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81. Index george Applet La planche;uhlenbeck, george Eugene Définition; Wiener, Norbert Définition http://www-sop.inria.fr/mefisto/java/tutorial1/node33.html | |
82. Hunting For Higher Dimensions: Science News Online, Feb. 19, 2000 He poses with physicists george uhlenbeck (middle) and Samuel Goudsmit in 1926at the University of Leiden, the Netherlands. http://www.sciencenews.org/20000219/bob1.asp | |
83. Information Resources MIT Radiation Laboratory Series Volume 24 Threshold Signals - James L. Lawson and george E. uhlenbeck.Volume 25 - Theory of Servomechanisms - Hubert M. James, Nathaniel B. Nichols, http://www.jlab.org/ir/MITSeries.html | |
84. CERN Courier - Bookshelf - IOP Publishing - Article Tsung Dao Lee and Chen Ning Yang, Wolfgang Pauli, Isidor Rabi, Robert Serber,John von Neumann, Viktor Weisskopf, Eugene Wigner and george uhlenbeck. http://www.cerncourier.com/main/article/41/10/21 | |
85. CERN Courier - Faces And Places - IOP Publishing - Article physics aspirations, he moved to george uhlenbeck s school in Utrecht. a visiting lecturer in Utrecht while george uhlenbeck was visiting Columbia. http://www.cerncourier.com/main/article/40/8/17 | |
86. Kosmologika - Vetenskapsmännen Translate this page 1979 uhlenbeck, george 1979 Occhialini, Giuseppe 1980 Fisher, Michael 1980Kadanoff, Leo 1980 Wilson, Kenneth 1981 Dyson, Freeman http://www.kosmologika.net/Scientists/ | |
87. VEDA 100 let kvant. fyziky george Eugene uhlenbeck Jirí Svrek george uhlenbeckse narodil v Indonésii, ale vzdelání získal v Holandsku. http://pes.internet.cz/veda/clanky/8142_24_0_0.html | |
88. Los Datos Sobre La Vida Y La Obra De Los Científicos E Ingenieros Translate this page george Eugene uhlenbeck. Físico estadounidense de origen neerlandés. n 6 dediciembre de 1900, Batavia. m 1988, Boulder (Colorado). http://www.terra.es/personal/flromera/cientifiu.htm | |
89. George Uhlenbeck Université Montpellier II george uhlenbeck george-Henri Halphen georgeuhlenbeck (1900-1988). Cette image et la biographie complète en anglais résident http://ens.math.univ-montp2.fr/SPIP/article.php3?id_article=1917 |
90. PNAS -- Index By Author (Apr 15 1953, 39 (4)) Repaske, Roy. S. Singleton, WR Singleton, WR Spencer, DC Spencer, JL. T.Thomas, TY Thomas, TY. U. uhlenbeck, george E. W. Wilson, PW Wright, Fred B. http://www.pnas.org/content/vol39/issue4/aindex.shtml | |
91. HistCite - Index: Niels Bohr uhlenbeck,george AND THE DISCOVERY OF ELECTRONSPIN, 0, 4. 3925, 6, 85, 4520 1990FOUNDATIONS OF PHYSICS 20 (10) 1191-1212 BERTLMANN RA http://www.garfield.library.upenn.edu/histcomp/bohr-n_all-w-citing-pre56/index-t | |
92. Phys. Rev. 37, 1380 (1931): Laporte And Uhlenbeck - Application Of Spinor Analys Otto Laporte and george E. uhlenbeck; Department of Physics, University of Michigan.Received 24 February 1931. With the spinor analysis developed by B. van http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRev.37.1380 | |
93. Food For Thought: Biographies uhlenbeck, Christianus Cornelius (Dutch philologist), 18661926. uhlenbeck, GeorgeEugene (Indonesian-born American physicist), 1900-1988 http://www.junkfoodforthought.com/bio/bio_U.htm | |
94. What Is The Electron Spin? The concept of electron spin was discovered by SA Goudsmit and george Uhlenbeckin 1925. The electron has three basic properties electric charge, http://www.electronspin.org/ | |
95. Physics Academic Genealogy Signed thesis dd, george Eugene Uhlenbeck131, 140 Leiden 1927, Paul Ehrenfest71,144, 172 Vienna 1904. James T Cushing http://chemistry.library.nd.edu/resources/physics/physics_genealogy.shtml | |
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