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101. The Codex Leicester By Leonardo Da Vinci Features a Shockwave biography and several thematic units about the artist and philosopher. http://www.odranoel.de/indexeng.htm | |
102. Leonardo Da Vinci: European Training In The UK leonardo da vinci is a European programme designed to help develop new vocational training approaches. http://www.leonardo.org.uk/ | |
103. Gidas á Profesijø Pasaulá Interaktyvi interneto svetainÄ, padedanti pasirinkti tinkamiausiÄ profesijÄ pagal polinkius ar gabumus, teikianti informacijÄ apie tai, kaip sÄkmingai integruotis ar reintegruotis į darbo rinkÄ . leonardo da vinci programos projektas http://www.profesijupasaulis.lt/ | |
104. Leonardo Da Vinci. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001-05 leonardo da vinci. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 200105. http://www.bartleby.com/65/le/LeonardoV.html | |
105. Leonardo Da Vinci's Life Featuring a biography and discussing several images of the artist. http://www.davincilife.com/ | |
106. Leonardo leonardo da vinci was born on April 15, 1452, in the town of vinci, Italy. He was the illegitimate son of Ser Piero da vinci, a public notary, http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/1070/leonardo.html | |
107. The Paintings And Public Art Of Vebjorn Sand Norwegian installation artist presents info about his leonardo da vinci bridge project. Includes bio. http://www.vebjorn-sand.com/ | |
108. Leonardo Da Vinci - From Inspiration To Innovation An illustrated biography, including photographs of three fullsize models made for the BBC One series leonardo, and online images of the Library's leonardo notebook. http://www.bl.uk/whatson/exhibitions/leonardo/leonardo.html | |
109. Leonardo's Workshop: An ArtEdventure With Carmine Chameleon This is one of leonardo da vinci s paintings, says Dr. Ventor. The date s set to 1505 AD And the location is leonardo da vinci s workshop in Italy! http://www.sanford-artedventures.com/play/leonardo/ | |
110. Hotel Leonardo Da Vinci - Sassari Three stars. Includes description, photographs, location, rates and contact information. http://www.leonardodavincihotel.it/ |
111. Leonardo Da Vinci It mentions artist leonardo da vinci as having encoded messages in his art work leonardo da vinci died in Cloux, France on 2nd May, 1519, in the arms of http://www.crystalinks.com/davinci.html | |
112. The Notebooks Of Leonardo Da Vinci â Complete By Leonardo Da Vinci - Projec Start here to download the Project Gutenberg eBook of The Notebooks of leonardo da vinci Complete by leonardo da vinci. http://www.gutenberg.org/etext/5000 | |
113. Leonardo Da Vinci 1452-1519, Biography About The Famous Renaissance Artist And P Interactive biography of the artist and inventor by Martin Kausal. http://www.kausal.com/ | |
114. Leonardo Da Vinci's Polyhedra leonardo da vinci (14521519) was the quintessential renaissance man artist, mathematician, scientist, and engineer. He was a great lover of geometry, http://www.georgehart.com/virtual-polyhedra/leonardo.html | |
115. Leonardo Da Vinci The life of leonardo da vinci. leonardo did many architectural drawings both of ground plans and other elevations, and, while still young, http://easyweb.easynet.co.uk/giorgio.vasari/vinci/vinci.htm | |
116. Il Cenacolo Dedicata al celebre affresco di leonardo da vinci. Informazioni, fotografie, news. http://www.cenacolovinciano.it/ |
117. Leonardo Da Vinci: Sexuality, Subliminal Themes, And The Priory Of Sion leonardo da vinci Sexuality, Subliminal Themes, and the Priory of Sion. http://www.amuseyourself.com/goodreads/leonardodavinci/ | |
118. Leonardo Da Vinci - Wikiquote Math Forum Alejandre leonardo da vinci ActivityThis page contains the curriculum developed by Suzanne Alejandre to be used during the 9900 school year in seventh grade mathematics. http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Leonardo_da_Vinci | |
119. Leonardo Da Vinci Fakta om leonardo da vinci som konstn¤r och vetenskapsman. ven n¥gra bilder p¥ konstverk han gjort. http://www.finspong.se/leonardo/anders da Vinci.htm | |
120. Leonardo Da Vinci The Last Supper, pictures, paintings, Mona Lisa, drawings, and his inventions. http://www.leonardodavinci.ws/leonardo-da-vinci/ | |
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