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41. Thomas Bilney: An Early English Reformer he left the trial in the hands of cuthbert tunstall, bishop of London.Bilney was convicted of heresy, but tunstall, who sympathized with his victim, http://www.williamtyndale.com/0bilney1.htm | |
42. Government Titles 15161522 cuthbert tunstall 1522-1523 John Clerke 1530-1533 cuthbert tunstall,Bishop of Durham 1533-1536 Henry Percy, Earl of Northumberland http://tudorhistory.org/calendar/gtitles.html | |
43. Ecclesiastical Titles 15301559 cuthbert tunstall 1561-1576 James Pilkington 1577-1587 Richard Barnes 1522-1530 cuthbert tunstall 1530-1539 John Stokesley http://tudorhistory.org/calendar/ctitles.html | |
44. Biografia De Tunstall, Cuthbert Translate this page tunstall, cuthbert. (Hackforth, 1474-Londres, 1559) Prelado inglés. Estudió enOxford, Cambridge y Padua, donde se doctoró en derecho canónico y civil. http://www.biografiasyvidas.com/biografia/t/tunstall.htm | |
45. Chichesters Riding of Yorkshire near Hull through a distant cousin, cuthbert tunstall.cuthbert tunstall had long been called cuthbert Constable since he inherited http://www.lupton2.freeserve.co.uk/templeton/chichesters.htm | |
46. Tyndale - Encyclopedia Britannica (1911) In this he hoped to get help from cuthbert tunstall, bishop of London, and so withthe good will of his master he left Gloucester in the summer of 1523. http://www.bible-researcher.com/tyndale5.html | |
47. Encyclopedia: Roman Catholic And Orthodox Churches: General Biographies Theodore of Mopsuestia Thomas of Celano Thomas à Kempis Torquemada, Juande Tonstall, cuthbert tunstall, cuthbert Ulfilas Valdés, Juan de http://www.infoplease.com/encyclopedia/1rcbio.html | |
48. Rex - Henry VIII The conservative cuthbert tunstall felt able, in 1539, to justify Henry VIII sreligious policy precisely in terms of Old Testament kingship, http://gracewood0.tripod.com/henryrex.html | |
49. Oxfordian Myths: Was Burghley Called "Polus"? In Bizarro s epigram, the Catholics cuthbert tunstall, Thomas More, and ReginaldPole are almost beneath his notice as he extolls Burghley. http://shakespeareauthorship.com/polus.html | |
50. Details Of Patrick Gabridge's Full-Length Plays Bishop cuthbert tunstall is a scholar caught in a difficult political time.He burns Tyndale s bibles publicly and attacks the accuracy of the translation. http://gabridge.com/full-long.html | |
51. Index Of Names Beginning With T tunstall, cuthbert Bishop of Durham Deathday; tunstall, James - Vicar ofRochdale Deathday; Turgot, ARJ - Illustrious finance minister of France http://www.thebookofdays.com/indexes/names/t.htm | |
52. A Short History Of The Church In Gateshead cuthbert tunstall, Bishop of Durham from 1530 was no friend of the reformers.As Bishop of London he had pursued a vigorous campaign against William Tyndale http://www.vision.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/churches/history.html | |
53. Advantages Of The New World Translation: William Tyndale’s Bible For The P Yes, this Bishop of Durham was none other than cuthbert tunstall, formerlyBishop of London. He who had so bitterly opposed the work of Tyndale was now http://jehovah.to/exe/translation/tyndale.htm | |
54. WILLIAM TYNDALE Covenant Theologian, Christian Martyr Part 2: Later Biography cuthbert tunstall, the bishop of London who had rebuffed Tyndale earlier andreferred to Tyndale and Joye as children of iniquitie mainteiners of Luthers http://www.thirdmill.org/files/english/html/ch/CH.h.Grisham.Tyndale.2.html | |
55. Cantate Domino- The Chapel Choir Of University College, Durham The tunstall Chapel, in which the hymns and psalms were recorded, was constructedto the requirements of Bishop cuthbert tunstall in the 1540s, http://www.lammas.co.uk/cantate.htm | |
56. Letter T Index Of Transactions 1990-2004 CWAAS Peggy, 92 240 tunstall, Alice, 93 99, 96 71 tunstall, cuthbert (Bishop), 90200, 92 100, 99 183f, 01 71 tunstall, Jane, 99 234 tunstall, Jennet, http://www.cwaas.org.uk/proc_index_90_04_t.html | |
57. Tunny - Definition Of Tunny By The Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus And Encyclo Tunsberg Tunsberg Township, Minnesota Tunsberg Township, MN tunstall tunstall, cuthbert tunstall, cuthbert Tunstead Milton Tuntex 85 Sky Tower http://www.thefreedictionary.com/tunny | |
58. Cuticle - Definition Of Cuticle By The Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus And Enc cuthbert Sebastian cuthbert Tunstal cuthbert tunstall cuthbert, BaronCollingwood cuthbert, GA cuthbert, Georgia cuthbert, Saint cuthbert, St http://www.thefreedictionary.com/cuticle | |
59. Literary Encyclopedia: Tyndale, William Tyndale approached cuthbert tunstall, the Bishop of London, because he recalledthat Erasmus had commended the assistance of the Dutch scholar in producing http://www.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?rec=true&UID=4494 |
60. British Province Of Carmelites - GEORGE RAYNER - AN ELIZABETHAN CARMELITE The Registers of cuthbert tunstall, Bishop of Durham, 15301559 and James Pilkington, Cf. C. Sturge, cuthbert tunstall, Churchman, Scholar, Statesman, http://www.carmelite.org/chronology/rayner.htm | |
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