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Von Eotvos Roland: more detail |
41. Table Of Contents For Einstein, A.; Hentschel, A., Trans.: The Collected Papers From roland von Eötvös, 27 January 1918 450 To roland von Eötvös, 31 January1918 457 451. To Hugo A. Krüss, 31 January 1918 457 http://www.pupress.princeton.edu/TOCs/c6174.html | |
42. Units: E The unit honors the Hungarian physicist roland von Eötvös (18481919). ephaha ancient unit of volume for grains and dry commodities, used in the Bible. http://www.unc.edu/~rowlett/units/dictE.html | |
43. Eötvös Eötvös, roland, Baron von. (18481919). Madarský fyzik, který se ve svých vedeckýchpocátcích zabýval kapilárnímu jevy. Pozdeji se venoval gravitaci. http://www.aldebaran.cz/famous/people/Eotvos_Roland_Baron_von.html | |
44. AIP International Catalog Of Sources Dirk Coster, Marie Curie, Charles Galton Darwin, Alexandre Dauvillier, AlbertEinstein, roland von Eötvös, Kasimir Fajans, Alexander Fleck, Fritz Haber, http://www.aip.org/history/catalog/4670.html | |
45. Europhysics News NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 1999 (p Some of the teachers, even some of the pupils (among them John von roland Eötvöshimself organized the first inservice teacher training seminar in 1895 http://www.fi.uib.no/~csernai/Sci-Policy/gymnasiu.htm | |
46. Lorand Baron Von Eoetvoes Translate this page Eötvös, Lorand Baron, meist roland Baron von E., ungar. Physiker, * Pest (heutezu Budapest) 27.7.1848, + Budapest 8.4.1919, Sohn von Eötvös, http://www.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/helios/fachinfo/www/math/homo-heid/eoetvoes.htm | |
47. Leo Koenigsberger: Mein Leben / Anmerkungen Translate this page Eötvös, Loránd Baron, meist roland Baron von E. ungar. Physiker, * Pest (heutezu Budapest) 27.7.1848, + Budapest 8.4.1919, Sohn von 1) Jósef Freiherr von http://www.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/helios/fachinfo/www/math/edd/koenigsberger/pers- | |
48. Alpengipfel & Erstersteiger Translate this page Stefan, Zurbriggen, Matthias, Zurbriggen, Peter Josef, unbekannter Begleiter,,MV,, EU,. roland von Eötvös Sextener Rotwand (Dolomiten) , 20. Juli 1878 http://www.erstersteiger.de/ergebnis.php?typ=person&per=374 |
49. ESA - Living Planet Programme - GOCE - Basic Measurement Units This unit is named after the Hungarian physicist roland von Eötvös who lived from1848 until 1919. Hertz (Hz). Hertz is the SI unit of frequency, http://www.esa.int/esaLP/ESAK4XZK0TC_LPgoce_0.html | |
50. 1890: Information From Answers.com roland, Baron von Eötvös b. Budapest, Hungary, July 27, 1848, d. Budapest, April8, 1919 conducts experiments in relating the gravitational and inertial http://www.answers.com/topic/1890 | |
51. Timeline 1889 roland von Eötvös uses a torsion fiber balance to test the weak equivalenceprinciple to 1 part in one billion http://faculty.fortlewis.edu/tyler_c/classes/454/w03/andrew/timeline.htm | |
52. Geschichte Der Physik Translate this page Geschichte. Loránt Eötvös (eingedeutscht roland von Eötvös) Man nannte esHorizontal Variometer von Eötvös, da man damit die horizontale Komponente von http://www.physik.uni-muenchen.de/leifiphysik/web_ph11/geschichte/10eoetvoes/eoe | |
53. Names Index Eötvös, Lóránd von (also roland von Eötvös) (18481919) 68, 320, 325. Euclid (c.300 BC) (see also geometry), 35, 79, 80. Feigl, Herbert (1902-88) 70, http://www.sfu.ca/philosophy/beyond_experience/names.htm | |
54. Lebensdaten Von Mathematikern Translate this page von Dyck, Walther Franz Anton (1856 - 1934) von Eötvös, roland (1848 - 1919) vonHelmholtz, Hermann (1821 - 1894) von Karman, Theodore (1881 - 1963) http://www.mathe.tu-freiberg.de/~hebisch/cafe/lebensdaten.html | |
55. I10 Wegeners Mechanism For Continental Drift Eötvös force roland Eötvös (18481919)full Hungarian name Vásárosnaményi BáróEötvös The excerpt from H. von Eötvös, Verhandlungen der 17. http://geowords.com/histbooknetscape/i10.htm | |
56. UserGerritholl/mathematicians - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Alexander von Brill Walther von Dyck - roland von Eötvös - Hermann vonHelmholtz - Theodore von Kármán - Helge von Koch - Gottfried von Leibniz - Carl http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Gerritholl/mathematicians |
57. Re: Resubmitted: What Is The Current Explanation Of Mass And Inertia? Galileo Galilei and more recently roland von Eötvös have shown experimentallythat gravitational and inertial mass seem to be equal. therefore Einstein http://www.madsci.org/posts/archives/apr2001/987171600.Ph.r.html | |
58. THE EÖTVÖS SOCIETY ## It is the merit of roland Eötvös to recognize the full importance of active After John von Neumann the Eötvös Society elected honorary members like http://teo.elte.hu/fs/history/eotvsoc.html | |
59. AWVerlag - Dienstleistungen - Referenzliste - E Annalen der Physik 2 (1900) 425446; von Eötvös roland, Desiderius Pekár andEugen Fekete, Beiträge zum Gesetze der Proportionalität von Trägheit und http://www.info.global-scaling-verein.de/Ref/ReferenzE.htm | |
60. IL FISICO DELLA SETTIMANA Translate this page Eötvös Lòránd (roland Eötvös). Budapest, Ungheria, 27.7.1848 8.4.1919 John von Neumann, Theodor von Karman, linventore del BASIC John Kemény, http://www.a-i-f.it/FISICI/fisico30.htm | |
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