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21. ROCKS AND MINERALS TABLE OF CONTENTS 1936 The Amateur Lapidary, JH howard, 13. If You Want It You Can Get It, 13. A Peekat Our Mail THE ARTIFICIAL COLORING OF AGATES, EV van amringe, 194 http://www.minsocam.org/MSA/collectors_corner/rm/toc1936.htm | |
22. The Value Of The Civil Engineer -- Van Brunt, Henry: In Cornell University's Mak van amringe, J. howard, AM, Ph.D., Columbia College. The New England Magazine, vol.8, issue 4 (June 1890). van amringe, WF, Principles of Zoology. http://cdl.library.cornell.edu/moa/browse.author/v.4.html | |
23. Howard Van Amringe Université Montpellier II Translate this page howard van amringe (1835-1915). Cette image et la biographie complète en anglaisrésident sur le site de luniversité de St Andrews Écosse http://ens.math.univ-montp2.fr/SPIP/article.php3?id_article=750 |
24. Howard Aiken Université Montpellier II Horatio Carslaw Hormander howard Aiken howard van amringe Hugh Dowker http://ens.math.univ-montp2.fr/SPIP/article.php3?id_article=731 |
25. John Howard - Encyclopedia Article About John Howard. John howard van amringe John howard, 1st Duke of Norfolk John Northrop John van amringe John Winston howard Lost Horizon (1937) http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/John Howard | |
26. John Howard (actor) - Encyclopedia Article About John Howard (actor). John howard Payne John howard Pyle John howard van amringe John howard Yoder John howard, 1st Duke of Norfolk John howard, 1st Duke Of, http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/John Howard (actor) | |
27. American Theories Of Polygenesis died in 1873, and had a son, John howard van amringe, who became a distinguished van amringe argued for a definition of species in terms of http://www.thoemmes.com/science/polygenesis_intro.htm | |
28. AIP Niels Bohr Library van amringe, J. howard (John howard). Wingate, Charles EL (Charles Edgar Lewis), b.1861. Lee, Albert, b. 1868. Paine, Henry G. (Henry Gallup), b. 1859. http://www.aip.org/history/catalog/15189.html | |
29. Davies The 1883 and final version was published by J. howard van amringe. He was aprofessor at Columbia College where Davies had his last teaching job. http://www.uzes.net/books/bookreviews/davies.htm | |
30. Univ. Of Haifa Library - Electronic Texts List - Index By Subject van amringe, J. howard (John howard), 18351915Electronic texts. An historicalsketch of Columbia college, in the city of New York, 1754-1876 http://lib.haifa.ac.il/www/elect_data/etexts/indexes/S86.html | |
31. Sexual Reality John howard van amringe (Maeroff, l984), a dean of Columbia College (an Ivy Leagueschool) in the late l9th century said in defense of the allmale private http://www.bapfelbaumphd.com/Sexual_Reality.html | |
32. Public Art In The Bronx Biographies howard McCalebb received a BA in Sculpture from California State University atHayward as well as the bust of Dean van amringe at Columbia University; http://bronxart.lehman.cuny.edu/pa/biography.htm |
33. 1915 Reports The contractor was the van amringe Monumental Granite Co., of Boston; the sculptor, howard Avenue, eight 12pounders, four 3inch rifles 12 http://www.gdg.org/Research/Authored Items/BCRReports/1915.html | |
34. 1912 Report commission placed the contract for the statues with the van amringe Granite Co., OO howard no further action has been taken by the State of Maine. http://www.gdg.org/Research/Authored Items/BCRReports/1912.html | |
35. (Golden Gale Archive Format) Vail, Mary C. Both Sides Told, Or Juan Pepita Jimenez (searchable HTML at Bartleby); van amringe, J. howard, ed . van Mater, John P. Index to The Secret Doctrine, also by Helena http://www.cartage.org.lb/en/themes/BookLibrary/books/internet_biblio/v.htm | |
36. Untitled Document Davies, Charles Elements of Geometry and Trigonometry, also by AM Legendre, ed.by J. howard van amringe (frame and JavaScript-dependent page images http://www.cartage.org.lb/en/themes/BookLibrary/books/internet_biblio/d.htm | |
37. Who's Who - New York State 1911 Hottenroth Hough Houghton House Hovey Hoving howard Howe Howell Howells Howison van Allen van Alstyne van amringe van Anda van Antwerp van Atta van http://www.ancestorinfo.com/whos_who__new_york_state_1911.htm | |
38. 1888-'89 Annual Catalogue 12 howard street. Moore, JS, Thomasville, Ga. 311 Courtland avenue. Davies Surveying (Revised by van amringe.) (Students will have access to http://www.space.gatech.edu/danshiki/Tower/Catalogue.html | |
39. Image:David Face.png John Daniel Runkle Hussein Rushdi Pasha Charles Jean de la Vall©ePoussin John howard van amringe Walther von Dyck John Rea (snooker player) http://www.algebra.com/algebra/about/history/Image:David-face.png.wikipedia | |
40. Category:American Mathematicians Hal Abelson Ralph Abraham Robert Adrain JW Alexander Stephen Altschul Benjamin Alvord John howard van amringe Kenneth Appel http://www.algebra.com/algebra/about/history/Category:American-mathematicians.wi | |
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