born 8 Apr 1903; died 1986.

90. Roland Eötvös -- Facts, Info, And Encyclopedia Article
roland Eötvös. Categories Hungarian physicists, 1919 deaths, 1848 birthsVásárosnaményi Báró Eötvös Loránd, better known as roland Eötvös (July 27,ötvös.htm
Roland Eötvös
[Categories: Hungarian physicists, 1919 deaths, 1848 births]
Vásárosnaményi Báró Eötvös Loránd , better known as Roland Eötvös (July 27, 1848 - April 8, 1919) was a Hungarian physicist.
Eötvös is remembered today for his experimental work on (A solemn and dignified feeling) gravity
in particular his study of the equivalence of gravitational and inertial (The property of a body that causes it to have weight in a gravitational field) mass (the so-called weak equivalence principle) and his study of the gravitational gradient on the Earth's surface.
The weak equivalence principle plays a prominent role in ((physics) the theory that space and time are relative concepts rather than absolute concepts) relativity theory and the Eötvös experiment was cited by (Physicist born in Germany who formulated the special theory of relativity and the general theory of relativity; Einstein also proposed that light consists of discrete quantized bundles of energy (later called photons) (1879-1955)) Albert Einstein in his 1916 paper The Foundation of the General Theory of Relativity.

91. University Of Budapest -- Facts, Info, And Encyclopedia Article
This article is about Eötvös Loránd University, which is often referred to as (Click link for more info and facts about roland Eötvös) roland Eötvös. In
University of Budapest
[Categories: Universities and colleges in Hungary, Budapest]
This article is about Eötvös Loránd University , which is often referred to as University of Budapest . If you are looking for another university in Budapest, see the page (Click link for more info and facts about List of universities in Budapest) List of universities in Budapest

The University of Budapest or ELTE is the oldest and biggest university in (A republic in central Europe) Hungary , located in (Capital and largest city of Hungary; located on the Danube River in north-central Hungary) Budapest
In 1950 it was renamed Eötvös Loránd University , in (A native or inhabitant of Hungary) Hungarian Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem after physicist (Click link for more info and facts about Roland Eötvös) Roland Eötvös . In (Any dialect of the language of ancient Rome) Latin Universitas Budapestinensis de Rolando Eötvös nominata Pázmány Péter Tudományegyetem (not to be confused with Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem, a separate university).
It was founded in 1635 in Nagyszombat (today (Click link for more info and facts about Trnava) Trnava , Slovakia) by the archbishop and theologian Péter Pázmány, who left its leadership to the (A member of the Jesuit order) Jesuit s, containing a Faculty of Arts and Faculty of Theology. A Faculty of Law was added in 1667, and a Faculty of Medicine was started in 1769. After the dissolution of the Jesuit order, the university was moved to

92. Eötvös |
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93. Geodesy In Hungary And The Relation To IAG Around The Turn Of 19th/20th Century-
In the next paragraph the activities of Loránd Eötvös related to geodesy are (Denmark) General von Zachariae, Klampenborg. (France) General L. Bassot,
Geodesy in Hungary and the Relation to IAG around the turn of 19th/20th Century-A Historical Review By József Ádám (Technical University of Budapest) Introduction Geodesy has a long tradition in Hungary. Due to the special connection of Hungary to former Austria in 19th century, beside Prussia and Saxony, Hungary as part of the former Austria is a founder member country of the Mitteleuropäische Gradmessung in 1862, predecessor of the International Association of Geodesy (IAG). Survey control networks, namely the primary triangulation and levelling networks in Hungarian part were also established by the Military Geographic Institute in Vienna (that is, k.u.k. Militärgeographisches Institut) until 1919, see e.g.Sterneck (1908). In the field of geodetic science, separate research and scientific activities were carried out at the Universities in Budapest. These activities can be connected with Professors István Kruspér, Lajos Bodola and Károly Oltay at the Department of Geodesy, Technical University and to Professor Loránd Eötvös at the Department of Physics, Budapest University. They were all members of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

