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41. Image:David Face.png Face of enImageMichelangelos david.jpg, created by Halibutt in GIMP for use Kurt Reidemeister Michel Vennat Ernest Esclangon david van dantzig http://www.algebra.com/algebra/about/history/Image:David-face.png.wikipedia | |
42. David Van Dantzig Université Montpellier II Translate this page david van dantzig (1900-1959). Cette image et la biographie complète en anglaisrésident sur le site de luniversité de St Andrews Écosse http://ens.math.univ-montp2.fr/SPIP/article.php3?id_article=1023 |
43. Family Database van creveld, van crevelt, crucq, cvetko, da silva rosa, danielson, danser,van dantzig, david, davids, deharo, delafuente, deliema, delmonte, denekamp, http://data.jewishgen.org/wconnect/wc.dll?JG2~Family~Search~family_pb~K~50 |
44. Family Database Submitted by, Niels van dantzig nvdantzig@wxs.nl dalziel, van dam, danielson,danser, van dantzich, van dantzig, david, davids, davidson, delvalle, http://data.jewishgen.org/wconnect/wc.dll?Jg2~Family~Search~family_pb~H |
45. Wayne Eagling Interview On Ballet Into The 21st Century On Ballet.co Eagling, the third director in its history (he succeeded Rudi van dantzig) has one of them a fulllength work, while david Dawson has made three pieces. http://www.ballet.co.uk/magazines/yr_02/dec02/interview_wayne_eagling.htm | |
46. Untitled Document david Bowie started some of his world tours in this theatre. Ballet dancerRudolf Nureyev was a friend of Rudi van dantzig, who created some ballets http://www.gaylinc.nl/Tekst/art.html | |
47. Les Van Cleef Morts En Déportation Translate this page Cleef david 23-11-1883 Amsterdam Cleef david 29-12-1925 Amsterdam Cleef davidIsaac 09-05-1906 André van dantzig ,15 Octobre 1942, Auschwitz , à 61 ans http://blogs.monaco.net/index.php/SHOAH | |
48. Les Van Cleef Morts En Déportation - Listes Des Van Cleef Morts En Déportation Cleef david 2311-1883 Amsterdam Cleef david 29-12-1925 Amsterdam à 55 ansAndré van dantzig ,15 Octobre 1942, Auschwitz , à 61 ans Roosje van dantzig http://blogs.monaco.net/index.php/SHOAH/2005/04/22/listes_des_van_cleef_morts_en | |
49. Dance Jeffrey Babcock has been more visible than was his predecessor, david Brown, andwhereas Browns Not that a lineup of Jerome Robbins, Rudi van dantzig, http://www.bostonphoenix.com/boston/arts/dance/documents/00653253.htm | |
50. Ama, A Story Of The Atlantic Slave Trade: Publisher Index American Womens Association, Accra, van dantzig, Albert HMSO, Richardson, david,http//www.ama.africatoday.com/capitalism.htm http://www.ama.africatoday.com/publisher_index.htm | |
51. Earliest Known Uses Of Some Of The Words Of Mathematics (T) ALGEBRA and TOPOLOGICAL GROUP were coined by david van dantzig. In afootnote van dantzig states that this notion is essentially the same notion as http://members.aol.com/jeff570/t.html | |
52. AuthorT-V.html Trinidad, david. It s a wig!. Disc. Trocchi, Alexander. Cain s book (selectionfrom). van dantzig, Rudi. Desolate phenomenon. More. vanderford, Tripp. http://www.swarthmore.edu/Library/ghuber1/index/authorT-V.html | |
53. SCME Digest 99.8 de jaren vijftig david van dantzig (19001959) maakte in 1940 een ommezwaai van van dantzig was niet de eerste of enige mathematisch statisticus in http://www.cs.kuleuven.ac.be/~scme/showissue.php?vol=99&nr=08 |
54. Van Eeden Constance's Home Page 1. A nonparametric introduction to statistics (with CH Kraft). The MacmillanCompany, 1968, 342 pages. 2. The scientific family tree of david van dantzig. http://hajek.stat.ubc.ca/~vaneeden/ | |
55. Condor Testimonials Of High Throughput Computing Dr. Barry Fagin, US Air Force Academy; david F. Nitz, Physics Department, From Rene van dantzig, NIKHEF (National Institute for Nuclear Physics and http://www.cs.wisc.edu/condor/wts/stories.html | |
56. Ancient Dutch Forts Carel Hendrik david van Hien, one of two brothers who served for several Albert van dantzig, Forts and Castles of Ghana (Accra Sedco Publishing Ltd http://www.ambaccra.nl/pages/c_forts.html | |
57. Biography-center - Letter V van dantzig, david wwwhistory.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/dantzig.html; van Dorn, Earl civilwarhome.com/vandornbio.htm; van Gennip, Yvonne http://www.biography-center.com/v.html | |
58. CRA Using History To Improve Undergrad Teaching Of CS 1998) and Twee Geesten van de Wiskunde (The Dual Spirit of Mathematics; ABiography of david van dantzig 19001959) (Amsterdam CWI, 2000) and `On http://www.cra.org/Activities/workshops/history/august01.speakers.html | |
59. Van Dantzig 2000 Twee geesten van de wiskunde, biografie van david van dantzig, david vandantzig heeft ons het wiskundig modelleren nagelaten en heeft daarmee in zijn http://www.cwi.nl/events/conferences/Dantzig2000/ | |
60. Proceedings Van Dantzig 2000 3, De betekenis van david van dantzig voor het onderwijs in de wiskunde, HJ Smid,39 david van dantzig (19001959) leverde bijzondere bijdragen aan http://www.cwi.nl/publications/OTHER/Abstracts_other/Uitbeelden.html | |
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