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21. FORTS INSTALLATION LISTING Updated 12 May 92 Amatol Arsenal, NJ springf Fred Steele, WY (2 p.) steele Totten, NY (2 p.) totten Union, ND (2 p.)union Upton, NY (2 p.) upton francis E. Warren, WY (1 p. http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/academic/history/marshall/military/mil_hist_inst/f/fo |
22. WIRKSWORTH-Parish Records 1608-1899-1861 Census INDEX UDALE William 40 Br045a UNWIN Ellen 43 W355h upton francis 16 Mk789b VAINESAnn 40 Mk789h VAINES Eliza 2 Mk789d VAINES Elizabeth 19 Mk789a VAINES George http://www.wirksworth.org.uk/C61-X-28.htm | |
23. Upton Biography of francis upton (18521921) francis upton studied at BowdoinCollege, Brunswick and then he went to Berlin where he studied under Helmholtz. http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Upton.html | |
24. Upton Portraits Portraits of francis upton. The URL of this page is, © Copyright information.http//wwwhistory.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/history/PictDisplay/upton.html. http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/PictDisplay/Upton.html | |
25. Scientific Identity: Portraits From The Dibner Library Of The History Of Science Scientist, upton, francis Robbins (1852 1921). Discipline(s), Mathematics ;Physics Portrait of francis Robbins upton ~ Enlarge Image ~ http://www.sil.si.edu/digitalcollections/hst/scientific-identity/CF/by_name_disp |
26. Genealogy Data Page 14 (Family Pages) upton, francis b. 13 MAY 1712 Danvers, Essex, Mass. d. 1776 North Reading, Mass.Parents. Father upton, William Mother MARBER, Mary. Family http://newenglandgenealogy.pcplayground.com/f_d.htm | |
27. Genealogy Data Page 272 (Family Pages) Spouse upton, francis b. 22 FEB 1772 North Reading, Mass. d. FEB 1836 Albany, ME.Parents. Father upton, Amos Mother upton, Edith. Children http://newenglandgenealogy.pcplayground.com/f_10f.htm | |
28. AIP International Catalog Of Sources Scrapbooks, 18771925. by upton, francis Robbins, 1852-1921. certificates,printed matter, and photos, illustrating upton s career as the first http://www.aip.org/history/catalog/429.html | |
29. AIP International Catalog Of Sources Individuals and subjects include Thomas A. Edison, Edward H. Johnson, PierreCurie, Marie Curie, francis R. upton, francis Jehl, Nichola Tesla, http://www.aip.org/history/catalog/164.html | |
30. Upton Then francis upton returned to the USA and studied at Princeton University. In December 1878 francis upton joined Edison at his laboratory in Menlo Park http://www.geocities.com/bioelectrochemistry/upton.html |
31. Ginny's Genealogy Page daughter of francis upton Margaret Antoinette Johnston Feb. 2, 1861Oct. 23, francis upton Johnston, MD Apr 6, 1826-Nov. 20, 1892 Margaret Antoinette http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/2843/cemeteries.html | |
32. John Henry Upton John N. upton, John Henry upton, francis Marion upton. (left to right) John N.upton, John Henry upton, francis Marion upton. back to Contents. Commanders http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~scottandgwen/jhu.html | |
33. Pigot's Trade Directory Of 1830 - Worcestershire Dancock, Edward, uptonupon-Severn, 882. Daniel, John, Worcester, 885 Dauter?francis, Evesham, 865. Davenport, Edward, Bromsgrove, 858 http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~pobjoyoneill/tradedir/wor1830/wor1830D. | |
34. Princeton University: SEAS: Graduate Information: Francis Upton Fellowships The francis upton Graduate Fellowships. The upton Fellowships are made possible by a The upton Fellowships are named in memory of francis Robbins upton, http://www.princeton.edu/~seasweb/ginfo/upton.html | |
35. Princeton - News - Francis Upton Fellow Princeton Names francis upton Fellow. PRINCETON, NJ Limin Wang, a 1997 graduate The upton Fellowships are named in memory of francis Robbins upton, http://www.princeton.edu/pr/news/97/q3/0701-upton.html | |
36. Browse By Author: S - Project Gutenberg Sinclair, upton (18781968). Wikipedia 100% the Story of a Patriot (English) Smith, francis Hopkinson (1838-1915). Colonel Carter of Cartersville http://www.gutenberg.org/browse/authors/s | |
37. Upton ARLFC francis Welsh restored upton s lead with a well worked try, upton quicklyreplied ith a welworked try from from francis Welsh converted by Daneil http://www.uptonarlfc.co.uk/page9.htm | |
38. Upton ARLFC From the restart upton s dominance continued with francis Welsh, Kyle Simmonsand Daniel Cowling all scoring two tries each and Adam Rumblow bagging his http://www.uptonarlfc.co.uk/page3141.htm | |
39. Cullen - The Rude Forefathers francis Horner West, a retired Bishop who lived in the upton vicarage.The Venerable francis H. West was also Archdeacon of Newark in Nottinghamshire. http://www.lrbcg.com/jtcullen/RudFath.htm | |
40. Summary Of The Cullen Family History In fact, there is a Gervase Cullen, yeoman of upton, who is known to have beenborn Sep A book written many years ago by francis Horner West The Rude http://www.lrbcg.com/jtcullen/CullBrf.htm | |
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