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Theaetetus Of Athens: more detail | ||||
21. Fulton Street Gallery - Interior: Artist As Decorator Note theaetetus of athens was a student of Platos and the creator of solidgeometry. He was the first to study and construct all five regular solids. http://www.fultonstreetgallery.org/exhibits/interior - artist as decorator/jim l | |
22. Miles, M. 2003. “Segregated We Stand? The Mutilated Greeks' Debate At Pers and theaetetus of athens, neither of whom is otherwise identifiable, at thisdate, Theaetetus offered the men a chance to regain all they had lost http://www.independentliving.org/docs7/miles2003.html | |
23. Combinatorial Tiling Theory all regular polyhedra, the five Platonic solids, which were treated mathematicallyby theaetetus of athens and in Euclid s Elements over 2000 years ago. http://www.mathematik.uni-bielefeld.de/~huson/approach.html | |
24. Greek Math Example Essays.com - Over 101,000 Essays, Term Papers And Book Report 347) Plato (427347) theaetetus of athens (c. 415-c. 369) Leodamas of Thasos (c.380) Leon (fl. c. 375) Eudoxus of Cnidos (c. 400-c. http://www.exampleessays.com/viewpaper/17346.html | |
25. Plato In UK Directory: Library: Philosophers MacTutor History of Mathematics theaetetus of athens Resource describes whatis known of the life of Theaetetus, the mathematician who is also a character http://www.ukdirectory.co.uk/Library/Category920753.html | |
26. Regular Convex Polytopes A Short Historical Overview, Regular Polytopes And N-di are credited to the Pytagoreans (scholars of phytagoras), the octahedron andicosahedron are due to theaetetus of athens, a friend of Plato. http://presh.com/hovinga/regularandsemiregularconvexpolytopesashorthistoricalove | |
27. Henry Mendell Articles on Theodorus of Cyrene and theaetetus of athens, Aristarchus ofSamos , Nicomachus of Gerasa in The Encyclopedia of Classical Philosophy (ed. http://www.ceu.hu/sun/sun_2003/CV/henry_mendell_2003.htm | |
29. Biography-center - Letter T www.messagenet.com/myths/bios/medusa.html; theaetetus of athens,wwwhistory.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Theaetetu s.html; Theiler, Max http://www.biography-center.com/t.html | |
30. The Internet Classics Archive | Theaetetus By Plato theaetetus by Plato, part of the Internet Classics Archive. I met theaetetushewas being carried up to athens from the army at Corinth. http://classics.mit.edu/Plato/theatu.html | |
31. This Is Google S Cache Of Classics.mit.edu/Plato/theatu.1b.txt I met theaetetushe was being carried up to athens from the army at Corinth.Terp. Theod. I will. Come hither, theaetetus, and sit by Socrates. Soc. http://classics.mit.edu/Plato/theatu.1b.txt | |
32. Theaetetus Harvard University Press/Plato, theaetetus. Sophisttheaetetus. Sophist by Plato Translated by HN Fowler, published by HarvardUniversity Plato, the great philosopher of athens, was born in 427 BC. http://turnbull.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Theaetetus.html | |
33. Platos Theaetetus [Internet Encyclopedia Of Philosophy] According to the Oxford Classical Dictionary, theaetetus lived in athens (c.415369 BCE) and was a renowned geometer. He is credited with the theory of http://www.iep.utm.edu/t/theatetu.htm | |
34. Protagoras [Internet Encyclopedia Of Philosophy] His audience consisted mainly of wealthy men, from athens social and commercialelites. Plato VII theaetetus, Sophist. Trans. HN Fowler. http://www.iep.utm.edu/p/protagor.htm | |
35. Island Of Freedom - Plato Plato was born to an aristocratic family in athens. The theaetetus is Plato smost successful work in analytical philosophy, in which perception, http://www.island-of-freedom.com/PLATO.HTM | |
36. Biography Of Socrates, From The Lives Of Eminent Philosophers By Diogenes Laerti Socrates was the son of Sophroniscus, a sculptor, and of Phaenarete, a midwife,as we read in the theaetetus of Plato; he was citizen of athens and belonged http://www.law.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/socrates/socratesbio.html | |
37. Theaetetus - Theaetetus P b ERSONS OF THE DIALOGUE /b Socrates, Theodorus, theaetetus. I mettheaetetushe was being carried up to athens from the army at Corinth. TERPSION http://www.worldwideschool.org/library/books/lit/socialcommentary/Theaetetus/cha | |
38. Theaetetus - Introduction And Analysis The theaetetus, like the Parmenides, has points of similarity both with his had met theaetetus, who was being carried up from the army to athens. http://www.worldwideschool.org/library/books/lit/socialcommentary/Theaetetus/Cha | |
39. Theaetetus From Sounion, athens. Son of Euphronios. Occupation. Dates c. 417369 BC.Brief biography Studied with Theodoros of Cyrene and at the Academy with http://www.swan.ac.uk/classics/staff/ter/grst/People/Theaetetus.htm | |
40. Biography Of Plato Plato was born in athens, Greece to one of the oldest and most distinguishedfamilies in The best of the later dialogues are Parmenides and theaetetus. http://www.andrews.edu/~calkins/math/biograph/bioplato.htm | |
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