setAdGroup(''); var cm_role = "live" var cm_host = "" var cm_taxid = "/memberembedded" Search: Lycos Angelfire Dukes of Hazzard Share This Page Report Abuse Edit your Site ... Next VAN CUREN FAMILY HOME PAGE In the 1500s, Spain was engaged in a "spiritual cleansing" known as the "Inquisition". To non-Catholics, this usually meant Imprisonment, torture, and/or execution. As the Spanish began conquering Western Europe, many were forced to flee to the safety of the Dutch States. Such is the case of Cologne, which fell to Spain in 1559. As a matter of identification, wealthy classes from Cologne often attached the suffix "van Ceulen"(aka van Keulen) to their names, which literally means "of Cologne". Eventually, "van" names became recognized as surnames, and thus, the van Keulen/van Ceulen family was created. Mathijs Jansen Van Ceulen, 1602-1648, first arrived in North America(New York) in November, 1632, stopping in either New Amsterdam(New York) or his own colony, Zawaanendael(Lewes, Delaware) for resupply enroute to Brazil. In June, 1639 he arrived in New Amsterdam aboard the West India Raven from Recife, Brazil. He was found in New Amsterdam(Manhattan)in until Aug, 1639, then back in Recife until 1641. By late 1641 he had made Fort Orange(aka Albany, NY) his permanent home. He was one of the 19 Lord-Directors of the Dutch West India Trading Company, empowered with the Armorial Bearings of an Earl, and known as one of the co-Patroons of Zawaanendal (Tenant-farm Colony-Swan Valley, Delaware River, near Lewes). The Dutch colonies at New Netherlandt proved to be a dismal failure and were eventually taken over by the British in 1664, at which time it was renamed New York. Mathijs' land and estate were confirmed to his heirs in 1667, including a parcel of 50 Morgens of land in the Pappermemmins (Manhats - Manhattan) known as | |