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61. American Statistical Association john Wilder tukey 19152000. Karen Kafadar. Shortly after my arrival at PrincetonUniversity as a graduate student in the fall of 1975, the chairman told me http://www.amstat.org/publications/amsn/index.cfm?fuseaction=highlights0942001 |
62. John Tukey - Computing Reference - ELook.org Previous Terms, Terms Containing john tukey, Next Terms . john Mauchly john McCarthy johnniac johnNIAC Open Shop System john Ousterhout http://www.elook.org/computing/john-tukey.htm | |
63. Read About John Tukey At WorldVillage Encyclopedia. Research John Tukey And Lear john tukey. Everything you wanted to know about john tukey but had no clue howto find it.. Learn about john tukey here! http://encyclopedia.worldvillage.com/s/b/John_W._Tukey | |
64. Cumberland County, Maine 1790 Federal Census Portland Town The Mary * * 2 * * tukey, Hannah * * 1 * * tukey, john 1 3 2 * * tukey, john 2 *3 * * tukey, john 1 * 3 * * tukey, Stephen 1 2 5 * * tukey, http://www.rootsweb.com/~cenfiles/me/cumberland/1790/1908indx/portland.txt |
65. [S] Obituary For John Tukey More with this subject Prev in Thread, Current Thread, Next in Thread .S obituary for john tukey, Pikounis, V. Bill = http://www.biostat.wustl.edu/archives/html/s-news/2000-07/msg00229.html | |
66. [S] John Tukey Forwarded Message From Wainer, Howard hwainer@ets.org Subject john tukeyDear Friends and colleagues, john Wilder tukey died last night of an http://www.biostat.wustl.edu/archives/html/s-news/2000-07/msg00189.html | |
67. Ask E.T.: John Tukey's Classic Paper On Graphic Displays Now Posted Edward Tufte home page for books, posters, sculpture, fine art and oneday coursePresenting Data and Information. http://www.edwardtufte.com/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=0000n3&topic_id=1 |
68. IDblog: Ode To John Tukey March 04, 2003. Ode to john tukey. Peter brings us this link to Michael s Galleryof Data Visualization, which he dedicates to john W. tukey. http://www.idblog.org/archives/000130.html | |
69. IngentaConnect In Memoriam: John Wilder Tukey, June 16, 1915-July 26, 2000 In Memoriam john Wilder tukey, June 16, 1915July 26, 2000. Author Kafadar K.1. Source Technometrics, Volume 43, Number 3, 1 August 2001, pp. 251-255(5) http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/asa/tech/2001/00000043/00000003/art00001 | |
70. R Help Archive July - Dec 1999: Re: [R] Feature Request: Add Bo tukey, john W., Exploratory Data Analysis, AddisonWesley, Reading, Mass., 1977.tukey, john W., Data Based Graphics Visual Display in http://www.ens.gu.edu.au/robertk/R/help/99b/1223.html | |
71. Physics Today July 2001 Photocredit Thu Hoang john Wilder tukey, Donner Professor Emeritus of Scienceat Princeton University and one of the most important contributors to the http://www.physicstoday.com/pt/vol-54/iss-7/p80.html | |
72. IP: Obit John Tukey, 85, Statistician Who Coined 2 Crucial Words (Softwa john W tukey is the tukey in the tukeyCooley FFT Interesting Obitfollows July 28, 2000 john tukey, 85, Statistician Who Coined 2 http://www.interesting-people.org/archives/interesting-people/200007/msg00077.ht | |
73. Educational CyberPlayGround: PIONEERS OF THE INTERNET AND THE WORLD - David Farb john tukey Statistician Who Coined 2 Crucial Words died 7/00, invented theword software, . In a 1958 article in American Mathematical Monthly, http://www.edu-cyberpg.com/IEC/pioneersPaul.html | |
74. Georgia Tech Archives & Records Management tukey, john Tummala, Rao Turman, Edwin Turner, Blanche Baker Turner, CliffordReese Turner, Clifford H., Jr. Turner, Glenn Turner, NS, Jr. http://www.library.gatech.edu/archives/vf/vftz.htm | |
75. PrintResources In DataInTheClassroom tukey, john W. 1977. _Exploratory data analysis._ Reading, MA AddisonWesleyPublishing Company. 20a19,30 * Edward R. Tufte. 2001. http://www.sscnet.ucla.edu/soc/classroom/index.pl?diff=PrintResources |
76. John Tukey Quotes 3 quotes and quotations by john tukey. john tukey Far better an approximateanswer to the right question, than the exact answer to the wrong question, http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/j/john_tukey.html | |
77. John Tukey Quotes john tukey Far better an approximate answer to the right question, than the exactanswer to the wrong question, which can always be made precise. http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/j/johntukey205950.html | |
78. John Wilder Tukey: In Memoriam john Wilder tukey in memoriam. by Juan C. Dürsteler, message nº 6. Last July,25 john Wilder tukey died at the age of 85. tukey has been one of the great http://www.infovis.net/printMag.php?num=6&lang=2 |
79. John Wilder Tukey: In Memoriam. Translate this page john Wilder tukey In memoriam. por Juan C. Dürsteler, mensaje nº 6. El pasado25 de julio murió john Wilder tukey a los 85 años de edad. http://www.infovis.net/printMag.php?num=6&lang=1 |
80. AAS Database - Short View Of Documents 1, 0050368, tukey, john W. Convergence and uniformity in topology, 1940 3,0047114, tukey, john W. Exploratory data analysis, 1977 http://valeph.tau.ac.il/ALEPH/ENG/ATA/AAS/AAS/FIND-ACC/1982806 | |
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