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Theodorus Of Cyrene: more detail | ||||
81. Selections From The Works Of Synesius Of Cyrene Letter 21 (To the Governor, asking for respect to theodorus kinsman) Letter 73 (To Troilus, asking for help for cyrene so it won t be destroyed so http://www.geocities.com/athens/acropolis/5164/synesius.html | |
82. Theodorus Of Cyrene: Information From Answers.com Antiquarian ebooks Theaeteus PLATO ebookIn Theaetetus a discussion between Socrates, Theaetetus and his teacher Theodorusof cyrene is recorded. This conversation took place in 399 BC and http://www.answers.com/topic/theodorus-of-cyrene | |
83. Platos Theaetetus [Internet Encyclopedia Of Philosophy] theodorus lived in cyrene in the late fifth century BCE. In the dialogue, he isportrayed as a friend of Protagoras, wellaware of the Sophists teachings, http://www.iep.utm.edu/t/theatetu.htm | |
84. Cyrene, Libya -- Facts, Info, And Encyclopedia Article cyrene was founded as a (One of the 13 British colonies that formed the originalstates of xiii, 1); St. theodorus suffered martyrdom under Diocletian; http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/encyclopedia/c/cy/cyrene,_libya.htm | |
85. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Cyrene In 74 BC cyrene became a Roman colony. There were many Jews in the region, withtheir own xiii, 1); St. theodorus suffered martyrdom under Diocletian; http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/04591b.htm | |
86. Theodorus Translate this page und bei solchen Gelegenheiten verbrachte er Zeit mit theodorus in cyrene.theodorus verbrachte nicht sein ganzes Leben in cyrene er war sicher in Athen http://www.mathe.tu-freiberg.de/~hebisch/spiralen3/Theodorus2.htm | |
87. Theaetetus - Theaetetus P b ERSONS OF THE DIALOGUE /b Socrates, theodorus, Theaetetus. whom hementionedthese were, theodorus the geometrician (of cyrene), and Theaetetus. http://www.worldwideschool.org/library/books/lit/socialcommentary/Theaetetus/cha | |
88. Statesman - Statesman theodorus By Ammon, the god of cyrene, Socrates, that is a very fair hit; andshows that you have not forgotten your geometry. I will retaliate on you at http://www.worldwideschool.org/library/books/lit/plays/Statesman/chap1.html | |
89. Statesman By Plato -- EText At PhilosophyClassics.com express. theodorus By Ammon, the god of cyrene, Socrates, that is a very fairhit; and shows that you have not forgotten your geometry. I will retaliate on http://www.philosophyclassics.com/etexts/253/ | |
90. Intimate Stranger Act 1 cyrene theodorus ARLEIA (arLAY-uh) MORIAN GRESSIUS FISHERMAN 1. XENA WARRIORPRINCESS. Intimate Stranger ( Callisto s Nightmare ). SET LIST. INTERIORS http://home.flash.net/~ynary/is1.htm | |
91. KhadijaTeri - Who's Who In Libyan History theodorus Born in cyrene, theodorus was a great mathematician. He was a pupil ofProtagorus and was a tutor of both Plato and Theaetetus. http://www.khadijateri.com/whoswho.html | |
92. Theaetetus By Plato as narrating to me, but as actually conversing with the persons whom hementionedthese were, theodorus the geometrician (of cyrene), and Theaetetus. http://www.4literature.net/Plato/Theaetetus/ | |
93. Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2003.02.16 of Art. Here too C. s interest in cyrene is discernible as he concentrateson theodorus, Callimachus, Aristippus and Eratosthenes (all of cyrene). http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/bmcr/2003/2003-02-16.html | |
94. Geschiedenis Van De Wiskunde - Notaties - Tot Ongeveer 1250 Chr. theodorus van cyrene toont aan dat bepaalde vierkantswortels irrationaal zijn.Dit was al eerder bekend gemaakt, maar de schrijver is onbekend. 387 v. http://www.xs4all.nl/~wjsn/tekst/wiskunde.htm | |
95. Chuong 2 : Giai Doan Toan Hoc Co Ban Vaö sau naey, theo Plate thç theodorus lí cyrene ( khoaíng 425 trcldc cäng nguyan )âaî chc ra rrnng cuîng âaöu lae cadc säú vä tc . http://www.ctu.edu.vn/coursewares/supham/LichSuToanHoc/chuong2.htm | |
96. History Of Mathematics Timeline circa 425 BC Although it had apparently been known for some time, theodorus ofCyrene is the first person in recorded history to show that some square http://josephmano.tripod.com/id2.html | |
97. Theaeteus ¡¾ PLATO ¤ò¥À¥¦¥ó¥í¡¼¥É Translate this page In Theaetetus a discussion between Socrates, Theaetetus and his teacher Theodorusof cyrene is recorded. This conversation took place in 399 BC and http://www.papy.co.jp/sc/eng/y_book/4-8578/ | |
98. Human Indexes Of My Books On Mathematics; Te(de) To(do) In Japanese Translate this page The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.com.mie-u.ac.jp/~kanie/tosm/humanind/jinmeit4.htm | |
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