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Valerio Luca: more detail | |||||||
21. Untitled Document Translate this page 8- PEROBELLI FRANCESCO. 9- PEROLI FEDERICO. 10- PICCARO FILIPPO. 11- POLI LORENZO.12- RIZZOTTO OLIVIA. 13- RONCONI SAMUELE. 14- valerio luca http://www.agmmilfaro.it/l'aria.htm | |
22. Autorità E Consessi Accademici Translate this page valerio luca. Della Croce Domenico, Fac. di Agraria. Blasioli Sonia, Fac.di Chimica Industriale. Gosetti Claudia, Fac. di Conservazione dei Beni Culturali. http://www3.unibo.it/annuari/Annu9799/Indice/parte1/P1s1.htm |
23. SAILING.HU - Cikkek / Versenyzés / Külföld / Bronzérem Az Asso EB-n A 7 futamból álló viadalon az olasz valerio luca és csapata nyert a német AndiPlettner és Detre Szabolcsék elott. A magyar csapat megnyerte a harmadik http://www.sailing.hu/cikkek/versenyzes/kulfold/bronzerem_az_asso_eb_n/ | |
24. Eventi Translate this page 006, 0745, 1994, valerio luca, Breganze VICENZA. 007, 0751, 1994, BANCI Alfredo,PESARO. CH001, 0583, 1994, SCHAERER Regina, Unterkulm SVIZZERA http://www.infoservizi.it/bimotaclubitalia/registris.htm | |
25. PUBBLICITA' CINEMATOGRAFICA E TELEVISIVA Translate this page PLANNING sas 00144 Roma (RM) - 4, pl. dei Ss. Pietro E Paolo tel 06/5915526MORETTI GIUSEPPE 00146 Roma (RM) - 69, v. valerio luca tel 06/5590972 http://www.cyberciak.com/database/pubblicita.html | |
26. Mumm30 News Translate this page 8, ITA-3073, ALINA, valerio luca, 2 15 DNF 42,00. 9, ITA-3063, ILTENET - WIND,CRISTOFORI PIERPAOLO, 20 4 DNF 49,00. 10, ITA-3064, METALLURGICA CALVI http://www.mumm30.it/shownews.php?indice=18 |
27. XXème PRIMO CUP Translate this page valerio luca CASSINARI DANIELE DAL FERRO NICHOLAS MEREGHETTI PAOLO. 28.00. 73.00 BARCELLA LUCA FERRI GIORGIO CODONI DOMENICO. 103.00. 161.00 http://www.yacht-club-monaco.mc/fr/Competitions/PrimoCup/2004/Results WE2/Day 3/ | |
28. Concorsi_____________________________________________________ Translate this page Moriyama Azuma, (da Tokyo). Giovanni Zinna, Mc Joe (dalla Svizzera). valerio luca,La Pizzaccia. Angelo Cristiano, Pizzeria Cowboy (dalla Svizzera) http://www.pizza-planet.it/news/concorsi2002.htm | |
29. Détail Résultat Translate this page 5, ALINA, valerio luca, ITALIE, M, 28, (6, 4, 9, 1, 3, 8, 6, DNC). CASSINARI DANIELE,M. DAL FERRO NICHOLAS, M. MEREGHETTI PAOLO, M http://www.ffvoile.net/ffv/sportif/ClmtCompetDet.asp?clid=26550 |
30. Valerio, Luca, De Centro Gravitatis Solidorum, 1604 valerio, luca, De centro gravitatis solidorum, 1604. Placed in the Public Domainby Max Planck Institute for the History of Science http://echo.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/content/historymechanics/archimdesecho/valer_cen | |
32. Valerio Biography of luca valerio (15521618) luca valerio was brought up on theisland of Corfu, then he studied at the Collegio Romano. http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Valerio.html | |
33. References For Valerio References for the biography of luca valerio. U Baldini and PD Napolitani,Toward a biography of luca valerio published and unpublished sources for a http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/References/Valerio.html | |
34. VALERIO, Luca, De Centro Gravitatis Solidorum Libri Tres... [and Quadratura Para 4to (218 x 155 mm), pp viii 260; some occasional browning, a very good copy,uncut in original Italian pasteboards binding. £1950 br br Second editions http://www.polybiblio.com/watbooks/2335.html | |
35. V AUTHOR valerio, luca TITLE De centro gravitatis solidorum URL http//archimedes.mpiwgberlin.mpg.de/cgi-bin/toc/toc.cgi?dir=valer_centr_043_la_1604;step= http://www.philological.bham.ac.uk/bibliography/v.html | |
36. Scientific Revolution - Westfall Catalogue - SAM-V-Z - Dr Robert A. Hatch Giuseppe Gabrieli, luca valerio linceo e un episodo memorabile della vecchiaAccademia, Rendiconti della R. Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, http://web.clas.ufl.edu/users/rhatch/pages/03-Sci-Rev/SCI-REV-Home/resource-ref- | |
37. The Galileo Project Giuseppe Gabrieli, luca valerio linceo e un episodo memorabile della vecchia Silvio Maracchia, luca valerio matematico Linceo, in Lino Conti, ed. http://galileo.rice.edu/Catalog/NewFiles/valerio.html | |
38. The Archimedes Project valerio,luca Varro, Michel Vitruvius Pollio Wolff, Christian von http://archimedes2.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/archimedes_templates/biography.html?-tabl |
39. Road Racing 2005: Asia - 3 5, valerio Agnoli (ItaNsm) Assan Bazayev (Kaz-Cap) Ryan Cox (Rsa-Tbl) EddyRatti (Ita-Nip) luca Ascani (Ita-Nsm) Sean Sullivan (Aus-Tbl), 2.04.38 http://www.cycling4all.com/r05rasi3.php | |
40. Biografie - Luca Valerio Translate this page luca valerio Napoli 1552 Napoli 1618. Studioso di geometria e lingua greca,insegnò entrambe le discipline al Collegio Romano a partire dal 1591. http://galileo.imss.firenze.it/milleanni/cronologia/biografie/valerio.html | |
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