94. GG Presentation, NASA Conference On Fundamental Physics
Indeed, the whole history of EP testing, from the pioneering experiments of Rolandvon Eötvös in Budapest at the turn of the century to the modern,
Proceedings of:
1999 NASA/JPL International Conference on FUNDAMENTAL PHYSICS IN SPACE
April 29,30 and May 1, Washington DC, NASA Document D-18925 (2000) pp. 309-327 Paper ready to print (pdf file, 625 Kb) "GALILEO GALILEI" (GG)
Proposed Space Experiment to Test the equivalence Principle
Preliminary Results from the Prototype on the Ground by A.M. Nobili , D. Bramanti , E. Polacco , I.W. Roxburgh , G. Comandi , A. Anselmi
G. Catastini , A. Lenti and A. Severi Università di Pisa, Italia
Queen Mary and Westfield College, London, UK
Alenia Spazio, Torino, Italia
Laben, Milano, Italia
Laben, Divisione Proel, Firenze, Italia Contents Abstract 1. Brief History of Equivalence Principle Tests: a Quest for Higher and Higher Signal Frequency Modulation 2. Main Features and Novelties of the Proposed GG Experiment in Space 2.1 High frequency modulation of the expected signal ... References Abstract "GALILEO GALILEI" (GG) is a proposal for a small, low orbit satellite devoted to testing the Equivalence Principle (EP) of Galileo, Newton and Einstein. The GG Report on Phase A Study recently carried out with funding from ASI (Agenzia Spaziale Italiana) concludes that GG can test the Equivalence Principle to 1 part in 10 at room temperature. The main novelty is to modulate the expected differential signal of an EP violation at the spin rate of the spacecraft (2 Hz)

95. The UW Eot-Wash Group
the Hungarian Count von Eötvös (pronounced something like ootvoosh with oo Eötvös pioneered the use of torsion balances for testing the principle of
The Eöt-Wash Group: Laboratory Tests of Gravitational Physics
We are pioneering new techniques in high-precision studies of weak-field gravity. Our scientific goal is to search for experimental signatures of quantum gravity that would violate Einstein's Equivalence Principle and/or the Newtonian inverse-square law at some length scale (which may be anywhere between the inaccessible Planck length and infinity).
Explanation of the name Eöt-Wash
Our group's name is a pun on the name of a famous gravitational physicist, the Hungarian Count von Eötvös (pronounced something like ootvoosh with oo as in foot). Eötvös pioneered the use of torsion balances for testing the principle of equivalence, i.e. is gravitational mass (the mass entering in Newton's law of gravity F=G mm/r ) exactly the same as inertial mass (the mass responsible for inertia in Newton's mechanical law F=ma). The name indicates that we are doing torsion balance tests of gravity at the University of Washington.
Experimental Motivation
At the heart of General Relativity lies the equivalence principle. In its simplest Newtonian form, it simply states that inertial mass and gravitational mass are the same thing, that is, gravity (as we know it) is the only fundamental force that couples exactly to mass, rather than to some kind of charge. The latter statement forms the basis of many of the experiments the Eöt-Wash group performs.

96. Lexikon Loránd Eötvös
Translate this page Jahrhundert die Einheit Eötvös des Schweregradienten benannt wurde. Er entwickeltedie Drehwaage zur Messung von kleinen räumlichen Schwereveränderungen,ánd_Eötvös

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Sie sind hier: Startseite Lexikon Lor¡nd E¶tv¶s
Lor¡nd E¶tv¶s
Lor¡nd E¶tv¶s Lor¡nd E¶tv¶s ˈloraːnd ˈ¸tv¸Êƒ 27. Juli in Buda 8. April in Budapest ) war ein ungarischer Mathematiker und Geophysiker , nach dem im 20. Jahrhundert die Einheit E¶tv¶s des Schweregradienten benannt wurde. Er entwickelte die Drehwaage zur Messung von kleinen r¤umlichen Schwerever¤nderungen, mit der bis etwa 1980 hunderttausende Messpunkte f¼r Geophysik und Bergbau gemessen wurden. Durch eingehende Experimenten gelang ihm der Nachweis, dass die Gravitationskraft nur von der Masse der Objekte, nicht von ihrem Stoff abh¤ngt – was bedeutet, dass beim freien Fall im Vakuum alle K¶rper gleich schnell fallen.

