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         Tsu Ch'ung Chi:     more detail

61. VEDA
Ptolemaios (asi 150 nl) odhadl císlo pí hodnotou 3.1416, tsu Ch ung chi (430 Al Kashi žil dále na východ v Samarkandu a tsu Ch ung chi žil v Cíne.
Pátek 26.5.2000
Svátek má Filip
Vše rozbalit

Celé sbalit
Archiv vydání Nadpis Autor Text èlánku
Zpráva pro tisk 6. valné shromáždìní Uèené spoleènosti Ve dnech 15. a 16. kvìtna 2000 se v Praze uskuteènilo 6. valné shromáždìní Uèené spoleènosti ÈR za úèasti 42 øádných a 3 èestných èlenù.
VÌDA KONTRA IRACIONALITA /cyklus pøednášek Sisyfa/ se naposledy na jaøe koná
ve ctvrtek 18. kvetna 2000 v 17 hodin v budove Akademie ved CR, Narodni 3, Praha 1, sal 206
- Pred zahajenim obvyklych prednasek se uskutecni tolik ocekavane slavnostni predavani BLUDNYCH BALVANU Sisyfa za rok 1999 - presne v 17 h.
CZ BIOM - Èeské sdružení pro biomasu Vás srdeènì zve na semináø
Biomasa pro obecní kotelny o možnostech ekonomického a ekologického vytápìní v obci Svatoslav okres Tøebíè, který se koná dne 18.5.2000 v obci Svatoslav, v zasedací síni Obecního úøadu, v centru obce Pøedstavy mladých lidí o manželství a rodièovství. Tisková konference k výsledkùm exkluzivního výzkumu Besedy projektu Záøe Konají se každou lichou støedu (tj. jednou za 14 dní) od 16.30 hod v salonku restaurace Airclubu (ulice K letišti 934, Praha 6). Besedy jsou vždy vedeny na nìjaké téma se vztahem k ufologii. Na zaèátku každé besedy provádí krátké shrnutí problematiky nìkdo z èlenù projektu Záøe, poté následuje volná beseda k tématu. Úèast na tìchto akcích je volná.

62. Pi
tsu Ch ung chi, 480 AD, 3.1415926. Aryabhata, 499 AD, 3.14156. Brahmagupta,640 AD, 3.162277 = squareroot of 10. AlKhowarizmi, 800 AD, 3.1416
VIETE of 1593 A.D. DID! by Don Hewey, email: main index NOTE : This outline will clearly illustrate the "inside" circumference of the molten sea (solid brass tub) which is the non-brimmed portion of the molten sea. The confusion over 1 Kings 7:23 is that the reader automatically assumes that the thirty cubits stated in verse 23 is the corresponding circumference of the outer uttermost brimmed edge. It is not. For a complete discussion on the outer portion of the molten sea, please refer to this link here that gives the proof. outer circumference proof . The exact physical represention as it is written in verse 23 is physically impossible as one should immediately become suspicious of. But with further examination of this outline and also the "yfiles" link, the bible not only proves PI once, but twice! Amazing. Please refer to the molten sea diagram representation half way down this page for an illustration to this problem. "1 Kings 7:[23] And he made a molten sea, ten

