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41. Ulugh Beg Translate this page ulugh beg nació 1393 en Sultaniyya Asia Central. Posteriormente en 1428,ulugh beg comenzó la construcción de un magnifico observatorio en la misma http://almaak.tripod.com/biografias/ulugh_beg.htm | |
42. Encyclopedia: Ulugh Beg ulugh beg, here depicted on a Soviet stamp, was one of Islam s greatest Image File history File links ulugh beg, Astronomer and last great ruler of the http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Ulugh-Beg | |
43. Iranian Personalities: Ghyath Al-Din Jamshid Kashani ulugh beg, himself a great scientist, began to build the city into a great culturalcentre. It was to ulugh beg that Kashani dedicated his important book of http://www.iranchamber.com/personalities/jkashani/jamshid_kashani.php | |
44. PO Ulugh Beg Muhammed Taragai ulugh beg is geboren in 1394 in Soltaniyeh, Timurid, Na zijndood nam ulugh beg?s vader, Shah Rukh, de macht van Timur over. http://anw.hml.nl/Werkstukken/Lesley_Arp en Alexandra_de_Jong/ulugh_beg/ | |
45. Salaam Knowledge ulugh beg, a Tartar prince and ruler of Turkestan under whose rule the ulugh beg made Samarkand famous as one of the leading cities of and there, http://www.salaam.co.uk/knowledge/biography/viewentry.php?id=1673 |
46. Samarkand: Ulugh Beg's Observatory ulugh beg was the oldest son of Shahrukh, born in the city of Sultaniyah during It is likely that ulugh beg was one of the princes seen by the Spanish http://depts.washington.edu/uwch/silkroad/cities/uz/samarkand/obser.html | |
47. Uzbekistan In 1997 (1 Samarkand) Some of his close family, including his scholarly grandson ulugh beg, and favorites Inside the ulugh beg Medressa. Medressas were the equivalent of our http://berclo.net/page97/97en-uzbekistan-1.html | |
48. Uzbekistan En 1997 (1 Samarkand) Translate this page fue construida por el nieto de Tamerlane ulugh beg en 1320. El estudiosomatemático-astrónomo-filósofo ulugh beg, quien convirtió a Samarkand en el http://berclo.net/page97/97es-uzbekistan-1.html | |
49. Ulugh Beg Biography ulugh beg biography and related resources. In 1437 ulugh beg determined thelength of the sidereal year as 365.2570370 d = 365d 6h 10m 8s (an error http://www.biographybase.com/biography/Beg_Ulugh.html | |
50. GORP - Phoenix Cities Of Central Asia - Architecture Of Samarkand, I The earliest of the three present buildings, the ulugh beg madrassah, ulugh beg madrassah Built by the astronomermathematician ulugh beg, the grandson http://gorp.away.com/gorp/location/asia/uzbekistan/cities4.htm | |
51. GORP - Phoenix Cities Of Central Asia - Archeological Sites In Samarkand The two great archaeological sites of Samarkand are ulugh beg s ulugh beg,Timur s grandson and the ruler of Samarkand, was one of the great medieval http://gorp.away.com/gorp/location/asia/uzbekistan/cities5.htm | |
52. Dw546.jpg Observatory of ulugh beg. slide number dw546; FILE FORMAT - .jpg; subject -Observatory of ulugh beg; detail - detail; nation - Uzbekistan http://www.washington.edu/ark2/archtm/dw546.html | |
53. Dw545.jpg Observatory of ulugh beg. slide number dw545; FILE FORMAT - .jpg; subject -Observatory of ulugh beg; detail - view; nation - Uzbekistan; city - Samarkand http://www.washington.edu/ark2/archtm/dw545.html | |
54. MuslimHeritage.com - Muslim Scholars ulugh beg 1420 AD, Category Science. The Legacy of ulugh beg. Summarised extractsfrom a full article, see resources below, where end notes, http://www.muslimheritage.com/day_life/default.cfm?ArticleID=237&Oldpage=2&yearl |
55. Samarkand - Republic Of Uzbekistan - Marco Polo Discoveries Tamerlanes body is buried in the Guri Emir along with ulugh beg, ulugh begwas assassinated in 1449 by people who also destroyed his famous http://uzbekistan.mpdiscoveries.com/en/uzbekistan/touristattractions/samarkand.h | |
56. The Khwarzimic Science Society - Takveen ulugh beg was the grandson of Timor, a warrior emperor. This man, whose namewas ulugh beg found his way through sheer joys of childhood and inexorable http://www.khwarzimic.org/takveen/ulugh/ | |
57. 15th Century (1400-1499) C.E. In the Timurids empire, Death of Shah Rukh, succession of ulugh beg. In theOttoman Turks empire, Second battle of Kossova resulting in the victory of the http://www.islamicweb.com/history/century15.htm | |
58. Àñòðîíîìè÷åñêèé èíñòèòóò èì. Óëóãáåêà ulugh beg Astronomical Institute GalleryDepartment of galactic astronomy and cosmogony. Department of astrophysical research.Astroclimate group Maidanak observatory http://www.astrin.uzsci.net/ | |
59. Footnotes Beg ulugh beg was the grandson of the Asian (Mongol) conquerer Timur. His fathercaptured the city of Samarkand and gave it to ulugh beg. http://www.math.tamu.edu/~don.allen/history/arab/footnode.html | |
60. Ulug-bek A Second Look at Ulug Beg by Kevin Krisciunas. Muhammed Taragai ulugh beg (13941449)was a Turk who ruled the province of Transoxiana (Maverannahr), http://www.junbish.org/Legends/Ulug-bek.htm | |
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