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         Taniyama Yutaka:     more detail
  1. Yutaka Taniyama
  2. Mathématicien Japonais: Kunihiko Kodaira, Michio Morishima, Masahiko Fujiwara, Kenkichi Iwasawa, Kiyoshi Ito, Yutaka Taniyama, Mikio Sato (French Edition)
  3. The Contributions of Japanese Mathematicians since 1950: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by P. Andrew Karam, 2001

1. Yutaka Taniyama
Yutaka 'Toyo' Taniyama was born in Kisai, a small town near Tokyo, on November 12, 1927. His father was a rural doctor who was active even

2. Taniyama
Biography of Yutaka Taniyama (19271958)

3. Yutaka Taniyama Biography
Yutaka Taniyama biography and related resources.

4. Yutaka Taniyama - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Yutaka Taniyama Enlarge. Yutaka Taniyama. Yutaka Taniyama ( ?, November12, 1927 – November 17, 1958) was a Japanese mathematician, best known for
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Yutaka Taniyama
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Yutaka Taniyama Yutaka Taniyama November 12 November 17 ) was a Japanese mathematician, best known for conjecturing the Taniyama-Shimura theorem after a meeting with Andr© Weil , whose statement he subsequently refined in collaboration with Goro Shimura . The names Taniyama, Shimura and Weil have all been attached to this conjecture, but the idea is essentially due to Taniyama. In Ribet proved that if the conjecture held, then so would Fermat's last theorem , which inspired Andrew Wiles to work for a number of years in secrecy on it, and to prove enough of it to prove Fermat's Last Theorem. Due to the pioneering contribution of Wiles and the efforts of a number of mathematicians the conjecture was finally proven in For reasons he was unable to explain, even to himself, Taniyama committed suicide . He left a note explaining how far he had gotten with his teaching duties, and apologizing to his colleagues for the trouble he was causing them. His mystifying suicide note read Until yesterday I had no definite intention of killing myself. ... I don't quite understand it myself, but it is not the result of a particular incident, nor of a specific matter.

5. Granville T. Woods Inventor
Biography of this AfricanAmerican engineer and inventor, who developed and patented several inventions relating to telegraphy.

6. Yutaka Taniyama
Yutaka taniyama yutaka Taniyama ( ?, November 12 1927 November 17 1958) was a Japanese mathematician.

7. Yutaka Taniyama
Yutaka Toyo Taniyama was born in Kisai, a small town near Tokyo, YutakaTaniyama and his time very personal recollections by Goro Shimura,
In his own way
by Dinoj Surendran
In 1993, Andrew Wiles stunned the mathematical world with a proof of Fermat's Last Theorem. But behind this brilliant achievement was the work of several previous mathematicians. This is the story of one of them. Yutaka 'Toyo' Taniyama was born in Kisai, a small town near Tokyo, on November 12, 1927. His father was a rural doctor who was active even in his eighties. Yutaka on the other hand, was a sickly boy who once withdrew for two years from school because of tuberculosis. So it was at the advanced age of 25 that he graduated from the University of Tokyo. He remained there first as a research student, later as a lecturer. Japan was a developing country at the time, so while he was not destitute, Yutaka was not well off either. He lived in a small (seven square metres!) apartment overlooking a narrow street filled with small shops, its lively atmosphere punctuated every few minutes by a passing train. The photo on the cover pictures him in a suit, but that does not mean Taniyama gave a thought to his appearance. The suit in question was actually a quite nauseating blue-green one with an even more revolting metallic sheen! The only reason he wore it was that no-one else in his family would. He was also quite incapable of tying his shoelaces, so they usually followed him round like a pair of well-trained dogs. He tended to sleep in the early morning and get up at lunchtime. He played no musical instrument, didn't drink or smoke, hated travelling, was no athlete, read few novels. His only hobbies were listening to music (favourite: Beethoven's Eighth Symphony), watching movies (favourite: The King and I) and writing articles on academic matters. He didn't show off his brilliance and always gave down-to-earth advice to his juniors.

