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61. Spring 2003 Sectional Meeting Of The Allegheny Mountain Section Of Abstract In the first century AD, the Introduction to Arithmetic, by Nicomachusof Gerasa and Mathematics Useful for Understanding Plato by theon of smyrna http://mallard.ds.psu.edu/~ecb5/MAA-Spring-03/tattersall.html |
62. Child And Adult Portraiture, Martin Dace A reader from Greece thinks that theon of smyrna in ancient Greece could haveviewed the transit with a simple pinhole device, and another in the USA wants http://www.dace.co.uk/ | |
63. Prime Numbers theon of smyrna is also known for finding the approximate value of the radicalof a positive number a, but his finding was based on the use of a linear http://hypatia.math.uri.edu/~kulenm/diffeqaturi/m381f00fp/megan/meganmp.htm | |
64. Pythagoras - Number Heath quotes theon of smyrna (1st century AD) as writing. of composite numbersthey call those which are contained by two numbers plane, http://www.mathgym.com.au/history/pythagoras/pythnum.htm | |
65. Ptolemy's Biography Another associate of his, a certain mathematician Theon, supplied him with to be the Platonic philosopher theon of smyrna (early second century AD, http://www.chass.utoronto.ca/~ajones/ptolgeog/biography.html | |
66. Square Root Algorithms -- From MathWorld is an approximation to sqrt(2) , then (a+2b)/(a+b) is a better one (the n2case) was known to theon of smyrna in the second century AD (Wells 1986, p. http://mathworld.wolfram.com/SquareRootAlgorithms.html | |
67. JMM HM DICIONÁRIO Translate this page Theon of Alexandria theon of smyrna Theaetetos Theodoros of Cyrene Theon ofSmyrna Theaetetus Theodorus of Cyrene Zeno of Elea, Thalès http://phoenix.sce.fct.unl.pt/jmmatos/HISTMAT/HMHTM/HMDIC.HTM | |
68. Nuptial Arithmetic the Florentine s commentary and explores its context, sources, and difficulties,especially its debts to Plato s Timaeus and to theon of smyrna. http://www.english.ucla.edu/RecentPubs/Nupt.html | |
69. TIMELINE 2nd CENTURY Page Of ULTIMATE SCIENCE FICTION WEB GUIDE 117 theon of smyrna, so called to distinguish him from Theon of Alexandria 120129 The Expositio by theon of smyrna expands on Plato s theory of Music. http://www.magicdragon.com/UltimateSF/timeline2.html | |
70. Greek Musical Writings - Cambridge University Press Minor authors quoted by Theon and Porphyry; Passages from theon of smyrna; Passagesfrom Porphyry; 10. Nicomachus Enchiridion; 11. http://www.cambridge.org/uk/catalogue/catalogue.asp?isbn=0521616972 |
71. Special Programs Authors Euclid, Plato, Aristotle, Nicomachus, theon of smyrna, Bacon, Descartes,Dedekind, and Newton. Priority given to students in the Experimental Study http://student.mit.edu/@1533813.14973/catalog/mSPa.html | |
72. Dictionary Of The History Of Ideas theon of smyrna (second century AD) claimed that Pythagoras had verified theseratios in all these circumstances. Boethius (fifth century http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/cgi-local/DHI/dhi.cgi?id=dv3-32 |
73. Chapter 8 Updates - Dissections: Plane & Fancy About 130 AD theon of smyrna gave the recursive formulas for ai and bi. They hadearlier been given in geometric form. (See page 341 of Dickson (1920). http://www.cs.purdue.edu/homes/gnf/book/Booknews/ch8.html | |
74. New Page 0 theon of smyrna Thymaridas. go to index, go to index, go to index. Xenocrates Zeno of Elea Zeno of Sidon Zenodorus http://www.edfiles.com/top/GR6B/geometryP.htm | |
75. The Christ By John E. Remsberg (Chapter 2) Valerius Maximus. Arrian Petronius Dion Pruseus Paterculus Appian theon of smyrnaPhlegon Pompon Mela Quintius Curtius Lucian Pausanias Valerius Flaccus http://www.positiveatheism.org/hist/rmsbrg02.htm | |
76. CHRONOLOGY OF RECREATIONAL MATHEMATICS By David Singmaster 130 theon of smyrna Biblion natural square often erroneously cited as magic.c150 Heron Peri Metron - Cistern Problem; Aristotle s Wheel Paradox. http://anduin.eldar.org/~problemi/singmast/recchron.html | |
77. Aristarchus Of Samos 6, pp. 922F923A; cf. Heath, Aristarchus of Samos, p. 304. theon of smyrna (ed.Hiller) p. 200, 7-12. Cf. Heath, Aristarchus of Samos, p. 304. http://www.varchive.org/ce/orbit/arisam.htm | |
78. Esoteric Science theon of smyrna declares that this array of ten dots, the tetractys of Pythagoras,was a symbol of the greatest importance, to the discerning mind it http://www.prs.org/gallery-science.htm | |
79. Harvard University Press/Translated By Ivor Thomas, Greek Mathematical Works, II (ii) theon of smyrna XXI. Trigonometry 1. Hipparchus and Menelaus 2. Ptolemy (a)General (b) Table of sines (i) Introduction http://www.hup.harvard.edu/contents/L362_toc.html | |
80. Theosophy Library Online - Great Teacher Series - ALBINUS Albinus was the contemporary of theon of smyrna, who wrote a mathematicalintroduction to Plato, a compilation of quotations on Platonic philosophy which http://theosophy.org/tlodocs/teachers/Albinus.htm | |
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