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61. Avviso Importante Cecina, LI Sito ufficiale della scuola. http://ospitiweb.indire.it/~limm0001/ | |
62. MSN Encarta - Vinci, Leonardo Da Search Encarta about vinci, leonardo da Editors Picks. Great books about your topic, vinci, leonardo da, selected by Encarta editors. Click here http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761561520/Leonardo_da_Vinci.html | |
63. National Museum Of Science And Technology Leonardo Da Vinci - Milano This museum in Milan has displays over one hundred models illustrating the work of leonardo. Chronology of his life, manuscripts, his machines in VRML. http://www.museoscienza.org/english/leonardo/ |
64. Leonardo Da Vinci's Horse Project to actualize leonardo s planned but nevercompleted sculpture of a 24-foot horse. http://www.leonardoshorse.org/ | |
65. Biografía - Leonardo Da Vinci. Leonardo Di Ser Piero Da Vinci Translate this page Gran genio del Renacimiento, destacará por su dominio del claroscuro y por el sfumato, técnica con la que difumina los contornos. Con unas cuantas y escasas http://www.artehistoria.com/genios/pintores/2516.htm | |
66. LEONARDO Da Vinci A collection of many works of the author, including paintings, drawings and sculptures. With notes for each work http://gallery.euroweb.hu/html/l/leonardo/index.html | |
67. Malaspina Great Books - Leonardo Da Vinci (1452) leonardo da vinci (1452 1519) was a celebrated Italian Renaissance Therefore, his full name was leonardo di ser Piero da vinci, which means http://www.malaspina.com/site/person_1164.asp | |
68. Leonardo Da Vinci Obras y biografa de este autor italiano. http://www.epdlp.com/pintor.php?id=402 |
69. Leonardo Da Vinci More on leonardo da vinci from Fact Monster. leonardo da vinci Bibliography Bibliography In 1965 two previously lost notebooks were discovered in the http://www.factmonster.com/ce6/people/A0829434.html | |
70. Leonardo Da Vinci Vita ed opere del grande maestro. http://digilander.libero.it/arteworld/leonardo/ | |
71. Liceo Scientifico Statale "Leonardo Da Vinci" Di Maglie (Lecce) Maglie, LE Sito ufficiale dell'Istituto. http://cliomg.clio.it/sc/lsm/ | |
72. LEONARDO Da Vinci A collection of many works of the author, including paintings, drawings and sculptures. With notes for each work. http://gallery.euroweb.hu/html/l/leonardo/ | |
73. Leonardo Da Vinci | Renaissance Artist And Inventor Lucidcafé s profile of leonardo da vinci. leonardo da vinci was born April 15, 1452 in vinci, Italy. leonardo s mastery in art, science and engineering http://www.lucidcafe.com/library/96apr/leonardo.html | |
74. Valorisation Evaluation of the vocational training programme 'leonardo da vinci' http://www.ntnu.no/intersek/leonardo/valorisation/eng.htm | |
75. Agence Socrates-Leonardo Da Vinci, L'Europe De L'éducation Et De La Formation Groupement d'int©rªt public (GIP) charg©e d'assurer la promotion et la mise en oeuvre d©centralis©e des ces deux programmes d'action communautaire en mati¨re d'©ducation et de formation professionnelle. Documents, formulaires, renseignements, liens. http://www.socrates-leonardo.fr | |
76. Leonardo Da Vinci - Wikipedia Informaci³n sobre la vida y obra del pintor italiano. http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leonardo_da_Vinci | |
77. National Museum Of Science And Technology "Leonardo Da Vinci" One of the main attraction of the museum is its display of models illustrating the work of leonardo da vinci. 40 of them can be seen through the site, http://www.museoscienza.org/english/Default.htm | |
78. ITIS Rimini - Home Page Rimini Il sito ufficiale dell'Istituto. Specializzazioni di Informatica, Chimica, Elettronica, Elettrotecnica e Meccanica. http://www.itisrn.it/ | |
79. Museo Nazionale Della Scienza E Della Tecnologia "Leonardo Da Vinci" Milano Presenta il padiglione dedicato alla nautica nel Museo della Scienza e della Tecnica leonardo da vinci, che accoglie il veliero Ebe, parti del transatlantico Conte Biancamano, armi navali. http://www.museoscienza.org/navi/ |
80. Leonardo DaVinci The Inventor leonardo da vinci made the first real studies of flight in the 1480 s. It was a design that leonardo da vinci created to show how man could fly. http://inventors.about.com/library/inventors/blda-vinci.htm | |
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