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61. Niccolo Fontana Tartaglia Definition Im Mathe Lexikon Translate this page Dieser Artikel basiert auf dem Artikel niccolo fontana tartaglia aus der freien Definition, Erklärung, Bedeutung von niccolo fontana tartaglia im http://www.matheboard.de/lexikon/Niccolo_Fontana_Tartaglia,definition.htm | |
62. Erase Una Vez Un Cuento: Aritmética Y Geometría Translate this page de la biblioteca me decidí a visitarlo y tendió la mano derecha, presentándose -mellamo niccolo fontana tartaglia, y soy matemático de profesión. http://www.divulgamat.net/weborriak/Cuentos/AritGeom.asp | |
63. Grundoperationen Translate this page niccolo fontana tartaglia 1499 -1557. http://www-hm.ma.tum.de/archiv/in1/ws0102/links/Historie/Tartaglia.html | |
64. Milestones: Section 2. Pre-1600 (tartaglia is better known for discovering a method to solve cubic equations) niccolo fontana tartaglia (1499-1557), Italy 245. New 04/10/03 http://www.math.yorku.ca/SCS/Gallery/milestone/sec2.html | |
65. A Look To The Past niccolo fontana (tartaglia) (15001557) claimed to be able to solve cubic equationsof the form x3+ mx2 = n. However, he apparently did not know how to http://ued.uniandes.edu.co/servidor/em/recinf/tg18/Vizmanos/Vizmanos-2.html | |
66. 1. Niccolò Tartaglia, La Nova Scientia (first Edition, 1537; This Niccolò tartaglia, La nova scientia (first edition, 1537; this edition, Venice, of tartaglia ( stammerer ) to replace his original surname fontana. http://www.mhs.ox.ac.uk/geometry/cat1.htm | |
67. Encyclopædia Britannica Tarsus (Tur.) tarsus (anat.) tart (food) tartaglia, Niccolò fontana (It. math.)Tartalea, Niccolò fontana (It. math.) see tartaglia, Niccolò fontana http://www.britannica.com/eb/index?search=Tarim River |
68. MSN Encarta - Tartaglia tartaglia, Niccolò fontana (c. 15001557), Italian mathematician, born in Brescia.fontana was given the Find more about tartaglia, Niccolò fontana from http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761580362/Tartaglia.html | |
69. MSN Encarta - Search Results - Tartaglia tartaglia, Niccolò fontana (c. 15001557), Italian mathematician, born in Brescia.fontana was given the nickname tartaglia, meaning stammerer, http://encarta.msn.com/Tartaglia.html | |
70. Niccolò Fontana (Tartaglia) (1499?-1557) - Mathematics And The Niccolò fontana (tartaglia) (1499?1557) - Mathematics and the Liberal Arts.To expand search, see Italy in the 1500s. The Mathematics and the Liberal Arts http://math.truman.edu/~thammond/history/Tartaglia.html | |
71. Comments On Niccolò Fontana (Tartaglia) (1499?-1557) Comments on Niccolò fontana (tartaglia) (1499?1557). Comments http://math.truman.edu/cgi-bin/thammond/makebibcomment.pl?code=General&cat=Tarta |
72. Tartaglia, Adopted Name Of Niccolò Fontana tartaglia, adopted name of Niccolò fontana (c. 14991557) tartaglia was bornin Brescia, Lombardy. He was called tartaglia ( stammerer ) because of a http://www.cartage.org.lb/en/themes/Biographies/MainBiographies/T/Tartaglia/1.ht | |
73. Niccolò Tartaglia Niccolò tartaglia. fontana, Niccolò (The Hutchinson Dictionary of ScientificBiography). tartaglia (c. 14991557) (The Hutchinson Dictionary of Scientific http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/people/A0847894.html | |
74. Niccolò Tartaglia Niccolò tartaglia. Niccolò tartaglia AKA Niccolò fontana tartaglia. Born 1499Birthplace Brescia, Italy Died 13Dec-1557 Location of death Venice, Italy http://www.nndb.com/people/440/000098146/ | |
75. Biografia De Tartaglia [Niccolò Fontana] Translate this page tartaglia Niccolò fontana. (Brescia, actual Italia, 1499-Venecia, 1557) Matemáticoitaliano. Durante la ocupación francesa de Brescia su padre fue http://www.biografiasyvidas.com/biografia/t/tartaglia.htm | |
76. Complex Number Numbers Field Real Matrix Theory Roots Imaginary fourth degree polynomials were discovered by Italian mathematicians (seeNiccolo fontana tartagliaNiccolo fontana tartaglia ( 1499 or 1500 December 13, http://www.economicexpert.com/a/Complex:number.htm | |
77. MSN Encarta - Tartaglia, Niccolò Fontana Translate this page tartaglia, Niccolò fontana (v. 1500-1557), mathématicien italien, auteur reconnude la résolution Plus de résultats pour tartaglia, Niccolò fontana http://fr.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761580362/Tartaglia_Niccolò_Fontana.ht | |
78. Tartaglia Nicolo Translate this page tartaglia (1499-1557). Niccolò fontana, dit tartaglia, est né à Brescia. Voici la méthode de tartaglia-Cardan. On divise tous les termes par a, http://www.lycee-international.com/travaux/HISTMATH/tartaglia/ | |
79. Niccolò Tartaglia Translate this page Encyclopedia Niccolò tartaglia. 13 dicembre 1577), è il soprannome e lopseudonimo utilizzato da Niccolò fontana, eclettico matematico italiano, http://encyclopedie-it.snyke.com/articles/tartaglia.html | |
80. Tartaglia Translate this page tartaglia y Cardano. Niccolò fontana, (Brescia, 1499-Venecia, 1557). Matemáticoitaliano. Recibió el sobrenombre de tartaglia (tartamudo) por un defecto en http://suanzes.iespana.es/suanzes/tartaglia.htm | |
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