63. (c) Ed Seykota, 2003 You May Not Reprint Without Permission
tsu Ch ung chi (430501 AD) 355/113 al-Khwarizmi (c. 800 ) 3.1416 al-Kashi (c.1430) 14 places Viète (1540-1603) 9 places Roomen (1561-1615) 17 places
(c) Ed Seykota, 2003 ... You may not reprint without permission. Ed Seykota's Frequently Asked Questions FAQ Home and Ground Rules April 20-26, 2003 Questions Answers Sat, 26 Apr 2003
Tanks a Lot
see: Tribe Process vs. Spirituality
Dear Ed,
I am wrong many times when it comes to the markets. The thing about me is I have lost more times on more trades than I win and have still come out ahead for 7 years in a row so far. The wins were bigger than most of the losses. My monthly drawdowns however, have not been so pretty.
The markets are much more chaotic than I ever imagined when I first invested in a mutual fund in 1987 (Two weeks before the Crash).
Thank you for the reminder about "How expensive it can be to prove to the markets I am right." I will be careful not to allow it to be a weakness of mine.
Trying to convince the markets I am right can be metaphorically equated to a person standing directly in front of a forward moving tank. Not a good idea. I am always ready to end or reverse my trade.
I wonder if my way of writing is from my feelings about the many people through books and seminars have helped me and I am sure glad that they put their ideas in writings or on tapes or videos etc. I felt good as a teenager when I started to learn from people like Leo Buscaglia, Napoleon Hill, J.P. Getty Ed Seykota and Victor Sperendeo. I know that they are human also and could be wrong about things but they also had some great ideas that helped me very much through life. I was glad they put ideas out for me to consider.

64. Pi Attraverso I Secoli
ung chi, del quale non si sa quasi nulla e che Al Kashivisse ancora più a est, a Samarcanda, e tsu Ch ung chi in Cina.
Pi greco attraverso i secoli
Un versetto poco noto della Bibbia riporta: E costruì un bacino di metallo, lungo dieci cubiti da un capo all'altro: era rotondo, alto cinque cubiti: e la circonferenza era di trenta cubiti. (I Re 7, 23) Lo stesso verso è riportato in II Cronache 4, 2. Si trova in una lista di specifiche per il grande tempio di Salomone, costruito intorno al 950 a.C. ed il suo interesse per noi è che fornisce p = 3. Non è certo una stima accurata e non lo era neanche in quei tempi, giacché i valori egiziani e mesopotamici di 25/8 = 3.125 e 10 = 3.162 risalgono a date ben anteriori: sebbene in difesa dei costruttori di Salomone debba essere notato che l'oggetto descritto era costituito da un'unica colata di ottone molto ampia, dove un alto grado di precisione geometrica non era possibile né necessario.Ci sono alcune interpretazioni di ciò (se il diametro fosse misurato internamente e la circonferenza esternamente, ad esempio) che conducono a un valore molto più accurato. Il fatto che il rapporto tra la circonferenza e il diametro di un cerchio sia costante è noto da così lungo tempo che la sua origine è pressoché irrintracciabile. I più antichi valori di

65. Selected List Of Bibliographical & Geographical Aids
Ku tsuyu ? ? ?, Tu-shih fang-yu chi-yao ? ? ? ? ? ?. chia-ch ingch ung-hsiu yi-t ung chih ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?.

and Chronologies for Exercises
(1) Bibliographies
    (See also Selected Bibliographies on China
  • Ssu-yu Teng and Knight Biggerstaff, An Annotated Bibliography of Selected Chinese Reference Works . (Revised Edition) Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1950.
  • Tsang (Tseng) Ying-ching ´¿ ¼v ¹t, Research Tools to Chinese History: An Annotated Bibliography ¤¤ °ê ¾ú ¥v ¬ã ¨s ¤u ¨ã ®Ñ ¿ý. Hong Kong: Lung-men Book Store, 1968.
  • Lin Tieh-sen ªL ÅK ´Ë , Chung-kuo li-shih kung-chu-shu chih-nan ¤¤ °ê ¾ú ¥v ¤u ¨ã ®Ñ «ü «n(Guide to Chinese reference works). Peking: Pai-ching ch'u-pan-she, 1992.
  • Chu Chin-fu, chief compiler, Chung-kuo tang-an wen-hsien tz'u-tien ¤¤ °ê ÀÉ ®× ¤å Äm ã ¨å (Dictionary of Chinese primary sources in archives). Peking: Chung-kuo jen-shih Press, 1994. Annotated bibliographical guide to published Chinese language primary source materials. Useful for planning historical research. 3,985 entries arranged chronologically by historical period.
  • John King Fairbank and Kwang-ching Liu, Modern China: A Bibliographical Guide to Chinese Works 1898-1937 . Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1950.

