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101. Burial Monuments At St Paul's Church Upton Cross In The Parish Of Linkinhorne francis CRAPP Dec? 10th 1900 Aged 83 Years, In Loving Memory Of Of UptonCross Linkinhorne Who Died April 25th 1919 Aged 74 Years In Peace http://www.lynherparishes.co.uk/LKburialmonumentsUC.htm | |
102. Genealogy Percival Family Tree, Cameron, Matheson, Millie, Mitchell, Cooper, Arm Stephen upton YOLLAND. BIRTH ABT SEP 1813, 111 Tottenham Court Rd, London francis Ignatious MEYERS http://www.potha.co.uk/tree/d0003/g0000022.htm | |
103. Francis Russell Collection 1921-1965 folder 1.44, Sinclair, upton to francis Russell. 1p, ALS, June 7, 1959. Enclosuretypescript transcription of letter http://library.brandeis.edu/specialcollections/FindingGuides/special/xml/frussel |
104. Thomas Preston 1643-1697 She married Ezekiel upton on 1228-1693. They had 5 children. Isabel upton.Anne upton. francis upton. Elizabeth upton. Ezekiel upton. http://members.fortunecity.com/fpreston/nethomas.htm | |
105. Part II: Series Notes - The Edison Papers Important correspondents include Edison, francis R. upton, Jay Gould, HenryVillard, and Cyrus W. Field. Included among the correspondence are a substantial http://edison.rutgers.edu/sernote2.htm | |
106. Service Records, Monroe Co. Connections francis by his mark Mosier. Sworn to and subscribed Mr. William UptonJustice of the Peace for Monroe County, Tenn and William Grant Deputy Sheriff of http://www.tngenweb.org/monroe/servrd.htm | |
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