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61. Doctor Who: The Evil Of The Daleks [1967] @ EOFFTV Patrick troughton The Doctor Frazer Hines Jamie Alec Ross Bob Hall The TARDIS is stolen by antiques dealer edward Waterfield who has been sent to http://www.eofftv.com/episodes/d/doctor_who/2nd_doctor/evil_of_the_daleks_main.h | |
62. Book STEPs - Browse Through Our Online Catalogue Foxwatching Martin Hemmington Future of Life, The - edward O Wilson Urban Foxes - Stephen Harris, Phil Baker, Guy troughton (Ill) http://www.booksteps.ie/bks/showbk1.php?catid=1600 |
63. The Telescope In Ireland Obscure Makers Marks. Irish Telescope Samuel s third son Andrew (18001876) worked with edward troughton in the early1820s, and in 1833 repaired instruments at the Greenwich Observatory under http://home.europa.com/~telscope/tsireland.txt |
64. IMSS - Multimedia Catalogue - Biographies - John Troughton He went into partnership with his uncle edward troughton (17561835) in c.1760, and later with his younger brother Joseph (18th C.). http://brunelleschi.imss.fi.it/genscheda.asp?appl=SIM&xsl=biografia&lingua=ENG&c |
65. IMSS - Catalogo Multimediale - Biografie - John Troughton Translate this page Verso il 1760 si associò allo zio edward troughton (1756-1835) e, successivamente,al fratello minore Joseph. I troughton produssero numerosi barometri di http://brunelleschi.imss.fi.it/genscheda.asp?appl=SIM&xsl=biografia&chiave=30057 |
66. History Of Science - Social & Technological History - Guide To Collections - Col the metrology collection) include a rare doublecone balance by edward troughton, the Pioneer Work of edward troughton and William Hyde Wollaston. http://www.nms.ac.uk/nms/collections/social-science.asp?m=5&s=1&id=4&subid=4 |
67. Directory Of London, Westminster, & Southwark, T, 1794, Directories, UK troughton J. Ed., Mathematical Instrumentmakers, 136, Fleet-st. troughton Byron,jun., Silkman Tutet edward, Coal Mercht., 7, Water-lane, Blackfriars http://www.londonancestor.com/kents/kents-t.htm | |
68. Law.com - Article Three of the firm s San Francisco partners Donald Bartels, edward Lozowickiand Mathew troughton will leave for other firms in June. http://www.law.com/jsp/article.jsp?id=1117184721243 |
69. Six Wives Of Henry VIII - The Episode Guide Archive Lady Rochford / Daniel Moynihan as edward Seymour / Gillian Bailey as Dorothy With Angela Pleasance as Catheirne Howard / Patrick troughton as the http://www.memorabletv.com/episodeguides/sixwivesofhenryviii.htm | |
70. King Arthur And Camelot troughton, Joanna, _Sir Gawain and the loathly damsel_ (retold and illustrated Lytton, Baron edward Bulwer, _King Arthur_ (London, Henry Colburn, 1849). http://www.dm.net/~ginb/king_arthur.htm | |
71. Doctor Who In Detail 3 - Patrick Troughton - The Evil Of The Daleks Patrick troughton Season Four. Patrick troughton The TARDIS has been stolenby antiques dealer edward Waterfield, and the Doctor gets suspicious about http://www.mentalis.force9.co.uk/DWID/PT/Stories/LL.htm |
72. Pigots 1840 - Ti To Ty troughton Medhurst, Gravesend c. troughton Medhurst, Gravesend c. troughton Thomas,Gravesend c. TROUNCE Capt edward, Lewisham c. http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~shebra/pigots_1840_-_ti_to_ty.htm | |
73. Series 65.17 Letter Received By Banks From Matthew Flinders, 10 May 1801 Great Britain. Admiralty. Great Britain. Navy Board. Investigator (ship). Marsden,William, 17541818. troughton, edward, 1753-1835 http://www.sl.nsw.gov.au/banks/series_65/65_17.htm | |
74. Series 65.08 Letter Received By Banks From Matthew Flinders, 11 February 1801 Frame numbers, CY 3009 / 204 CY 3009 / 205. Subjects, Arrowsmith, Aaron,17501823. troughton, edward, 1753-1835 http://www.sl.nsw.gov.au/banks/series_65/65_08.htm | |
75. Cambridgeshire 1733 7 3 DALTON Sarah troughton Sarah 1734 10 10 DALTON edward troughton Sarah1735 11 20 DALTON James troughton Sarah 1737 3 2 DALTON Susanna troughton http://daltondata.0pi.com/camb.html | |
76. Davies Rupert With Gene Anderson, Patrick troughton, edward Evans. 22. The Liars (Maigret àl école). BBC TV (English). 1961 (12/18/61). http://www.eracle.it/letteratura/simenon/davies.asp | |
77. BACHE1 edward troughton Hassler did not receive the protection of the department edward troughton Hassler was the principal assistant in the Office of Weights http://www.lib.noaa.gov/edocs/BACHE1.htm | |
78. HASSLER5 There were now two fulltime mechanicians (his son, edward troughton Hassler,and William Wurdemann) who were employed using various sized lathes and other http://www.lib.noaa.gov/edocs/HASSLER5.htm | |
79. Ecclesiastical - - Porter's Directory 1889 edward troughton, 1 Oxford street. PRIMITIVE METHODIST. DouglasWellingtonStreetRevs. John Hall and David Tuton (sup). Loch ParadeRev. H. Carr. Rev. http://www.isle-of-man.com/manxnotebook/fulltext/pd1889/eccl.htm | |
80. Stories, Listed By Author SMITH, CECIL LEWIS troughton (18991966); see pseudonym CS Forester. SMITH,DINITIA (1945- ) edward J. OBrien John Cournos, Small, Maynard 1925 http://users.ev1.net/~homeville/anth/s161.htm | |
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