66. MathNEWS Squiz #5
Hermann Minkowski Pi Kanada and Hitachi with 1trillion+, anti-tank mines,tsu Ch-ung chi, Humble pie, Robert Green s Arcadia (1590).
In this issue: Front Page
mast HEAD
ISSN 07050410

MathSoc Space
Notice of Annual General Meeting
Opinions and Comments
Orphaned Pictures
CSC Flash

Mathsoc Exam Bank Revisited

MathSoc Exambank Revisited Again
... NEWS!
Comfy Axis and Allies

That Old-Time Exam Stress

Firefox 1.0 is Out
Top Ten Signs You're Sleep-Deprived
Games and Puzzles
math NEWS BYOB #5
grid ... NEWS Squiz #5
math NEWS Squiz #5
A Random Assortment of Squiz Shaped Questions
math NEWS lab again. I'm getting all excited, so much so that I've decided to make it really easy on you all this week. Now you'll have no excuse for not sending me responses (insert evil laughter here), but first and foremost, I have some answers that you might be interested in: Degrees of Separation: H. H. Panjer, M. J. Best, K. O. Geddes, B. Ingalls, K. E. Hare Famous Mathies: Srinivasa Aiyangar Ramanujan, Charles Emile Picard, Abu Abd-Allah ibn Musa al'Khwarizmi, August Ferdinand Moebius, Hermann Minkowski Pi: Kanada and Hitachi with 1-trillion+, anti-tank mines, Tsu Ch-ung Chi, Humble pie, Robert Green's Arcadia (1590). Congratulations to Snuggles with a score of 13 points! You're this week's winner! Very well done. I was very impressed, this week was the best submissions I've had so far. You can drop by the MathSoc office (MC3038) to pick up your wonderful prizes! But enough of the past, time for the future, which happens to be a very mathlike squiz for the next few minutes, enjoy!

67. Mathematicians C
Ch ung chi tsu. Born 430 in Fanyang (now Hopeh), china Died 501 in china.Biography. Ch ung was a mathematician and astronomer.
Mathematician Stamps
  • Caratheodory Constantin (1873-1950)

  • Cauchy Augustin Louis
Born: 21 Aug 1789 in Paris, France Died: 23 May 1857 in Sceaux (near Paris), France

Born: 29 June 1893 in Stracov, Bohemia (now Czech Republic)
Died: 15 March 1960 in Prague, Czechoslovakia (now Czech Republic)


  • Chebyshev Pafnuty Lvovich (1821-1894)

  • Chen Jing-Run (1933-1996)
The most convincing proof for the Goldbach conjecture so far was provided by the Chinese mathematician Chen Jing-run (1933-1996) in 1965 and is expressed by the inequality at the top of the stamp at left. This stamp was issued in 1999 by China as part of a set of four science and technology motifs and shows the late Chen in profile.
  • Ch'ung Chi Tsu
Born: 430 in Fan-yang (now Hopeh), China Died: 501 in China Biography Ch'ung was a mathematician and astronomer. His approximation of pi was 355/113, which is correct to six decimal places. In astronomy, he arrived at the precise time of the solstice by measuring the sun's shadow at noon on days around the solstice
  • Comte Auguste (1798-1857)
  • Charles La Condamine (1701 - 1774 ) Biography
  • Condorcet Marie Jean Antoine Nicolas Caritat de (1743-1794) Biography
  • Cusanus Nicholas or Cusa or (Nikolaus Krebs) Biography B - C - D

