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Theodorus Of Cyrene: more detail | ||||
61. THEAETETUS with Socrates enquiring of the visiting geometer, theodorus of cyrene, He bids Theodorus and Theaetetus farewell, and entreats them to join him http://caae.phil.cmu.edu/Cavalier/80250/Plato/Theatetus/Theat.html | |
62. Footnotes 56 Diagoras of Melos and theodorus of cyrene, called the Atheists. The formerflourished about BC 430, the latter about BC 310. See Cic., Nat. Deor., i. 2. http://www.ccel.org/fathers2/ANF-06/footnote/fn65.htm | |
63. ANF04. Fathers Of The Third Century: Tertullian, Part Fourth; Minucius Felix; Co Argument the Impious Temerity of Theodorus, Diagoras, and Protagoras is Not at so useful, so wholesome, even although he may he theodorus of cyrene, http://www.ccel.org/ccel/schaff/anf04.iii.html | |
64. Christianism - Addition 33 4; Clem. Alex., Protrept. ch. 2. See the documentary details in Meyer, iv, 105. 173. .Theodoros theodorus of cyrene, fl. late 5th cent. http://www.christianism.com/additions/33.html | |
66. Jesus Death In Q 41/ Cicero also lauds theodorus of cyrene, no mean philosopher (philosophus), /42/Diogenes,/43/ and various fighting men besides. http://www.bham.ac.uk/theology/synoptic-l/jdeath.htm |
67. CHRONOLOGY Also taught by theodorus of cyrene. Circa 365 BC, Eudoxus (c. 408355 BC) considered with Archimedes (287-212 BC) as greatest ancient mathematicians http://members.fortunecity.com/jonhays/chronology.htm | |
68. Predmety - Predmety theodorus of cyrene. and Theaetetus, Eudoxus and his method of exhaustion. 7.Eudoxus, theory of proportion. 8. Socrate, Plato, Aristotle. http://www.mff.cuni.cz/vnitro/is/sis/predmety/kod.php?kod=UMP015 |
69. [FOM] Foundations/Philosophy This is straightforwardly false at least since theodorus of cyrene and Plato.You appear to be a towering example of it not being true. http://www.cs.nyu.edu/pipermail/fom/2003-October/007374.html | |
70. [FOM] Permanent Value? This is straightforwardly false at least since theodorus of cyrene and Plato.You appear to be a towering example of it not being true. http://www.cs.nyu.edu/pipermail/fom/2003-October/007380.html | |
71. Pythagoras He may have stumbled on the fact that the square root of two is a surd, but weknow that it was left for Plato s friends, theodorus of cyrene and Theaetetus http://www.omhros.gr/Kat/History/Greek/Tc/Pythagoras.htm | |
72. Ancient Scepticism And Ancient Religion theodorus of cyrene is often invoked, on hazier grounds. Critias is cited for adebunking speech in a play. Cicero, at De Natura Deorum 2, cites Diagoras, http://www.u.arizona.edu/~jannas/forth/Assos1.htm | |
73. Atheism_theory The few, however, of whom we can be sure, are people like Diagoras of Melos andtheodorus of cyrene (fifth and fourth centuries BC.). http://www.catholic-church.org/church-unity/ateo_t_e.htm | |
74. JMM HM DICIONÁRIO Translate this page Theon of Smyrna Theaetetos Theodoros of Cyrene Zeno of Elea, Thales Theon ofAlexandria Theon of Smyrna Theaetetus theodorus of cyrene Zeno of Elea, Thalès http://phoenix.sce.fct.unl.pt/jmmatos/HISTMAT/HMHTM/HMDIC.HTM | |
75. Livia Giacardi-pubblicazioni Translate this page On theodorus of cyrenes problem, Arch. Int. Hist. Sci., 27, 101, pp. 231-236.1977 Unanticipazione del metodo di risoluzione approssimata di unequazione http://www2.dm.unito.it/paginepersonali/giacardi/pubbli.htm | |
76. Encyclopedia: Ionia The great names of this school are Theodorus and Rhoecus of Samos; Theodore,ot the Latin equivalent Theodorus, can refer to theodorus of cyrene a http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Ionia | |
77. À§´ëÇѼöÇÐÀÚ ¸ñ·Ï Theodorus, theodorus of cyrene Born 465BC in Cyrene (now Shahhat, Libya) Died 398 BC in Cyrene (now Shahhat, http://mathnet.kaist.ac.kr/API/?MIval=people_seek_great&init=T |
78. Cyrene cyrene is the birthplace of theodorus, the mathematician staged in the Theætetus,Sophist and Statesman (Theætetus, 143d). We don t know much about this http://plato-dialogues.org/tools/loc/cyrene.htm | |
79. Cyrene And The Cyrenaica cyrene was founded in c.630 BCE as a colony of the Greek island town Thera, The mathematician theodorus (c.465399) developed the theory of irrational http://www.livius.org/ct-cz/cyrenaica/cyrenaica.html | |
80. Plato - Philosopher - Biography To all accounts it appears that he left Athens with Euclides for Megara, thenwent to visit theodorus in cyrene, moved on to study with the Pythagoreans in http://www.egs.edu/resources/plato.html | |
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