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Von Eotvos Roland: more detail |
81. COZMO Biografier Over Videnskabsmænd Riemann, George Friedrich Bernhard (18261866) EB; Maxwell, James Clerk (1831-1879)EB; Eötvös, roland, Baron von (1848-1919) EB; Kapteyn, Jocobus Cornelius http://www.cozmo.dk/bio/ | |
82. Phys. Rev. Lett. 51, 706 (1983): Von Molnar Et Al. - Electron Localization In A. Permanent address Department of Low Temperature Physics, roland Eötvös S.von Molnar and F. Holtzberg, in Magnetism and Magnetic Materials1972, http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.51.706 | |
83. Erniedrigendes Halbwissen Translate this page die berühmten Versuche des ungarischen Barons roland von Eötvös zu wiederholen,der 1899 und 1908 die Äquivalenz von träger Masse (dem Aspekt eines http://www.stauff.de/matgesch/dateien/erniedrigendeshalbwissen.htm | |
84. Skolavpohode.cz Eötvös, roland, Baron von (18481919). Madarský fyzik, který se ve svých vedeckýchpocátcích zabýval kapilárnímu jevy. Pozdeji se venoval gravitaci. http://www.skolavpohode.cz/clanek.asp?polozkaID=3541 |
85. Newsletter - Neue Musik Translate this page roland Bräutigam war der Solist in Rotterdam am 21. 4. 2004. Neue Werke von István Szábo inszenierte Drei Schwestern von Peter Eötvös Premiere am 2. http://www.ricordi.de/auto/newsletter/pages/neue_musik.html | |
86. ITU - JEOFIZIK Ilk uzak deprem (Japonya, 14.04.1889) kaydi (von Rebeur yatay sarkaci) Nature,40, 1889, p. roland EÖTVÖS (1848, Budapeste1919, Budapeste) http://www.geop.itu.edu.tr/jeofizikciler/ | |
87. "Mortimer Chemie" Bei ZVAB - Verzeichnis Antiquarischer Bücher (antiquarische B von derzeit 10 Millionen in Kalocsa - Das Baron roland Eötvös Geophysikalische Institut in Budapest http://www.zvab.com/angebote/mortimer-chemie.html | |
88. SWR. »Von Vier Bis Vier« - Berlin - Sinfonie Einer Großstadt Translate this page roland Kluttig studierte an der Dresdner Musikhochschule und bei Peter Eötvös, Seit 2000/01 ist roland Kluttig als Musikalischer Assistent von Lothar http://www.swr.de/von4bis4/kuenstler/269/ | |
89. April 8 - Today In Science History roland Eötvös. (source), Died 8 Apr 1919 (born 27 July 1848) (baron) roland Baronvon Eötvös was a Hungarian physicist who studied at Heidelberg where he http://www.todayinsci.com/4/4_08.htm | |
90. Roland Eötvös -- Facts, Info, And Encyclopedia Article roland Eötvös. Categories Hungarian physicists, 1919 deaths, 1848 birthsVásárosnaményi Báró Eötvös Loránd, better known as roland Eötvös (July 27, http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/encyclopedia/r/ro/roland_eötvös.htm | |
91. University Of Budapest -- Facts, Info, And Encyclopedia Article This article is about Eötvös Loránd University, which is often referred to as (Click link for more info and facts about roland Eötvös) roland Eötvös. In http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/encyclopedia/u/un/university_of_budapest.htm | |
92. Eötvös | Wissen.de von ihm verbesserten http://www.wissen.de/xt/show/act/MENUNAME/InfoContainer/OCCURRENCEID/SL001172852 | |
93. Geodesy In Hungary And The Relation To IAG Around The Turn Of 19th/20th Century- In the next paragraph the activities of Loránd Eötvös related to geodesy are (Denmark) General von Zachariae, Klampenborg. (France) General L. Bassot, http://www.gfy.ku.dk/~iag/HB2000/part1/historic.htm | |
94. GG Presentation, NASA Conference On Fundamental Physics Indeed, the whole history of EP testing, from the pioneering experiments of Rolandvon Eötvös in Budapest at the turn of the century to the modern, http://eotvos.dm.unipi.it/nobili/nasa_fp/ | |
95. The UW Eot-Wash Group the Hungarian Count von Eötvös (pronounced something like ootvoosh with oo Eötvös pioneered the use of torsion balances for testing the principle of http://www.npl.washington.edu/eotwash/ | |
96. Lexikon Loránd Eötvös Translate this page Jahrhundert die Einheit Eötvös des Schweregradienten benannt wurde. Er entwickeltedie Drehwaage zur Messung von kleinen räumlichen Schwereveränderungen, http://lexikon.freenet.de/Loránd_Eötvös | |
97. La Gravitation Sous Surveillance - ARTE Translate this page Dautres physiciens avaient poursuivi ces expériences, jusquau baron roland vonEötvös, à la fin du xixe siècle, qui atteignit, en utilisant des balances http://www.arte-tv.com/fr/connaissance-decouverte/Science/einstein/La_20relativi | |
98. Approfondimento 4: Ulteriori Sviluppi Della Relatività Translate this page sperimentalmente da Galileo, Newton e, nei primi anni del novecento, dal baroneRoland von Eötvös (da cui tali esperimenti hanno preso il nome). http://www.fmboschetto.it/tde/approfondimento_4.htm | |
99. §occ}Ù Translate this page The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.cnet-ta.ne.jp/p/pddlib/japanese/ete.htm | |
100. Physica The summary for this Hebrew page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. |
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