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81. Reiss 1082 belgischen Buchhändler und Mathematiker adriaan vlacq (vgl. http://www.reiss-sohn.de/kat91/eng/N1082.HTM | |
82. USGS Astro: Planetary Nomenclature - Nomenclature V L L vlacq 53.3S 38.8E 89.0 EU DU 5 1935 66 AA adriaan; Dutch mathematician (c.16001667). H H Vlaminck 28.0N 12.7W 97.0 EU FR 5 1985 59 AA Maurice de; http://planetarynames.wr.usgs.gov/alpha/alphV.html | |
83. List Of Craters On The Moon Translate this page vlacq, adriaan vlacq. Vogel, Hermann Carl Vogel. Volkov. Volta, Alessandro Volta.Volterra, Vito Volterra. von Behring, Emil von Behring http://www.starrepublic.org/encyclopedia/wikipedia/l/li/list_of_craters_on_the_m | |
84. Seminarium Geschiedenis Van De Wiskunde (Leiden) Van Schooten Joseph Ehrenfried Hofmann, Franz van Schooten der Jüngere, Steiner1962. adriaan vlacq, Van den Nieuwe Telkonst, Gouda 1626, Fragment. http://www.math.ruu.nl/people/hogend/seml.html | |
85. 925-926 (Nordisk Familjebok / Uggleupplagan. 32. Werth - Väderkvarn) Se Flacius, MI vlacq, Vlack nVkk 1. Vlaccus, adriaan, holländsk matematiker, f.1600 i Gouda, d. i slutet af 1666 eller början af 1667 i Haag, bokhandlare http://www.lysator.liu.se/runeberg/nfcl/0495.html | |
86. Seminarium Geschiedenis Van De Wiskunde (Leiden) Van Schooten Joseph Ehrenfried Hofmann, Franz van Schooten der Jüngere, Steiner1962. adriaan vlacq, Van den Nieuwe Telkonst, Gouda 1626, Fragment http://www.math.uu.nl/people/hogend/seml.html | |
87. Librairie Henri GODTS - Livres Anciens - Bruxelles - BELGIQUE - Membre Du SLAM, Translate this page 393 BEVERLAND, adriaan.- Peccatum originale Vera redit facies, dissimulataperit Hagae-Comitum La Haye, ex typographia Andriani vlacq, 1654. http://www.franceantiq.fr/books/Godts/Cat.asp?idTable=Godts1104&classe=13 |
88. Biography-center - Letter V www.getty.edu/art/collections/bio/a37091.html; vlacq, Adriaanwww-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/vlacq.htm l; Vleck, Edward van http://www.biography-center.com/v.html | |
89. Systema Saturnium By Christiaan Huygens: Introduction HagaeComitis The Hague Ex Typographia Adriani vlacq from the press of Adriaanvlacq, 1659. Six preliminary leaves, 84 pages, woodcut and engraved http://www.sil.si.edu/DigitalCollections/HST/Huygens/huygens-introduction.htm | |
90. Author Index - V adriaan Vlacqmathematician, google. Jan van Vlijmencomposer 1935 2004, wiki,google. Vladimir Voevodskymathematician 1966 -, wiki, google. http://www.ph.surrey.ac.uk/~phx1mr/author/v.html | |
91. Bio Links - Letter V www.getty.edu/art/collections/bio/a37091.html; vlacq, Adriaanwww-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/vlacq.html; Vleck, Edward van http://www.ebiog.com/links/link-v.htm | |
92. Mathematic Historic Style % % This File Is Based On A Table Of \born 1622, \died 1703} } \newcommand{\vlacq}{{\sc vlacq}\footnote{{\sc Adriaanvlacq}, \born 1600, \died 1667} } \newcommand{\Volterra}{{\sc http://www.tug.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/mhs/mhs.sty |
93. List Of Craters On The Moon, TZ - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Vladislav Nikolayevich Volkov Volta, 123 km, Alessandro Volta http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_craters_on_the_Moon,_T-Z |
94. Nuova Pagina 1 http://libreriagovi.com/Miscellanea9.htm | |
95. 17¥@¬ö²üÄõ¼Æ¾Ç®a The summary for this Chinese (Traditional) page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www1.emath.pu.edu.tw/mkuo/æ¸å¸å®¶çå°æ äº/IV/1 | |
96. Immanuel Kant In Italia http://users.unimi.it/~it_kant/it_letture2.htm | |
97. Ask Jeeves For Kids! You asked Jeeves knows these answers Where can Ilearn about the scientist Galileo Galilei http://www.ajkids.com/kidsaskjeeves.asp?ask=Galileo&qSource=0&origin=0&metasearc |
98. Richtlijnen Voor De Scriptie De automaten van Heron van Alexandrië;; Logaritmen (Napier, Briggs, AdriaanVlacq, );; Tabellen, van kleitablet tot spreadsheet;; Het programmeren van de http://www.win.tue.nl/~hemerik/2R930/Scriptie.htm | |
99. PERSONAGGI FORMAZIONI http://www.arcturus.len.it/personaggi__formazioni_S_Z.htm | |
100. Title http://www.losn.com.cn/twahz/moon/3_7_next.htm |
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