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21. Graph Theory White Pages Paul Turan www.graphtheory.com graph theory white pages Turán, P. http://www1.cs.columbia.edu/~sanders/graphtheory/people/Turan.P.html | |
22. Graph Theory White Pages Turán, Paul paul Erdõs, paul turan 19101976 his work in graph theory J. Graph Theory 1 (1977)97-101; Miklós Simonovits, On paul turan s influence on graph theory http://www1.cs.columbia.edu/~sanders/graphtheory/people/random.cgi?Tur*aacute;n, |
23. AoPS Math Forum :: View Topic - Paul Turan's Chess Tournament All times are GMT 7 Hours, paul turan s chess tournament Post Posted SatNov 15, 2003 514 am Post subject paul turan s chess tournament http://www.artofproblemsolving.com/Forum/topic-1630.html | |
24. Paul Turán The numbertheoretic work of paul Turán. By G. Halász. This is reproduced, fromActa Arithmetica 37 (1980) 9-19. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 http://www.numbertheory.org/obituaries/AA/turan/turan_halasz/ | |
25. Paul Turán Some personal reminiscences of the mathematical work of paul Turán. by paul Erdös.This is reproduced, with permission, from Acta Arithmetica 37 (1980) 38 http://www.numbertheory.org/obituaries/AA/turan/turan_erdos/ | |
26. RV Science, Turan Rifat, Charged Crystals, RV, RI, Remote Viewing, Remote Influe All customers who have purchased products from RV Magic owned by paul Hughes BEWARE GRAHAM NICKELLS who goes under the name of paul Hughes Barlow, http://www.rvscience.com/ | |
27. Encyclopedia: Paul Turan He wrote several papers with paul Erdös. turan was born and passed away in Budapest.See turan s theorem, turan graph, Turán power sum method. http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Paul-Turan | |
28. Hollywood Bitchslap :: View Topic - Criticwatch 2004 Post Posted Mon May 24, 2004 303 pm Post subject KENNETH turan, Reply with quote Post Posted Fri Jul 16, 2004 1013 am Post subject paul FISCHER http://www.hollywoodbitchslap.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=23598 |
29. Hollywood Bitchslap :: View Topic - Criticwatch 2004 Post Posted Mon May 24, 2004 303 pm Post subject KENNETH turan, Reply with quote Post Posted Sun May 30, 2004 1146 am Post subject paul CLINTON http://www.hollywoodbitchslap.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=22151 |
30. Paper On Paul Erdös Coincidentally, paul turan, who would become one of Erdös s most important In 1938, paul turan wrote a paper that became the basis of a new field of http://soucc.southern.cc.oh.us/home/jdavidso/Math/ErdosPaper.html | |
31. Online NewsHour: Off-beat Winners March 27, 2000 paul SOLMAN And it was also made extremely cheaply. KENNETH turan Yes, which paul SOLMAN One last question. No surprises last night? Ken turan http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/entertainment/jan-june00/oscar_3-27.html | |
32. Paul Erdös (1913-96) paul and his best friend paul turan once went to visit the mathematician Sidon.Sidon who was far from being a social animal, and in fact was of http://www.math.technion.ac.il/newmath/erdos/ | |
33. Bibliography Tannery, paul, 18431904, Memoires scientifiques / pub. par J.-L. Heiberg turan, paul, 1910-1976, Collected papers of paul turan / edited by P. Erdos http://www.library.cornell.edu/math/bibliography/display.cgi?start=T& |
34. The Man Who Loved Only Numbers When paul turan, his closest friend, with whom he had written thirty papers, diedin 1976, Once he was driving with paul turan s widow, Vera Sos. http://www.nytimes.com/books/first/h/hoffman-man.html |
35. Austrian Literature Online - Kataloge turan, paul.Treffer pro Seite. UB Innsbruck. turan, paul turan, paul turan, paul - http://webapp.uibk.ac.at/alo/cat/?id=5012475 |
36. H-Net Review: ÃÂmer Turan On Historical Atlas Of Central Europe: Revised A Reviewed by ?mer turan, Department of History, Orta Do?Ÿu Teknik ?niversitesi Although the series has not yet been completed, paul Robert Magocsi s http://www.h-net.org/reviews/showrev.cgi?path=175841118171362 |
37. Nyheter I owe a great deal to my uncle Albert Korodie, to paul turan, paul Erdos, DenesKonig, and particularly to Rose Peter, a brilliant teacher. http://www.abelprisen.no/en/nyheter/nyhet.html?id=87 |
38. The Hindu : Ramanujan's Mentor The true significance of the HardyRamanujan observation on round numbers wasnot realised until a few decades later, when paul turan, paul Erdos, http://www.hindu.com/thehindu/mag/2002/12/22/stories/2002122200040400.htm | |
39. 2005 Paul Erdos Lecture Series 1015am Oleg Pikhurko Exact turan Function for Generalized Complete Graphs Chairman paul Balister 1130am Jamie Radcliffe - String Distances http://www.people.memphis.edu/~bollobas/conferencespeakers.html | |
40. Famous Erdos Coauthors Coauthors of paul Erdös with Web Sites Alfred Tarski (19021983);paul turan (1910-1976); Stanislaw Marcin Ulam (1909-1984); Aurel Wintner (1903-1958) http://www.oakland.edu/enp/famouscoauths.html | |
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