8. Encyclopedia Yutaka Taniyama
Encyclopedia Yutaka Taniyama Updated 28 days 6 hours 31 minutes ago. Other descriptions of Yutaka Taniyama

9. Yutaka Taniyama
Yutaka Taniyama was born in 1927 near Tokyo. His first name was actually Toyo,but many people misinterpreted his name as Yutaka, and he came to accept that
Yutaka Taniyama
The work of these two mathematicians would later be known as the Taniyama-Shimura conjecture. This conjecture would provide a link between two different worlds that would allow mathematicians who studied one area to communicate with mathematicians who studied the other. In effect, a sort of mathematical "bridge" was being constructed by the conjecture. Taniyama and Shimura worked together to try to prove the conjecture, but they were not able to prove this most important observation. Tragically, in 1958, Taniyama committed suicide. Shimura continued working on the conjecture afterwards, determined to complete the work of his departed friend, but he could still not produce a proof.
In 1984, the Taniyama-Shimura conjecture was linked to Fermat's Last Theorem by Gerhard Frey, a German mathematician. The Taniyama-Shimura conjecture was then proved in 1994 by Andrew Wiles. As a result of Wiles's proof, not only was Fermat's Last Theorem finally completed, but a number of other important theorems which were based on the Taniyama-Shimura conjecture were given a solid foundation, and the bridge between the world of elliptic curves and modular forms was completed.
Information for this article was obtained from pp. 171-185 of

10. Yutaka Taniyama
Up Contents Yutaka taniyama yutaka Taniyama (? , November 12, 1927 November 17, 1958) was a Japanese mathematician.

11. Station Information - Yutaka Taniyama
Yutaka Taniyama. Yutaka Taniyama (? , November 12 1927 November 17 1958) was a Japanese mathematician.

12. Yutaka Taniyama -
Yutaka Taniyama. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

13. Taniyama
Translate this page taniyama yutaka, japonais, 1927-1958 Shimura Goro Les travaux de Taniyamaportèrent sur la théorie des nombres algébriques et sur les variétés
TANIYAMA Yutaka, japonais, 1927-1958 Shimura Goro de Fermat Andrew Wiles courbes elliptiques formes modulaires et les courbes elliptiques forme modulaire est, grosso modo, une fonction modulaire holomorphe Une fonction modulaire est une fonction automorphe relativement au groupe modulaire substitutions modulaires p f(z), où p est le poids de f, n'apporte aucune information pertinente quant à la théorie et au rôle de ces fonctions. Les lecteurs désireux s'en savoir un peu plus pourront se référer à : Pour en savoir plus

  • Fonctions elliptiques et modulaires, groupe modulaire
    Encyclopaedia Universalis - Ed. Albin Michel, Paris, 1997
    Ch VII - Fonctions modulaires et fonctions automorphes , par Christian Houzel Ed. Hermann - 1978 ,1992
SHIMURA Goro, japonais, 1930- La conjecture de Taniyama de Taniyama-Shimura , voire de Taniyama-Shimura-Weil courbe elliptique Wiles Pour en savoir plus :
  • , Simon Singh , Ed. Pluriel, Paris - 1998
Serre Grothendieck

14. Yutaka_Taniyama - Investigacion Espanola
Yutaka_Taniyama Investigacion espanola Acoplamientos Relacionados Espera por favor Investigar