68. Stillness And Activity
The prevailing view concerning the T aichi Diagram, in Chu Hsi s time as now, when Chu Hsi and Lü tsu-ch ien (1137-1181) placed it at the head of their
The Interpenetration of Stillness and Activity
in Chu Hsi's Appropriation of Chou Tun-i
Association for Asian Studies
Annual Meeting
Boston, 1999
Joseph A. Adler
Kenyon College
March 15, 1999
This paper is still in process and not yet fully annotated.
Why did Chu Hsi (1130-1200, right) elevate Chou Tun-i (1017-1073, left) to the position of the first true Confucian sage since Mencius (4 th "T'ai-chi Diagram" ( T'ai-chi-t'u ) had originated in Taoist circles, and that Chou's term wu-chi , in his "Explanation of the T'ai-chi Diagram" ( T'ai-chi-t'u shuo ), was a Taoist term that had never been used by Confucians (with good reason, according to Lu). Nevertheless, Chu's position eventually prevailed, and ever since then Chou Tun-i has traditionally been listed as the "founding ancestor" of the movement as constructed by Chu Hsi. Chu may have lost the battle, but he certainly won the war.
The two aspects of the problem, then, are (1) why was Chu Hsi willing to transparently try to explain away Chou Tun-i's evident debts to Taoism, and (2) why was he so intent on declaring Chou to be the first Confucian sage since Mencius? I will argue that a fuller understanding Chou Tun-i's use of Taoist and possibly Buddhist categories is the key to his significance for Chu Hsi. I will further argue that this understanding of Chu Hsi's appropriation of Chou Tun-i leads to a useful reinterpretation of some of Chu Hsi's central concepts. More specifically, I will propose that the key to Chu Hsi's evaluation of Chou Tun-i - and to his interpretation of

69. Tavola Della Romanizzazione In Pinyin
Hsuehtou Ch ung-hsien. Hsueh-yen tsu-ch in. Kyôrin Chôon. Kyôgen chikan tsu t ang chi. Chôsetsu Shûsai (segue). Jôshû Jûshin. chimon Kôso
Aggiornamento di questa versione italiana : 1 ottobre 2002
Ringrazio il Sig. Mitchell per la sua cortese autorizzazione a fare questa versione del suo lavoro. Per la pronuncia della traslitterazione Pinyin, pregasi riportare alla Tavola delle traslitterazioni dal Pinyin al Wade-Giles ed al Giapponese TAVOLA DELLE ROMANIZZAZIONI IN PINYIN ED IN WADE-GILES. Dunque, per l'essenziale,
C si deve sempre pronunciare ts
si pronuncia come una tedesca o la eu francese
(vagamente diftongato
CH tsc
si pronuncia sc
a meta tra z et gi
OU au W
risulta sempre una doppia-u (Wa = Ua) X come una s Z dz ( e non tz) ZH come una gi Meglio saperlo, specie per la C e la R. Grazie della vostra attenzione Pinyin b c d e ... n o p q r s ... t uv w x y z Wade-Giles e f h i ... n o p s t uv w y Nippon b c d e ... z B azhiao Huiqing Bailetian (772-846) Baiyun Shouduan Baizhang Huaihai Baofeng Kewen Baojing sanmei ke Bojian Jujian P'a-chiao Hui-ch'ing Pai-yun Shou-tuan Po-ch'ang Huai-hai Pao-feng K'o-wen P'ao-ching san-mei ko Po-chien Chu-chien segue segue Hakurakuten Hakuun Shutan Hokkan Kokan segue C an tong qi Cao an ge Cao-Dong zong Caoshan Benji Caoxi Chan Changsha Jingcen Chuji Changsha Changzi Kuang Chen Ts'an t'ung ch'i Ts-ao-an ko Ts'ao-Tung tsung Ts'ao-shan Pen-chi Ts'ao-hsi segue Ch'an Ch'ang-sha Ching-ts'en Ch'u-chi Ch'ang-sha Ch'ang-tsu K'uang Ch'en segue segue Zen segue segue Shojaku segue D adian Baotong Dahong Zuzheng Dahui Zonggao Damei Fachang Danlin Danxia Tianran Danxia Zichun Danyuan Yingzhen Daofu Daoxin Daowu Yuanzhi Daoyu Deng Yinfeng

