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41. Backflip Publisher: Addbenitez | Folder: RecentMathP1 veblen, oswald veblen, oswald (18801960), who played a major role in thedevelopment of Princeton and American mathematics, was the grandson of a Nor http://www.backflip.com/members/addbenitez/8936548/page=4/sort=0 | |
42. Oswald Veblen (HyperDic Hyper-dictionary) oswald veblen vitamins, and other popular TVproducts. oswald veblen noun,person. Meaning, United States mathematician (1880-1960). Synonyms, veblen http://www.hyperdic.net/dic/oswald_veblen.htm | |
43. Veblen (HyperDic Hyper-dictionary) United States economist who wrote about conspicuous consumption (18571929).2, veblen, oswald veblen, United States mathematician (1880-1960) http://www.hyperdic.net/dic/veblen.htm | |
44. Oswald Veblen - Slider oswald veblen. (Redirected from veblen, oswald). oswald veblen (24 June 1880 10 August, 1960) was an American mathematician. He proved the Jordan curve http://enc.slider.com/Enc/Veblen,_Oswald | |
45. Dangerous-industries Search For VE veblen, oswald Typos/falses veblen, oswald Veblne, oswald Vebeln, oswald Evblen, oswald Ceblen, oswald Beblen, oswald http://www.dangeruss-industries.com/list.VE.html |
46. Basic Library List-Geometry veblen, oswald and Young, John Wesley. Projective Geometry, New York, NY Blaisdell, veblen, oswald and Whitehead, JHC The Foundations of Differential http://www.maa.org/BLL/geometry.htm | |
47. AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL MONTHLY - December 2001 In the spring of 1918, oswald veblen, a young mathematics professor from PrincetonUniversity, created a mathematics research laboratory with the armys http://www.maa.org/pubs/monthly_dec01_toc.html | |
48. Nat' Academies Press, The One True Platonic Heaven: A Scientific Fiction Of The table in the front of the room sat oswald veblen, who would chair the gathering.veblen was the first professor hired by the Institute, and felt rightly http://www.nap.edu/books/0309085470/html/145.html | |
49. Harald Bohr Correspondence The correspondence between Harald Bohr and oswald veblen Except for two lettersthe correspondence is located in the general correspondence folder Bohr, http://www.math.ku.dk/ths/bohr_h/corresp.htm | |
50. Poul Heegaard Archival Material The Archive, IMS, Copenhagen. veblen, oswald, 192230, 2, 1922-30, 2,General corr. Misc. H, Box 7, veblen Papers, Library of Congress http://www.math.ku.dk/ths/heegaard_p/archival.htm | |
51. Name Index veblen, oswald. 0928. Verrill, Addison E. 0385, 0462. Volney, ConstantinF.Chasseboeuf, Count de. 0045. Previous. Return to Chronology main page. Next. http://home.earthlink.net/~claelliott/chronindex-v.htm | |
52. American Mathematical Monthly, The: Dr. Veblen Takes A Uniform Mathematics In Th oswald veblen 1918 Diary, oswald veblen Papers, Library of Congress. 16.oswald veblen to Bertrand Russell, October 19, 1939, oswald veblen papers, http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa3742/is_200112/ai_n9006127/pg_4 | |
53. American Mathematical Monthly, The: Dr. Veblen Takes A Uniform Mathematics In Th Loren Butler Feffer, oswald veblen and the Capitalization of American Deane Montgomery, oswald veblen, Bull. Amer Math. Soc., 69 (1963) 2636. 12. http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa3742/is_200112/ai_n9006127/pg_3 | |
54. Unexplained Mysteries :: The Philadelphia Experiment And Johnny Von Neumann oswald veblen, a professor of mathematics at Princeton, brought von Neumann to From 1917 until 1919 veblen was Major oswald veblen on wartime leave from http://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/viewcolumn.php?id=21 |
55. NYU Today News: Courant's Cheeger Receives 2001 AMS Oswald Veblen Prize Courant s Cheeger receives 2001 AMS oswald veblen Prize November 27, 2001.Professor Jeff Cheeger of the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences at New http://www.nyu.edu/nyutoday/archives/15/03/cheeger.nyu | |
56. NYU Today News: November 27, 2001 Courant s Cheeger receives 2001 AMS oswald veblen Prize Professor Jeff Cheegerof the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences at New York University has http://www.nyu.edu/nyutoday/archives/15/03/ | |
57. The Oswald Veblen Prize In Geometry This prize was established in 1961 in memory of Professor oswald veblen througha fund contributed by former students and colleagues. http://www.mathnet.or.kr/math_prize/Veblen.html | |
58. Biographies.html The mathematician I choose was oswald veblen. oswald was born in Decorah, oswald veblen died in 1960. I chose this mathematician because he is from the http://archive.ncsa.uiuc.edu/Edu/RSE/RSEorange/biosub.html | |
59. Thorstein Veblen: Definition And Much More From Answers.com Thorstein veblen began his career in the midst of this period of intellectual oswald veblen Dial (author). Mitchell, Wesley Clair (American economist) http://www.answers.com/topic/thorstein-veblen | |
60. The Institute Letter The American Mathematical Society has awarded the 2004 oswald veblen Prize inGeometry to DAVID GABAI (Member in the School of Mathematics, 198283, http://www.ias.edu/the-institute-letter/current/index.php | |
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