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Tsu Ch'ung Chi: more detail |
61. VEDA Ptolemaios (asi 150 nl) odhadl císlo pí hodnotou 3.1416, tsu Ch ung chi (430 Al Kashi il dále na východ v Samarkandu a tsu Ch ung chi il v Cíne. http://pes.internet.cz/veda/clanky/1658_0_0_0.html | |
62. Pi tsu Ch ung chi, 480 AD, 3.1415926. Aryabhata, 499 AD, 3.14156. Brahmagupta,640 AD, 3.162277 = squareroot of 10. AlKhowarizmi, 800 AD, 3.1416 http://www.1john57.com/1kings723.htm | |
63. (c) Ed Seykota, 2003 You May Not Reprint Without Permission tsu Ch ung chi (430501 AD) 355/113 al-Khwarizmi (c. 800 ) 3.1416 al-Kashi (c.1430) 14 places Viète (1540-1603) 9 places Roomen (1561-1615) 17 places http://www.seykota.com/tribe/pages/2003_Apr/Apr_20-26/ | |
64. Pi Attraverso I Secoli ung chi, del quale non si sa quasi nulla e che Al Kashivisse ancora più a est, a Samarcanda, e tsu Ch ung chi in Cina. http://www.na.iac.cnr.it/even/pi_greco.htm | |
65. Selected List Of Bibliographical & Geographical Aids Ku tsuyu ? ? ?, Tu-shih fang-yu chi-yao ? ? ? ? ? ?. chia-ch ingch ung-hsiu yi-t ung chih ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?. http://www.sscnet.ucla.edu/history/elman/ClassBib/04geo.htm | |
66. MathNEWS Squiz #5 Hermann Minkowski Pi Kanada and Hitachi with 1trillion+, anti-tank mines,tsu Ch-ung chi, Humble pie, Robert Green s Arcadia (1590). http://www.mathnews.uwaterloo.ca/Issues/mn9605/squiz.php | |
67. Mathematicians C Ch ung chi tsu. Born 430 in Fanyang (now Hopeh), china Died 501 in china.Biography. Ch ung was a mathematician and astronomer. http://www.mlahanas.de/Stamps/Data/Mathematician/C.htm | |
68. Stillness And Activity The prevailing view concerning the T aichi Diagram, in Chu Hsi s time as now, when Chu Hsi and Lü tsu-ch ien (1137-1181) placed it at the head of their http://www2.kenyon.edu/Depts/Religion/Fac/Adler/Reln471/ChouChu2.htm | |
69. Tavola Della Romanizzazione In Pinyin Hsuehtou Ch ung-hsien. Hsueh-yen tsu-ch in. Kyôrin Chôon. Kyôgen chikan tsu t ang chi. Chôsetsu Shûsai (segue). Jôshû Jûshin. chimon Kôso http://membres.lycos.fr/zenmontpellier/Pinyinit.html | |
70. Vsebina Razen tsu Ch ung chi ni nihce vedel o Arhimedovem delu, zato ni bilo s teoreticnegavidika Prav tako tevilo je, zanimivo, dobil tudi tsu Ch ung chi. http://www.educa.fmf.uni-lj.si/ro/pub/2002/ura/Peter/stran2/fib/zgodovinaPi.html | |
71. Consecrating The Buddha : Legend, Lore, And History Of The Imperial Relic-Venera Taohsu an, who was reassigned to Ch ung-i ssu ?, along with ten of his 560-562 and Fo-tsu t ung-chi hereafter, FTTC, Taisho 49, 2035, http://www.chibs.edu.tw/publication/chbj\11\11_15.htm | |
72. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: China The tsungshi are the imperial clansmen, descendants of Hien tsu Ch ung-houwas denounced by the censor, Chang chi-tung, and sentenced to death; http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/03663b.htm | |
73. The Shorter Columbia Anthology Of Traditional Chinese Literature; ; Edited By Vi Yü Hsüanchi, On a Visit to Ch ung-chen Taoist Temple I See in the South Hall T ang Hsien-tsu, Twenty-Two Quatrains on Receiving the Obituary Notice for http://www.columbia.edu/cu/cup/catalog/data/023111/0231119984.HTM | |
74. Abstracts: History Of Mathematics Among them were Ptolemy, tsu Ch ung chi, and Van Ceulen, who calculated picorrectly to 35 places past the decimal point. Many men have devoted their entire http://info.med.yale.edu/therarad/summers/abstract.htm | |
75. Wadegile «Y u shu chi»ti 2 hsu?Ch ung ch ing pan?, «?» Y ung Li tsu ku niang, ?, v. 4 p.165. Y ung mei, , v. 2 p.172 http://www.unc.edu/~bolick/wy.htm | |
76. Rutgers University Libraries: East Asian Studies: Library Catalog And Pinyin/Wad chi, ch ih, lei, lei, su, su. chong, ch ung, leng, leng, suan, suan rao, jao,zong, tsung. re, je, zou, tsou. ren, jen, zu, tsu. reng, jeng, zuan, tsuan http://www.libraries.rutgers.edu/rul/rr_gateway/research_guides/east_asian/catal | |
77. Word Mapping Table For Pinyin, Wade-Giles And Yale Chen Ch en Chen Cheng Ch eng Cheng chi Ch ih Chr Chong Ch ung Chung Chou Cong Ts ung tsung Cou Ts ou Tsou Cu Ts u tsu Cuan Ts uan Tswan Cui Ts ui http://www4.ncsu.edu/~dnschmid/word_mapping_table_for_pinyin_wade-giles_and_yale | |
78. Pin Yin Chen Ch en Chen Cheng Ch eng Cheng chi Ch ih Chr Chong Ch ung Chung Chou Ch ou Chou Cu Ts u tsu Cuan Ts uan Tswan Cui Ts ui Tswei Cun Ts un Tswun http://www.innerpath.com.au/matmedno/pin_yin.html | |
79. Tallet Pi I det 5. århundrede regnede tsu Ch ung chi og hans søn tsu Keng chi sig frem til3,1415926 p 3,1415927, en nøjagtighed, som først blev nået i Europa i http://www.matematiksider.dk/pi.html | |
80. The Research Notebook Of A Beleaguered Hack.: Struik: A Concise History Of Mathe decimal places (Liu Hui had two digits, tsu Ch ungchih, had seven 22/7) . chi-Shih-Cieh, the most important Sung mathematician, extended matrix http://arsenal.media.mit.edu/notebook/archives/000105.html | |
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