70. Vsebina
Razen tsu Ch ung chi ni nihce vedel o Arhimedovem delu, zato ni bilo s teoreticnegavidika Prav tako število je, zanimivo, dobil tudi tsu Ch ung chi.
Kako so raèunali Pi nekoè in kako ga raèunamo danes
Malo poznan verz iz Svetega Pisma pravi:
Nato je naredil ulito morje, od roba do roba široko deset komolcev, naokrog okroglo in pet komolcev visoko. Trideset komolcev dolga vrvica ga je mogla okrog in okrog obseèi.
(1. knjiga kraljev 7, 23)
Ta isti verz lahko najdemo v II Chronicles 4, 2. Pojavi se v naèrtih za veliki Salomonov tempelj, zgrajen okoli 950 pred našim štetjem (pr.n.š). Zanimiv je zato, ker lahko vidimo, da je število p predstavljalo število 3 (kot se je izkazalo kasneje ta interpretacija p-ja ni bila èisto pravilna). Seveda je to zelo nenatanèna vrednost za tisti èas, saj so že veliko pred tem zasledili Egipèanski in Mezopotamski p, ki sta bila in Seveda pa je šlo tu za zelo velik srebrn (oz. medeninast) odlitek, pri katerem je bilo zelo težko doseèi visoko natanènost v geometriji oz. te natanènosti sploh niso potrebovali. Kasneje so prouèevali ta naèrt in ugotovili sledeèe:
Ta odlitek je imel debele stranice in meritev premera 10 komolcev se je nanašala na zunanji premer, medtem ko se je meritev obsega 30 komolcev nanašala na notranji obseg. Debelina obroèa je bila izmerjena v »dlaneh«, kar je približno 4 inèe. In èe uporabimo približek 17.75 za komolec, potem je vrednost p v enaèbi
Dejstvo, da je razmerje med obsegom in premerom kroga konstanta, je znano že zelo dolgo. Zgodnje vrednosti števila p, kot je npr. Svetopisemski

71. Consecrating The Buddha : Legend, Lore, And History Of The Imperial Relic-Venera
Taohsu an, who was reassigned to Ch ung-i ssu ?, along with ten of his 560-562 and Fo-tsu t ung-chi hereafter, FTTC, Taisho 49, 2035,\11\11_15.htm
@import url(/htm/chibs.css); D¦W¡G Consecrating the Buddha : Legend, Lore, and History of the
Imperial Relic-Veneration Ritual in the T'ang Dynasty
§@ªÌ¡G Huang Chi-chiang
¥Xª©¦~¡G ¡D ¤ë¥Xª©
Consecrating the Buddha: Legend, Lore, and History of the
Imperial Relic-Veneration Ritual in the T'ang Dynasty
Huang Chi-chiang
Associate Professor of Chinese,
Hobart and William Smith College s Summary This article deals with an important and intriguing aspect of the history of Buddhism in China The subject in question is discussed under several headings, beginning with the documented relationship between the relics and imperial rulership culled from various secular and Buddhist accounts. All accounts point to the magical property of the legendary A`soka relics which fascinated a number of emperors, kings, and princes before the T'ang dynasty. These accounts recognize the theurgies associated with the relics and their proselytizing effect, thus reflecting the influence of their lore upon themselves. To elaborate this point, the second portion of this paper centers on the discussion of how the lore was transformed into a historical, or strictly speaking, a quasi-historical narrative. The works of Tao-hsuan, a renowned Buddhist writer, are used to exemplify the complicated process of this transformation. Tao-hsuan's story about Liu Sa-he and his finding of the relics at the Ch'ang-kan ssu is discussed in detail within the context of imperial veneration.

