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61. The Philolexian Foundation John howard van amringe (1860) First Dean of Columbia College. Edward Mitchell (1861)US Attorney, Southern District of New York http://www.philolexian.com/alumni.shtml | |
62. The Nation, 04/03/1913 - The Week John howard van amringe with a likeness of himself in undying bronze, It is some years since Professor van amringe resigned from the post of Dean of http://www.nationarchive.com/Summaries/v096i2492_02.htm | |
63. The Nation, 11/10/1910 - The Week howard is popular Passing from President Barclay, the Litxsrian Registerremarks that the assigned reason being the wishes of Dean van amringe. http://www.nationarchive.com/Summaries/v091i2367_02.htm | |
64. Robert Hertz -- Facts, Info, And Encyclopedia Article John howard van amringe Friedrich August Johannes Loffler John Davis Long Tony Wilding Henry Enfield Roscoe James William Elliott http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/encyclopedia/r/ro/robert_hertz.htm | |
65. Famous Mathematicians With AV Luca Valerio howard van amringe Ludolph van Ceulen David van Dantzig Bartel vander Waerden Hendrik van Heuraet Philip van Lansberge Adriaan van Roomen http://www.famousmathematician.com/az/mathematician_V.htm | |
66. Signers V - Anti Global Warming Petition Project PhD, John H van Aken, John van amringe, Willard van Asdall, PhD, Theodore van David F Viox, Luciano Virgili, PhD, howard Virkler, Richard J Virshop, http://althouse.entrewave.com/view/althouse/s33p435.htm | |
67. Orienta Yacht Club And on July 2, 1922, Halsey and van amringe won the Ocean Yacht Race from New And in 1952, the Russell J. Nall trophy was won by howard McMichael in his http://orientayacht.net/who.htm | |
68. Leadership Directories | News Media Yellow Book | The Leadership Library On The Pete Turnbull, Scripps howard News Service Allan Turner, Houston Chronicle Judyth van amringe, House Garden Jim van Anglen, Mobile Register http://www.leadershipdirectories.com/nmybinfo/NMYBLink108.html | |
69. Charles F. W. McClure Papers McClenahan, howard, physicist, Princeton University, later secretary of FranklinInstitute, Philadelphia van amringe, dean of Columbia University http://libweb.princeton.edu/libraries/firestone/rbsc/aids/mcclure.html | |
70. George Palmer Putnam 43 Gilman, Caroline howard 44 Gilman, Seth 45 Gilmer, George Rockingham 111 van, amringe 112 Wallis, Severn Teackle 113 Walter, Isaac N. http://libweb.princeton.edu/libraries/firestone/rbsc/aids/putnam.html | |
71. (Surnames From Van Allen, Mollie ) "San Francisco Call" Newspaper Vital Records van amringe, Ellen died in 1872 age 22 1872D2714 van amringe, Emma D .died van Buskirk, howard died in 1898 age 75 SF1898-11428 http://www.cefha.org/usa/ca/sf/sfcall/6999/6999-701.html | |
72. Columbia College In John howard van amringe, who became dean of the School of Arts and later ofthe College, Burgess found a worthy adversary, and undergraduate education http://www.college.columbia.edu/core/oasis/history1.php | |
73. Columbia College Today The College has had 14 deans, from John howard van amringe (left, The lamentof the Colleges first dean, John howard van amringe (Class of 1860), http://www.college.columbia.edu/cct/sep04/columbia250.php | |
74. Matha Elements of Geometry and Trigonometry by AM Legendre and Charles Davies, ed.by J. howard van amringe (frame and JavaScript-dependent page images at http://www.esefer.net/matha.html | |
75. BOSTON, MASS., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 99Og. THE TECH. HORNET S NEST John howard van amringe, the retiring dean of the We make a special effort tomerit the college, as dean emeritus. The petition patronage of our student http://www-tech.mit.edu/archives/VOL_029/TECH_V029_S0193_P002.txt |
76. BOSTON, MASS., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER I, X9og. THE TECH. Published howard it was found that the displace ment anmounted to onlv a few hun- dredths INTERCOLLEGIATE NEWS -Professor John H. van amringe, Dean of Columbia http://www-tech.mit.edu/archives/VOL_029/TECH_V029_S0217_P002.txt |
77. The Critical Review Online - CR Navigator EL0002 Fiction Writing I / howard; EL0003 Poetry Writing I / Mengert; EL0006Fiction Writing II / Diken VA0010 Studio Foundation / van amringe http://www.brown.edu/Students/Critical_Review/modules/CR_Nav/index.php?action=fe |
78. Past Exhibitions Recent Works Yizhak Elyashiv, David Newton, Judyth van amringe June 8 July 7,2002. 20002001 howard Ben Tré New Work August 28 - October 3, 1993 http://www.brown.edu/Facilities/David_Winton_Bell_Gallery/past_exhibitions.html | |
79. Surnames Index Page Houghton Hounslow Hourt House Houser Houston howard Howd Howe Howell Vallier van Alstine van amringe van Baber van Beber van Bibber van Dorp van http://www.baberfamilytree.org/groupsheets/surnames.htm | |
80. Aviation Archaeology Name Lists van Alstyne, vance B van Alstyne, WT van Aman, John L van amringe, Henry G van De Car, howard T van De Casteele, Robert F van De Sandt, Glenn http://www.aviationarchaeology.com/src/namesV.htm | |
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