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Theodorus Of Cyrene: more detail | ||||
21. A Lesson On Spirals in the exercise below has been attributed to theodorus of cyrene (~465399 BC) . Share information with students about theodorus of cyrene (see first http://courses.wcupa.edu/jkerriga/Lessons/A Lesson on Spirals.html | |
22. Math History - Pre-historic And Ancient Times About 425BC, theodorus of cyrene shows that certain square roots are irrational.This had been shown earlier but it is not known by whom. http://lahabra.seniorhigh.net/pages/teachers/pages/math/timeline/MpreAndAncient. | |
23. Personal Names search TmiWeb for this person theodorus of cyrene. Born 465 BC; died 398 BC.Theodorus was a tutor of Plato and Theaetetus and is best remembered by http://euromusicology.cs.uu.nl:6334/dynaweb/info/persinfo/persons/@Generic__Book | |
24. Personal Names Theaetetus was a disciple of Socrates and studied with theodorus of cyrene.He taught at some time in Heraclea (located in presentday southern Italy). http://euromusicology.cs.uu.nl:6334/dynaweb/info/persinfo/persons/@Generic__Book | |
25. History Of Mathematics: Greece 425); theodorus of cyrene (c. 425); Socrates (469399); Philolaus of Croton (dc390); Democritus of Abdera (c. 460-370); Hippasus of Metapontum (or of http://aleph0.clarku.edu/~djoyce/mathhist/greece.html | |
26. History Of Mathematics: Chronology Of Mathematicians 425) *SB *MT; theodorus of cyrene (c. 425); Socrates (469399); Philolaus ofCroton (dc 390) *SB; Democritus of Abdera (c. 460-370) *SB *MT http://aleph0.clarku.edu/~djoyce/mathhist/chronology.html | |
27. PSIgate - Physical Sciences Information Gateway Search/Browse Results theodorus of cyrene Born 465 BC in Cyrene (now Shahhat, Libya) Died 398 BC inCyrene (now Shahhat, Libya) Previous (Chronologically) Next Biographies http://www.psigate.ac.uk/roads/cgi-bin/search_webcatalogue.pl?term1=Libya&limit= |
28. Chapter 16: Archimedes geometry teacher, Hippocrates of Chios, who tried to fit together all therules, and theodorus of cyrene, who discovered many of the irrationals. http://www.anselm.edu/homepage/dbanach/arch.htm | |
29. Notes And Queries -- Table Of Contents ( 1920, S12-VI [106]) EDWARD BENSLY theodorus of cyrene Notes and Queries 1920 s12VI 158;doi10.1093/nq/s12-VI.106.158-e PDF. HFB COMPSTON theodorus of cyrene http://nq.oxfordjournals.org/content/vols12-VI/issue106/index.dtl | |
30. Notes And Queries -- Table Of Contents ( 1920, S12-VI [103]) HEG EVANS theodorus of cyrene Notes and Queries 1920 s12VI 91;doi10.1093/nq/s12-VI.103.91-a PDF. AMB IRWIN CHESS THE KNIGHT S TOUR http://nq.oxfordjournals.org/content/vols12-VI/issue103/index.dtl | |
31. Table Of Contents For Gazalé, M.: Number: From Ahmes To Cantor. The Ladder of theodorus of cyrene and Diophantine Equations 169 A Variation onthe Ladder of Theodorus 171 Fermat s Last Theorem 172 http://www.pupress.princeton.edu/TOCs/c6794.html | |
32. Gazalé, M.: Number: From Ahmes To Cantor. What was the Ladder of theodorus of cyrene and how did the ancient Greeks calculatesquare roots with such extraordinary proficiency? http://www.pupress.princeton.edu/titles/6794.html | |
33. The History Of Freethought And Atheism Finally we can say with confidence that theodorus of cyrene was an atheist fromthe contents of his work On the Gods. Roman Skeptics http://www.positiveatheism.org/india/s1990c25.htm | |
34. Ce-Cl: Positive Atheism's Big List Of Quotations Diagoras the Melian and theodorus of cyrene entirely believed there were no suchbeings. But they who have affirmed that there are Gods, have expressed such http://www.positiveatheism.org/hist/quotes/quote-c1.htm | |
35. Body 5.15 Hippocrates, On Regimen 5.16 Ps.Aristotle, Problems 5.17 Diogenes the Cynic5.18 Bion of Borysthenes 5.19 theodorus of cyrene 5.20-5.25 Zeno of Citium http://www.utexas.edu/courses/cc348hubbard/toc.html | |
36. From Ken.Pledger@vuw.ac.nz (Ken Pledger) Newsgroups Sci.math Shortly after then, theodorus of cyrene generalized the result by proving theirrationality of the square roots of 3, 5, , 15, but got stuck at sqrt(17) http://www.math.niu.edu/~rusin/known-math/98/sqrt_irrat | |
37. Biographical List Of Names (TH - THN) Compiled By GIGA theodorus of cyrene, Greek philosopher (fl. 340 BC) BUY AMAZON BOOK Theodotus,Samos rhetorician (- 43 BC) - READ QUOTES (1) BUY AMAZON BOOK http://www.giga-usa.com/gigaweb1/quotes2/qubioth.htm | |
38. Chronological Author List "Before 300 BC" Compiled By GIGA theodorus of cyrene, Greek philosopher (fl. 340 BC) BUY AMAZON BOOK ChuangTzu (Zhuangzi), Chinese philosopher (369 BC - 286 BC) - READ QUOTES (3) BUY http://www.giga-usa.com/quotes/lists/quayb300.htm | |
39. All Sides Of The Story Finally we can say with confidence that theodorus of cyrene was an atheist fromthe contents of his work On the Gods. Another current of thought that lasted http://www.teachingreligion.com/atheism/history.html | |
40. PHILTAR - Compendium Of Philosophers/T theodorus of cyrene (465398 BC). A brief introduction to his life and work.Theon of Smyrna (c70-c135). An introduction to his work http://philtar.ucsm.ac.uk/compendium_of_philosophers/t/ | |
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