The tsungshi are the imperial clansmen, descendants of Hien tsu Ch ung-houwas denounced by the censor, Chang chi-tung, and sentenced to death;
Home Encyclopedia Summa Fathers ... C > China A B C D ... Z
  • on the north, Siberia;
  • west, Russian Turkistan;
  • south, British India;
  • southeast, Burma and Tong-king;
  • east, the Pacific Ocean;
  • northeast, Korea.
This article is concerned only with China proper.
  • in 1390, 60,545.812;
  • in 1500, 53,281,153;
  • in 1619, 60,692,856;
  • time of Macartney, 333,000,000;
  • in 1842, 419,600,000;
  • in 1894, 412,800,000.
The Chinese call their empire Chung kwo (Middle Kingdom), a name first applied to Ho-nan, the country of the Chou dynasty; a Chinaman is designated Chung-kwo-jen or man of the Middle Kingdom; in diplomacy China is Ta-ts'ing Kwo (the great empire of Ts'ing, the present dynasty) as it was formerly Ta Ming Kwo (the great empire of Ming). In literature it is called T'ien Hia (Under Heaven), Sze Hai [the four (surrounding) seas], Chung Hwa Kwo (the Middle Flowery Kingdom); some names refer to celebrated dynasties, Hwa Hia (glorious Hia), Han-jen or Han-tze (men or sons of Han), T'ang-jen or T'ang-shan (men or mountains of T'ang). The Arabs called China Sin, Chin, Mahachin, Machin

73. The Shorter Columbia Anthology Of Traditional Chinese Literature; ; Edited By Vi
Yü Hsüanchi, On a Visit to Ch ung-chen Taoist Temple I See in the South Hall T ang Hsien-tsu, Twenty-Two Quatrains on Receiving the Obituary Notice for
Order Info F.A.Q. Help Advanced ... BUY ONLINE
December, 2000
704 pages
Columbia University Press
December, 2000
704 pages
Columbia University Press New Book Bulletins
The Shorter Columbia Anthology of Traditional Chinese Literature
Edited by Victor H. Mair Admirers of the monumental original edition of Victor H. Mair's Columbia Anthology of Traditional Chinese Literature have long clamored for a shorter, more affordable version. In response, Columbia University Press now offers an abridged volume, which, like the original, includes selections of Chinese literature from the beginnings to 1919. This shorter anthology retains the characteristics of the original in that it is arranged according to genre rather than chronology and interprets "literature" very broadly to include not just literary fiction, poetry, and drama, but folk and popular literature, lyrics and arias, elegies and rhapsodies, biographies, autobiographies and memoirs, letters, criticism and theory, and travelogues and jokes. It also contains fresh translations by newer voices in the field. Acclaim for The Columbia Anthology of Traditional Chinese Literature "Innovative, talented, lively, and splendidly readable."

74. Abstracts: History Of Mathematics
Among them were Ptolemy, tsu Ch ung chi, and Van Ceulen, who calculated picorrectly to 35 places past the decimal point. Many men have devoted their entire
[Yale College Course of Study Listing for CSPC 360a (BR)]
Introduction to the History of Mathematics: Certainty, Uncertainty and the Infinite
Fall Term-2003
Thursday (700-900 pm) Section
13 November
Sarah Stumbar: "Gender and Math"
I was surprised to walk into the first session of this class"The History of Math"and see that there were only three other girls in the class of twenty of people. My suitemates had all rolled their eyes at me when I told them I was going to take this class. But the truth is that I want to enjoy and understand math and I thought that if I put math into the context of its impact on the world, I might see more of a significance to sigma notation and infinite series. Yet the question still remains as to why Iand more importantly, so many girls in generalare intimidated by math to begin with. Many scientists argue that men and women have brains which are wired differently, creating different gender-based skills. However, it is very difficult to separate the inherent biological functioning and structure of the brain from the way in which the brain is shaped from its responses to stimuli in the environment. In other words, it is hard to say whether some girls gravitate away from math because their brains have been developed to excel at other things or because society has told them they should be good at other things.