15. Encyclopedia Of Japanese History
TaniyamaShimura Conjecture. taniyama yutaka. Tanizaki Junichiro. Lived 1886 to1965. Author. Moved to Kyoto from Tokyo after the Great Kanto Earthquake of
An Encyclopedia of Japanese History
compiled by Chris Spackman
Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, with no Front-Cover Texts, and with no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled “GNU Free Documentation License.” Front Credits, History, etc. Entries a b c d ... z Back Emperors Prime Ministers Prefectures Provinces ... Shogun
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Tachibana Muneshige
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Nengō: 701703.
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Taira Kiyomori
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The 123 rd emperor of Japan. Lived 1879 to 1926. Reigned 1912 to 1926. Not one of the more mentally fit members of the imperial line, possibly the result of a childhood illness.
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16. Yutaka Taniyama
Yutaka Taniyama. Yutaka Taniyama, född 1927, död 17 november 1958, japanskmatematiker. Intresserade sig speciellt för modulära formler och elliptiska
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Yutaka Taniyama
Yutaka Taniyama , född , död 17 november , japansk matematiker . Intresserade sig speciellt för modulära formler och elliptiska kurvor. Tillsammans med kollegan Goro Shimura utarbetade han vad som kallas Taniyama-Shimuras förmodan . 3 veckor efter att han hade förlovat sig med Misako Suzuki och bara fem dagar efter att han fyllt trettioett år begick han självmord This article is from Wikipedia . All text is available under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License ad('Yutaka Taniyama');

17. Yutaka Taniyama - Wikipedia
Translate this page Personendaten. NAME, Taniyama, Yutaka. ALTERNATIVNAMEN, Taniyama. KURZBESCHREIBUNG,japanischer Mathematiker. GEBURTSDATUM, 12. November 1927. GEBURTSORT
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Yutaka Taniyama
aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklop¤die
Yutaka Taniyama (jap. è°·å±± 豊; * 12. November 17. November ) war ein japanischer Mathematiker. Gemeinsam mit Goro Shimura stellte er 1955-1957 die Taniyama-Shimura-Vermutung auf; diese besagt, dass elliptische Kurven immer auch als Modulformen ausgedr¼ckt werden k¶nnen, und stellte damit erstmals eine Verbindung zwischen algebraischer Geometrie und Funktionen der Zahlentheorie her. Diese Vermutung lieferte ein wichtiges Element im Beweis des GroŸen fermatschen Satzes durch Andrew Wiles ); sie wurde vollst¤ndig bewiesen. Unter ungekl¤rten Umst¤nden und anscheinend ohne Anlass beging Taniyama Selbstmord. Er hinterlieŸ einen Abschiedsbrief, in dem er selbst angab, der Impuls zur Selbstt¶tung sei ihm spontan und auch f¼r ihn selbst unverst¤ndlich gekommen. Einen Monat sp¤ter folgte ihm seine Verlobte Misako Suzuki in den Tod. Dieser Artikel ist sehr kurz und m¶glicherweise inhaltlich noch sehr unvollst¤ndig. Hilf der Wikipedia, indem du ihn

1955ben egy fiatal japán matematikus, taniyama yutaka igen merészen hangzósejtést tett közzé a racionális együtthatós elliptikus görbékrol.
EGY IGAZN CSUDLATOS BIZONYTS Előző K¶vetkező Elektronikus Felsőoktat¡si Tank¶nyv- ©s Szakk¶nyvt¡r A Kempelen Farkas Felsőoktat¡si Digit¡lis Tank¶nyvt¡r/vagy m¡s megjelen­tő ¡ltal k¶zvet­tett digit¡lis tartalmat a felhaszn¡l³ a szerzői jogr³l sz³l³ 1999. ©vi LXXVI. tv. 33. paragrafus (4) bekezd©s©ben meghat¡rozott oktat¡si, illetve tudom¡nyos kutat¡si c©lra haszn¡lhatja fel. A felhaszn¡l³ a digit¡lis tartalmat k©pernyőn megjelen­theti, let¶ltheti, arr³l elektronikus adathordoz³ra vagy pap­ralapon m¡solatot k©sz­thet, adatr¶gz­tő rendszer©ben t¡rolhatja. A Kempelen Farkas Felsőoktat¡si Digit¡lis Tank¶nyvt¡r/vagy m¡s megjelen­tő weblapj¡n tal¡lhat³ digit¡lis tartalmak ¼zletszerű felhaszn¡l¡sa tilos, valamint kiz¡rt a digit¡lis tartalom m³dos­t¡sa ©s ¡tdolgoz¡sa, illetve az ilyen m³don keletkezett sz¡rmaz©kos anyag tov¡bbi felhaszn¡l¡sa.
1993. jºnius 23-¡n Cambridge-ben a Sir Isaac Newton Int©zetben Andrew Wiles angol matematikus bejelentette, hogy bebizony­totta a Fermat-sejt©st . A felfedez©s h­re igazi szenz¡ci³v¡ v¡lt, ami azelőtt m©g sohasem fordult elő matematikai esem©nnyel. A vil¡g vezető napilapjai nagy terjedelemben ­rtak a dologr³l. N©h¡ny h³nappal k©sőbb kider¼lt, hogy a ny¡ri szemin¡riumon v¡zolt gondolatmenetben egy jelentős hi¡nyoss¡g van.

