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61. The MathWorks - MATLAB News & Notes - December 2004 - Cleve's Corner - The Origi Researchers at INA included George Forsythe, John Todd, and olga tausskytodd.When the INA dissolved in 1957, Forsythe joined the faculty at Stanford and http://www.mathworks.com/company/newsletters/news_notes/clevescorner/dec04.html | |
62. 43 Femmes Mathématiciennes olga tausskytodd (1906) Mary Catherine Bishop Weiss (19301966) 220224);Edith H. Luchins, olga taussky-todd (1906) (pp. 225235); Guido Weiss, http://www.mjc-andre.org/pages/amej/evenements/cong_02/part_suj/fiches/femmes.ht | |
63. Here Are The Names Currently [April 1999] In The Index At Http Leandros Tate, JT Tate, John Tateishi, Masahiko Taub, Abraham Haskel Tauber,Joshua A. Taussky, olga tausskytodd, olga Taussky Todd, olga Tautou, http://www.math.niu.edu/~rusin/known-math/99/photos |
64. Olga D Ermolaeva - ResearchIndex Document Query A Result Of Sinnott H. Kisilevsky To The Memory Of olga tausskytodd, A Friend,A Collegue And An pn Gamma and Gn =Gamma=Gamma n Let A be a discrete http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/cis?q=Olga D. Ermolaeva |
65. SUB - Reine Mathematik, Neuerwerbungsliste 4. Quartal 1998 Conference in memory of olga tausskytodd ; (Pasadena, Calif.) 1996.04.13 (Pacificjournal of mathematics ; 1997, Special issue) http://www.sub.uni-goettingen.de/archiv/nel/neu_103/i8.htm | |
66. Olga Taussky-Todd Université Montpellier II olga Arsenievna Oleinik olga taussky-todd olga taussky-todd (1906-1995). Cette image et la biographie complète en anglais http://ens.math.univ-montp2.fr/SPIP/article.php3?id_article=1880 |
67. Nat' Academies Press, Nobel Prize Women In Science: Their Lives, Struggles, And olga tausskytodd, in hlafhemaficaf People Profi les and Interviews, eds.Donald J. Albers and GL Alexanderson Boston Birkhauser, 1985). http://www.nap.edu/books/0309072700/html/408.html | |
68. Lehrstuhl B Für Mathematik Der RWTH Aachen - Publikationen Dedicated to Henry B. Mann, Arnold E. Ross, and olga tausskytodd. olga taussky-todd, California Institute of Technology, 1976, 5.2-5.34 http://wwwb.math.rwth-aachen.de/veroeffentlichungen.html | |
69. Science News Online (8/14/99): Ivars Peterson's MathTrek: Matrices, Circles, And The career of olga Taussky Todd (19061995) served as a worthy model for the In memoriam olga tausskytodd. Notices of the American Mathematical http://www.sciencenews.org/pages/sn_arc99/8_14_99/mathland.htm | |
70. Olga Taussky Todd Celebration Of Careers In Mathematics For Women Abstracts of Plenary Talks at the olga Taussky Todd Celebration Remembrances ofolga Taussky Todd, and her impact on me and on her many students http://www.awm-math.org/olgacelebration.html | |
71. The Olga Taussky Todd Celebration Of Careers In Mathematics For Women: Part I Abstracts of Plenary Talks at the olga Taussky Todd Celebration The Celebrationfeatured the legacy of olga Taussky Todd (19061995), http://www.awm-math.org/newsletter/199911/Ottpart1.html | |
72. Olga Taussky Todd - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia olga Taussky Todd (August 30, 1906, Olomouc, then AustriaHungary - October 7,1995, Pasadena, California) was a mathematician. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olga_Taussky_Todd | |
73. The Beginning Years olga Taussky Todd was born on August 30, 1906, in Olmutz, in the AustroHungarianEmpire. Collection of articles dedicated to olga Taussky Todd. http://www.mathsci.appstate.edu/~sjg/womeninmath/michelle/taussky.html | |
74. THE OLGA TAUSSKY TODD CELEBRATION OF CAREERS IN MATHEMATICS FOR WOMEN July 1618, 1999. MSRI, Berkeley, California. Photo of olga Taussky Todd olga Taussky Todd Celebration, c/o MSRI, 1000 Centennial Drive, http://www.msri.org/activities/events/9899/ccmw/ |
75. Richard Varga At MSRI - Remembrances Of Olga Taussky Todd, And Her Richard Varga Remembrances of olga Taussky Todd, and her impact on me and onher many students. http://www.msri.org/publications/ln/msri/1999/awm99/varga/1/ |
76. Olga Taussky Todd olga Taussky Todd. From Richard S. Varga varga@mcs.kent.edu ; Subject olgaTaussky Todd; Date Mon, 9 Oct 1995 082412 0400 (EDT) http://www.csc.fi/math_topics/Mail/NANET95/msg00740.html | |
77. SIAM News The career of olga Taussky Todd (19061995) is a prime example of the circuitous The olga Taussky Todd Celebration of Careers in Mathematics for Women, http://www.siam.org/siamnews/01-00/paths.htm | |
78. Sample Chapter For Case, B.Anne And Leggett, A.M., Eds.: Complexities: Women In It is appropriate to begin with reminiscences of olga Taussky Todd, Based on Remembering olga Taussky Todd, AWM Newsletter 26(1), 1996, 79, http://www.pupress.princeton.edu/chapters/s7915.html | |
79. AMCA: Conferences olga Taussky Todd Celebration of Careers in Mathematics for Women. July 1618, 1999.Berkeley, CA, USA. Mathematics. Host Mathematical Sciences Research http://at.yorku.ca/cgi-bin/amca-calendar/d/faaf00 | |
80. CIM Bulletin #13: An Interview With Thomas J. Laffey olga Taussky Todd wrote to me in connection with some questions arising in apaper I wrote on simultaneous triangularization and thus began what was for me http://at.yorku.ca/i/a/a/h/45.htm | |
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