75. Wadegile
«Y u shu chi»ti 2 hsu?Ch ung ch ing pan?, «?» Y ung Li tsu ku niang, ?, v. 4 p.165. Y ung mei, , v. 2 p.172
Ya Fei tso chia hui i tsai Tung- ching k'ai hui v. 4 : p.272 Ya T'ai he hui ch'ou pei ch'i chung yu tseng v. 3 : p.63 Ya yen y"u tzu li ¶®¨¥»P¦Û¤O v.15 : p.186 Ya-chou feng pao ¨È¬w­·¼É v. 4 : p.409 ¡mYa-chou Su-lien ¡nhs"u ¡m¨È¬wĬÁp¡n§Ç v.20 : p.40 Ya-l"u-chiang Ànºñ¦¿ v. 3 : p.57 Yang v.19 : p.476 Yang ch'un pieh ¶§¬K§O v. 9 : p.163 Yang hsiu ch'iu ¬v¸²y v. 3 : p.142 Yang huai ¬vºi v. 3 : p.120 Yang wang v. 1 : p.197 Yeh v. 1 : p.127 Yeh chu v.16 : p.355 Yeh he Kao Lu shih 2 ch"ueh v. 2 : p.278 Yeh hui san hou v. 2 : p.377 A B C D ... Home Yeh k'u v. 2 : p.429 Yeh lai hsiang v. 3 : p.102 Yeh ling v.14 : p.488 Yeh pieh ©]§O v. 1 : p.202 Yeh pu shih li sung y"uan ©]¨B¤Q¨½ªQ­ì v. 1 : p.98 Yeh Yen-an lieh shih ling y"uan ¿Ö©µ¦w¯P¤h³®¶é v. 4 : p.367 Yeh Lo-t'i chih mu v. 9 : p.198 Yeh T'ing chiang ch"un te shih ¸­®¼±N­xªº¸Ö v.20 : p.34 Yen che chin hua te lu hsiang ch'ien chin ªuµÛ¶i¤Æªº¸ô¦V«e¶i v.19 : p.389 Yen chiu min chien wen hs"ueh te mu ti ¬ã¨s¥Á¶¡¤å¾Çªº¥Øªº v.17 : p.58 ¡§Yen chung ting¡¨ ¡§²´¤¤°v¡¨ v.16 : p.113 Yen lai hung v. 3 : p.144 Yen lao shu ¿P¦Ñ¹« v. 2 : p.336

76. Rutgers University Libraries: East Asian Studies: Library Catalog And Pinyin/Wad
chi, ch ih, lei, lei, su, su. chong, ch ung, leng, leng, suan, suan rao, jao,zong, tsung. re, je, zou, tsou. ren, jen, zu, tsu. reng, jeng, zuan, tsuan
@import url(/rul/includes/04rul-style2.css); NOT LOGGED IN ASK A LIBRARIAN SEARCH WEBSITE SITE INDEX ... ALUMNI LIBRARY
Ying Zhang

August 18, 2003 Research Resources: Subject Research Guides: East Asian Studies:
Books and serials acquired can be found in IRIS (RU Libraries catalog and book delivery). You may search the catalog by title, author, subject, journal title, call number and other fields that identify an item. An advanced search> mode is designed for constructing complicated searches. Additional information and search guidance are available from the "IRIS Guide" at the top right of the catalog screen. For searching collections which are not yet recataloged into IRIS, you may use the card catalog which is located at the entrance hallway at EAL. The catalog cards are arranged alphabetically. For the Chinese materials, the majority of our holdings in IRIS and the card catalog use the Wade-Giles romanization system. In order to find a book/periodical, you need to use its appropriate Pinyin or Wade-Giles title, author, or subject. For those who are familiar only with Pinyin, a conversion table is provided below.

