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21. Tarrant Hinton Baptisms 1545 - 1699 Joanna KING filia thomae Nov 27. 1595. johannes FRANKLIN filius Walteri Sep 20 johannes COOKMAN filius thomae et Mariae Jul 1 http://www.dorset-opc.com/TarrantHintonBaptisms1.htm | |
22. Wedmore Genealogy K Baptisms King, Stephanus, M, 1633, 3, 24, thomae, King. King, johannes, M, 1638, 3, 22,thomae, King, Annis, King. King, Jana, F, 1644, 8, 3, thomae, King, Mariae http://www.tutton.org/kbap.html | |
23. Wedmore Genealogy N Baptisms Napper, johannes, M, 1647, 4, 6, thomae, Napper, Edithae, Napper, et bapt. 7.Napper, Thomas, M, 1648, 9, 30, Edwardi, Napper http://www.tutton.org/nbap.html | |
24. Biography-center - Letter T thomae, johannes wwwhistory.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/thomae.h tml Torrentius, johannes www.kfki.hu/~arth p/bio/t/torrenti/biograph.html http://www.biography-center.com/t.html | |
25. DML: Digital Mathematics Library: Retrodigitized Mathematics Journals And Monogr 16, Cornell thomae, J (johannes) Elementare theorie der analytischen Functioneneiner 20, Michigan thomae, J. (johannes) Die Kegelschnitte in rein http://www.mathematik.uni-bielefeld.de/~rehmann/DML/dml_links_author_T.html | |
26. DML: Digital Mathematics Library: Retrodigitized Mathematics Journals And Monogr 3 (by thomae, J (johannes)), 52, 1879, book http://www.mathematik.uni-bielefeld.de/~rehmann/DML/dml_links_title_U.html | |
27. Lancashire OnLine Parish Clerk Project 1 Oct 1615, johannes f. thomae Howell de Lowest Hulton. 8 Oct 1615, Elizabetha fa . 5 May 1639, johannes f. thomae Farneworth de Helliwell http://www.lan-opc.org.uk/Deane/stmary/baptisms_1604-1671.html | |
28. Lancashire OnLine Parish Clerk Project 27 Jun 1675, johannes f. thomae France de Westhoughton. 27 Jun 1675, Joshua f . 19 Aug 1677, johannes f. thomae Eccersley de Middle Hulton http://www.lan-opc.org.uk/Deane/stmary/baptisms_1672-1715.html | |
29. DC MetaData For: Carl Johannes Thomae (1840-1921) - Kollege Georg Cantors An Der Translate this page Abstract Carl johannes thomae (1840-1921) studierte mit Beginn des Sommersemesters1861 in Halle Mathematik. Hier war er drei http://www.mathematik.uni-halle.de/reports/shadows/99-21report.html | |
30. Uni Halle, FB Math./Inf., History Translate this page Beginnend mit dem Sommersemester 1861 studierte Carl johannes thomae drei Dezember 1840 wurde Carl johannes thomae als erstes von insgesamt zwei Kindern http://www.mathematik.uni-halle.de/history/thomae/ |
31. Bolton Burials johannes f thomae Chetham of kly 9 jan Deane Church of Bolton Burials, 1666Margreta uxor Jacobj Roscow vid of fwh 14 jan Deane Church of Bolton Burials, http://genealogy.yatescentral.com/old/deane/bolton_burials.htm | |
32. Johannes Bureus BUREUS (BURE) johannes (Johan) thomae Agrivillensis (15681652) HildebrandH., Minne af riksantikvarien johannes Bureus . - Stockholm 1908. http://www.kb.se/ENG/F1700/bureus2.htm | |
33. Monmouthshire: Llanbadog Parish Register 1582-1709 John, JONES, son, Thomas, JONES, johannes, fil thomae Jones, clerici. Bu,05Apr-1611, Maria, JONES, Thomas, JONES, Maria, filia thomae Jones, cl i http://www.cefnpennar.com/lbg_page23.htm | |
34. Math Forum Discussions papers by Uwe Dathe (eg the paper Gottlob Frege und johannes thomae. Zum Verhaeltniszweier Jenaer Mathematiker in Gabriel s and http://mathforum.org/kb/thread.jspa?threadID=384338&messageID=1186372 |
35. Selected Early Works: W thomae Willis Affectionum quae dicuntur hystericae et hypochondriacae etiam primum secundum integros adjecit johannes Raius e Societate regia. http://www.thebakken.org/library/books/early_w.htm | |
36. Das Literatur-Café Im Internet - Johannes Thomae: Oblonsek Translate this page Oblonsek - von johannes thomae »Scheiße!« Oblonsek sagte es voller Inbrunst.Dabei hätte er viel lieber etwas anderes gesagt. Etwas was überlegen und nach http://www.literaturcafe.de/prosa/oblonsek.htm | |
37. FOM: Thomae And Non-archimedian Domains by Dauben as saying that johannes thomae (who had an office down the hall and infinitesimals by johannes thomae, Giuseppe Veronese and Otto Stolz. http://www.cs.nyu.edu/pipermail/fom/1997-November/000361.html | |
38. FOM: Thomae And Non-archimedian Domains Bill Tait, on Nov.12th, wrote in connection with Goedel and infinitesimals thatCantor is quoted by Dauben as saying that johannes thomae (who had an office http://www.cs.nyu.edu/pipermail/fom/1997-November/000356.html | |
39. Prüm Translate this page 1782,06,11, MARIA BARBARA, Prüm, thomae Sebastian, johannes 1742, BRAIBANT ANNABARBARA. 1783,01,06, Anna Maria t.29.03.1794, Prüm, FRIEDRICH 1751 http://www.geocities.com/Yosemite/Forest/5854/alff/pruem.htm | |
40. Genealogy Data Translate this page Birth 07-02-1862 Soest St. thomae Ev Gender Female OVERHOFF, Lisette ZUCKER, johannes Georgius Birth Herbringhausen Gender Male Family http://www.geocities.com/MotorCity/Garage/7613/dat18.htm | |
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