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Troughton Edward: more detail | ||||||
21. Marble Bust Of Edward Troughton : National Maritime Museum Marble bust of edward troughton. Repro ID E8402. © NMM London. Marble bust ofedward troughton. © NMM London. Useful tools. Email this document Print this http://www.nmm.ac.uk/server/show/conMediaFile.3058 | |
22. Sextant By John And Edward Troughton, London, C. 1797 Artist John edward troughton Date c. 1797 Item No NAV1139 This examplehas the double frame patented by edward troughton in 1788, which provided http://www.nmm.ac.uk/searchbin/searchs.pl?exhibit=it1679z&axis=1122368920&flash= |
23. Troughton & Simms: Information From Answers.com Obituary of edward troughton MNRAS 3 (1836) 149 (http//adsabs.harvard.edu//full/seri/MNRAS/0003//0000149.000.html); Obituary of William Simms, http://www.answers.com/topic/troughton-simms | |
24. William Simms: Information From Answers.com In 1826, edward troughton, in failing health, on William Simms as a partner inhis instrumentmaking firm, which became known as troughton Simms. http://www.answers.com/topic/william-simms | |
25. OASI - Brief History Of Troughton & Simms The firm was owned by two brothers, John and edward troughton. edward troughtoncollaborated closely with the Astronomers Royal Maskelyne and Pond on http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/~ipswich/History/Troughton_and_Simms.htm | |
26. Biographical Notice Of Edward Troughton, Esq. Title Biographical notice of edward troughton, Esq. Journal Monthly Notices ofthe Royal Astronomical Society, Vol. 3, p.149 Publication Date 02/1836 http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1836MNRAS...3..149. | |
27. Imago Mundi - Edward Troughton. Translate this page troughton, edward, fabricant dinstruments scientifiques né en 1753 en Angleterre,mort en 1835 à Londres. Il a commencé avec son frère John à frabriquer http://www.cosmovisions.com/Troughton.htm | |
28. Henry VI Part 3 Richard Plantagenet David troughton. edward Plantagenet - Stephen Boxer Other notable felicities are individual performances edward deSouza s Paroles http://www.arkangelshakespeare.com/henryVI3-1.html | |
29. Pioneer Of Precision: Captain Henry Kater Among these were TC Robinson, RB Bate, edward troughton, George Dollond and Thomas edward troughton died in June 1835, only a few weeks after Kater. http://www.usyd.edu.au/su/macleay/kater1.htm | |
30. By Land & Sea Exhibition edward troughton devised the box sextant in about 1800. It is essentially aminiaturised sextant with the mirrors contained in a cylindrical case. http://www.usyd.edu.au/su/macleay/clandsea.htm | |
31. His-Obj-Tel - Transit Instruments by the foremost instrument builder of England at the time, edward troughton . The instrument was designed by Airy, and built be troughton and Simms. http://www.saao.ac.za/assa/html/his-obj-tel_-_transit_instrume.html | |
32. His-Obj-Tel - Tel Makers In the 1820 s edward troughton was considered as the foremost astronomicalinstrument of the time. (In England at least) He designed and made the first http://www.saao.ac.za/assa/html/his-obj-tel_-_tel_makers.html | |
33. Edonkey Links DVD-Rips 86. Page Corin Redgrave, Nicholas Rowe, Angus MacInnes, Mary MacLeod, Michael troughton,edward Hardwicke, AnneMarie Duff, Tim Bentinck, Rosie Thomson, http://www.shareprovider.com/edonkey-cat-2-850-dateD-10.html | |
34. Index Of Names Beginning With T Tromp, Cornelius Dutch admiral Deathday; troughton, edward - Astronomicalinstrument maker Deathday; Tucker Abraham - Author of The Light of Nature http://www.thebookofdays.com/indexes/names/t.htm | |
35. Edward Troughton Biography .ms edward troughton (October 1753 June 12 1835) was a British instrument maker,who was notable for making telescopes and other astronomical instruments. http://edward-troughton.biography.ms/ | |
36. Out Of Office AutoReply Hello From, troughton, edward. Subject, Out of Office AutoReply Hello. Date,Mon, 22 Mar 2004 181801 0000. I am out of the office now - returning on Friday http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-ghostscript/2004-03/msg01583.html |
37. Science In The 19th Century Periodical troughton, edward (17531836) DSB Search for all references to this Tylor,Sir edward Burnett (18321917) DNB Search for all references to this http://www.sciper.org/browse/nam_t.html | |
38. Play.com (UK) : Edward And Mrs Simpson : DVD - Free Delivery Play.com Buy edward And Mrs Simpson, with free delivery to UK and Europe.Play.com is the top site for dvds, Other DVDs featuring Patrick troughton http://www.play.com/play247.asp?pa=pfa&page=title&r=R2&title=667438 |
39. Alcoholism: Clinical And Experimental Research - Abstract: Volume 22(4) June 199 Yates, William R.; Cadoret, Remi J.; troughton, edward P.; Stewart, Mark; Giunta,Trista S. Abstract Objectives The objective of this study is to examine http://www.alcoholism-cer.com/pt/re/alcoholism/abstract.00000374-199806000-00023 | |
40. Websters Instrument Makers Database - Letter T edward troughton 2 took William Simms 2 as a partner to form troughton and Simms in John troughton 2 and his brother edward troughton 2, (17821804); http://www.adlerplanetarium.org/history/websters/t.htm | |
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