19. La Galerie De Portraits Des Mathématiciens
taniyama yutaka 19271958, TARTAGLIA (Niccolo FONTANA, dit) 1499-1557, TAYLOR Brook1685-1731, TAYLOR Brook 1685-1731. TCHEBYCHEV Pafnouti 1821-1894
La galerie de portraits des mathématiciens "Les mathématiciens ne meurent pas.
Ils perdent juste certaines de leurs fonctions."

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A ABEL Niels Henrik
Abu Ja'far Mohammed Ben Mussa
v.770-840 (ou 790-850 ou 800-847)
250-190 BC
ARTIN Emil ARCHIMEDE 287-212 BC Détail du bonnet d'Archimède (son nom en grec) B BARROW Isaac BERNOULLI Daniel (fils de Jean) BERNOUILLI Jacques (Jacob) (frère de Jean) BERNOUILLI Jean (Johann) (frère de Jacques) BESSEL Frederich William BEZOUT Etienne BOLTZMANN Ludwig BOLYAI Janos BOLZANO Bernhard BOOLE George BOREL Emile BOURBAKI Nicolas BROUNKER William BUFFON Georges Louis le Clerc BUFFON Georges Louis le Clerc C CANTOR Georg CARATHEODORY Constantin CARATHEODORY CARDAN Girolamo (Jérôme) CARTAN Elie CARTAN Henri (fils d'Elie) 1904- CAYLEY Arthur CAYLEY Arthur CAUCHY Augustin-Louis CHASLES Michel CHOQUET Gustave CLAIRAUT Alexis CONWAY John D D'ALEMBERT Jean le Rond DARBOUX Gaston DEDEKIND Richard Julius Wilhelm DEDEKIND Richard Julius Wilhelm DE MOIVRE Abraham DESCARTES René DESCARTES René DIRICHLET Gustav DIEUDONNE Jean DIEUDONNE Jean E Remarque : Einstein n'est pas vraiment un mathématicien (un physicien tout au plus ...) mais je l'aime bien et il a une bonne tête !

20. Taniyama
Biography of yutaka taniyama (19271958) yutaka taniyama graduated from theUniversity of Tokyo in 1953. He remained there as a special research
Yutaka Taniyama
Born: 12 Nov 1927 in Kisai (north of Tokyo), Japan
Died: 17 Nov 1958 in Tokyo, Japan
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Yutaka Taniyama graduated from the University of Tokyo in 1953. He remained there as a 'special research student', then as an associate professor. His interests were in algebraic number theory . He wrote Modern number theory (1957) in Japanese, jointly with G Shimura. Although they planned an English version, they lost enthusiasm and never found the time to write it before Taniyama's death. However they probably give the reason themselves in the 1957 preface:- We find it difficult to claim that the theory is presented in a completely satisfactory form. In any case, it may be said, we are allowed in the course of progress to climb to a certain height in order to look back at our tracks, and then to take a view of our destination. Taniyama's fame is mainly due to two problems posed by him at the symposium on Algebraic Number Theory held in Tokyo in 1955. (His meeting with Weil at this symposium was to have a major influence on Taniyama's work.) These problems form the basis of a conjecture :

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