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Tsu Ch'ung Chi: more detail |
41. Political Animal: Comment On The Beatles Were Pretty Good Too Linkmeister or Brahmagupta or tsu Ch ungchi? The latter s also written ZuChongzhi. Posted by Anarch on October 29, 2003 at 1050 AM PERMALINK http://www.washingtonmonthly.com/mt/mt-comments.cgi?entry_id=2520 |
42. New Page 1 tsu Ch ung chi, (430501 AD), 355/113. al-Khwarizmi, (c. 800 ), 3.1416. al-Kashi,(c. 1430), 14 places. Viète, (1540-1603), 9 places http://www.stanford.edu/~wavelet/pi/pi.html | |
43. Home Page Of MA 2108 And MA2108S we obtain that Pi is about 3.14159264, a little more accurate than what our1500 years old ancestor did. tsu Ch ung chi ×æ³åÖ®(430501) http://www.math.nus.edu.sg/~matwujie/Fall05/ | |
44. Music By Numbers (His name is tsu Ch ungchi in Wade-Giles romanisation, read So Chuushi in Japanese.)Lived AD 430 to 501, and obtained the approximations 22/7 and 355/133 http://www.imaginatorium.org/books/mathmus.htm | |
45. Sci-Philately - A History Of Science On Stamps tsu Ch ung chi (430501) was a chinese mathematician and astronomer. His approximationof pi was 355/113, which is correct to six decimal places. http://ublib.buffalo.edu/libraries/asl/exhibits/stamps/math1.html | |
46. The Contest Center - Pi 6, 355/113, pi + .00000 0266, tsu Ch ung chi 450AD. 7, v527 v354 - 1,pi - .00000 0190, Rubin. 7, v73 - v29 + 8/43, pi + .00000 00839, Rubin http://www.contestcen.com/pi.htm | |
47. Database: Chinese Zen Masters (IRIZ) tsu-hsien, , Hoan Sosen. Puji, P u-chi, , Fujaku Songyuan Chongyue, Sung-yüan Ch ung-yüeh, , Shôgen Sûgaku http://iriz.hanazono.ac.jp/data/master00.en.html | |
48. Yet Another Story Of Pi About 150 AD, Ptolemy of Alexandria (Egypt) gave its value as 377/120 and inabout 500 AD the chinese tsu Ch ungchi gave the value as 355/113. http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Lab/3550/pi.htm | |
49. The Pie Cafe: History Of Making Pi 380, Siddhanta, 3.1416. 480? tsu Ch ung chi, 3.1415926. 499, Aryabhata, 3.14156.640? Brahmagupta, 3.162277 (sq rt of 10). 800, AlKhowarizmi, 3.1416. http://library.thinkquest.org/26728/s1p2.htm | |
50. Pi As A Series Of Images: The Imachinations Syracuso (Sicilia) Archimedes 250? bd Pi=3.1418. Alexandria new library Ptolemaios 150 ad Pi=3.14166. Hopeh/china tsu Ch ung chi 480? Pi=3.1415926 http://www.imachination.net/next100/brainstorm/pi.html | |
51. Disciples Of Confucius: Information From Answers.com After the death of Confucius, chi K ang asked Yen how that event had made nosensation The name is given by others as T ang (? and ?) and tsu (?), http://www.answers.com/topic/disciples-of-confucius | |
52. Lunar Republic : Craters tsu Ch ung chi. 17.3N. 145.1E. 28. ~ (430501), chinese mathematician andmathematician; He gave the rational approximation 355/113 to which is correct to http://www.lunarrepublic.com/gazetteer/crater_t.shtml | |
53. The Wonders Of Pi - The Pi Timeline tsu Ch ung chi, 480? 7, 3.1415926. Aryabhata, 499, 4, 3.14156. Brahmagupta, 640?1, 3.162277. AlKhowarizmi, 800, 4, 3.1416. Fibonacci, 1220, 3, 3.141818 http://people.bath.ac.uk/ma3mju/time.html | |
54. The Imperial Dynasties Of China Yungchi. T ai-wu. Chung-ting. Wai-jen. Tsien-chia. tsu-yi. tsu-hsin. Ch iang-chia 145 - 146, Ch ung Ti. 146 - 147, chih Ti. 147 - 168, Huan Ti http://www.kessler-web.co.uk/History/KingListsFarEast/ChinaDynasties.htm | |
55. Continued Fractions From Euclid Till Present The continued fraction convergent p»355/113 was known to tsu Ch ung chi born inFanyang, china in 430 AD. More recently, the Swiss mathematician Lambert http://algo.inria.fr/seminars/sem98-99/vardi1-2.html | |
56. Complete Bibliography Of The Writings Of Ch'en Yin-k'o And Fu Ssu-nien chiawu ling-nan ch un-mu i yen-ching ch ung-hsiao-ssu mu-tan chi ch ing-sunghung-hsing Liu Fu-yü i-wen chung nien-yüeh chi ch i pu ssu-tsu wen-t i http://www.let.leidenuniv.nl/axelschneider/cykfsnie.htm | |
57. The Pineal Gland, LSD, And Serotonin Updated: October 15, 1996 Answer (The tsu ch iao cavity in) the center of the brain branches out one stands for t ai chi (supreme ultimate) and the right one for ch ung ling http://www.serendipity.li/mcclay/pineal.html | |
58. Prime Curios!: 113 tsu Ch ungchi (430-501 AD) and his son stated that pi is approximately 355/113.The smallest prime factor of 12345678910111213 (the concatenation of the http://primes.utm.edu/curios/page.php?number_id=109 |
59. Lebensdaten Von Mathematikern ung (um 430 - 501) Ch in chiu-Shao (1202 - 1261) Ch ung chi tsu (um430 - 501) Church, Alonzo (1903 - 1995) Civita, Tullio Levi- (1873 - 1941 http://www.mathe.tu-freiberg.de/~hebisch/cafe/lebensdaten.html | |
60. From Vincent R. Johns Vjohns@cliff.backbone.uoknor.edu result was that of Lazzerini (1901), who made 34080 tosses and got pi =355/113 = 3.1415929 which, incidentally, is the value found by tsu Ch ung chi. http://www.math.niu.edu/~rusin/known-math/96/buffon | |
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