77. Word Mapping Table For Pinyin, Wade-Giles And Yale
Chen Ch en Chen Cheng Ch eng Cheng chi Ch ih Chr Chong Ch ung Chung Chou Cong Ts ung tsung Cou Ts ou Tsou Cu Ts u tsu Cuan Ts uan Tswan Cui Ts ui
Word Mapping Table for Pinyin, Wade-Giles and Yale
Author David Aspinwall to neijia list 12 Oct 1994 Since there's been some confusion about pinyin lately, heres a table mapping between pinyin, Wade-Giles, and Yale romanization systems. I've modified this from an index file created by Ed Lai. Colons are meant to be umlauts. For English speakers, Yale is the most intuitive system. If you want to make a half-assed guess as to the pronounciation of a word, Yale is a good starting point. Pinyin is the standard system in China, and is used by most newspapers in the U.S. now. Wade-Giles used to be the most common system, and is still seen in many books. Sponsor Taiji Collection

78. Pin Yin
Chen Ch en Chen Cheng Ch eng Cheng chi Ch ih Chr Chong Ch ung Chung Chou Ch ou Chou Cu Ts u tsu Cuan Ts uan Tswan Cui Ts ui Tswei Cun Ts un Tswun
Pin Yin Wade/Giles
PY WG Yale
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79. Tallet Pi
I det 5. århundrede regnede tsu Ch ung chi og hans søn tsu Keng chi sig frem til3,1415926 p 3,1415927, en nøjagtighed, som først blev nået i Europa i
Tallet pi På denne side vil du finde væsentlige dele af historien om, hvordan man fik bestemt konstanten pi ( p ) med større og større præcision. Historien er lang og broget. Der var ikke altid tale om fremskridt. Undertiden anvendte man approksimationer for pi, som var mindre nøjagtige end tidligere anvendte, undertiden fordi den opnåede viden ikke blev udbredt på tværs af kulturer.
En definition og et symbol
Tallet pi ( p ) vil vi i dag definere som forholdet mellem omkredsen og diameteren i en vilkårlig cirkel . At dette forhold er det samme uanset cirklens størrelse fremgår af, at omkredsen og diameteren er proportionale størrelser. Dette forhold i cirklen har naturligvis været af praktisk interesse lige så længe civilisationer af en vis udviklingsgrad har eksisteret. Den første fremkomst af et selvstændigt symbol for dette forhold hændte langt senere. Første gang det nuværende symbol p blev benyttet for det pågældende forhold er i 1706 af englænderen William Jones . Det slog ikke straks an i matematikerkredse, men efterhånden begyndte store matematikere som

80. The Research Notebook Of A Beleaguered Hack.: Struik: A Concise History Of Mathe
decimal places (Liu Hui had two digits, tsu Ch ungchih, had seven 22/7) . chi-Shih-Cieh, the most important Sung mathematician, extended matrix
The research notebook of a beleaguered hack. Struik: A Concise History of Mathematics: The Orient after the Decline of the Greek Society Despite Hellenistic influence, Near Eastern thought remained intact, as is evidenced by work in Alexandria, India, and Constantinople. The Byzantine Empire served as a guardian for Greek culture while the Indus region and Mesopotamia became independent. The sudden growth of Islam ended Greek domination. Arabic administration and language competed with and conquered Greek culture in much of the Mediterranean. As the roman empire declined the center of math research shifted from Alexandria to India and Mesopotamia. The Surya Siddhanta shows an influence of Greek and Babylonian astronomy. Aryabhata (c. 500) and Brahmagupta (c 625) were the best known. Mahavira considered rational triangles and quadrilaterals. General solutions for indeterminate equations of the first degree (ax+by =c) is found in Brahmagupta. Bhaskara admitted negative roots of equations and his Lilavati became a standard text for arithmetic and mensuration. Nilakantha (c. 1500) had already found the Gregory Leibniz series for pi/4.

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