97. La Gravitation Sous Surveillance - ARTE
Translate this page D’autres physiciens avaient poursuivi ces expériences, jusqu’au baron roland vonEötvös, à la fin du xixe siècle, qui atteignit, en utilisant des balances
Deutsch Services/Sites Service t©l©spectateurs Recevoir ARTE ARTE Pro ARTE Radio ARTE Boutique Hors Ecran Contact Offres d'emploi Les Emissions ARTE Europa ARTE Info ARTE Reportage ARTE Thema Capt© Cinem'arte Cin©ma muet Cin©ma sur ARTE Court-circuit Cuisines des terroirs Danse Dessous des cartes Die Nacht / La Nuit Forum des Europeens GEO 360 Hippocrate Journal de la culture Karambolage - le Site L'Aventure Humaine LOLA Les Mercredis de l'histoire Maestro Metropolis Permis de penser Tracks Vins   la carte Actualit© Cin©ma Actualit© DVD Cultures Electroniques Fahrenheit Mang'Arte Selection CD Selection livres Programmes
Le jeu concours Vid©os ... La relativit©   l’©preuve des pulsars binaires
La gravitation sous surveillance
Jusqu’  aujourd’hui, toutes les observations et exp©riences confirment la relativit© g©n©rale d’Einstein, mais les physiciens imaginent de nouveaux tests, toujours plus pr©cis. Serge Reynaud
Parmi les contributions remarquables d’Einstein   la physique du xxe si¨cle, la relativit© g©n©rale a sans doute le plus marqu© les esprits. Elle a boulevers© les conceptions de l’espace et du temps qui avaient ©t© d©velopp©es par Galil©e, Newton et leurs successeurs, et qui semblaient d©finitivement ©tablies au XIXe si¨cle. Elle a conduit   plusieurs pr©dictions, lesquelles ont ©t© v©rifi©es par des exp©riences de plus en plus pr©cises au cours du xxe si¨cle. Pourtant les exp©rimentateurs continuent de la mettre   l’©preuve, dans l’espoir avou© de la prendre en d©faut. Plusieurs exp©riences spatiales y seront consacr©es dans les prochaines ann©es. Pourquoi mettre en œuvre de nouveaux tests de cette th©orie, alors qu’elle a pass© avec succ¨s tous ceux auxquels elle a ©t© soumise ? Avant de discuter cette question, survolons l’histoire des tests de la gravitation.

98. Approfondimento 4: Ulteriori Sviluppi Della Relatività
Translate this page sperimentalmente da Galileo, Newton e, nei primi anni del novecento, dal baroneRoland von Eötvös (da cui tali esperimenti hanno preso il nome).
Mappa Unità 1 Unità 2 Unità 3 ... Bibliografia
Approfondimento 4: Ulteriori sviluppi della Relatività
In questo Modulo noi ci siamo occupati solo di Relatività Ristretta, ma la teoria della Relatività è generalmente considerata come formata di due parti separate, praticamente indipendenti tra di loro: oltre alla Relatività Ristretta vi è anche la Relatività Generale. Lo spazio-tempo di Minkowski della Relatività Ristretta è incompatibile con l'esistenza della gravità. Un sistema di riferimento, che è supposto inerziale per una particella situata lontano dalla Terra, in una regione dove il campo gravitazionale è trascurabile, non sarà più inerziale quando la particella si troverà vicino alla Terra. Si può ottenere tuttavia una compatibilità approssimata tra i due sistemi a causa di una notevole proprietà della gravitazione, che prende il nome di principio di equivalenza debole: tutti i corpi di dimensioni sufficientemente piccole che si trovano in un dato campo gravitazionale esterno, cadono con la stessa accelerazione, indipendentemente dalla loro massa, dalla loro composizione e dalla loro struttura. La validità di questo principio è stata verificata sperimentalmente da Galileo, Newton e, nei primi anni del novecento, dal barone Roland von Eötvös (da cui tali esperimenti hanno preso il nome). Per un osservatore all'interno di un ascensore che cade liberamente in un campo gravitazionale tutti i corpi all'interno dell'ascensore dovrebbero muoversi uniformemente in linea retta come se la gravità non esistesse, dal momento che essi stanno cadendo alla stessa maniera dell'osservatore. Viceversa, in un ascensore accelerato nello spazio libero tutti i corpi all'interno di esso devono cadere con la stessa accelerazione (a causa della loro inerzia), come se vi fosse un campo gravitazionale.

99. Ž„—§‚o‚c‚c}‘ŠÙ
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ƒtƒŒ[ƒ€”Å‚É–ß‚é ƒmƒ“ƒtƒŒ[ƒ€”Å‚É–ß‚é ƒz[ƒ€ƒy[ƒW‚É–ß‚é

100. Physica
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