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21. International Canopy Network-CV-Takakazu Yumoto takakazu Yumoto. Secretary (for Field Biology Course) Research Institute forBiology and Nature 335 Takashimacho - Kamigyo-ku Kyoto 602-0878, Japan http://www.evergreen.edu/ican/research/cvyumoto.html | |
22. Seki Takakazu -- Britannica Concise Encyclopedia - Your Gateway To All Britan Seki takakazu body the most important figure of the foreignwdlang = japanese wasan /foreignwd (Japanese calculation) tradition thatflourished from http://concise.britannica.com/ebc/article-9394644 | |
23. Manhattan Island Foundation - User Bio For Takakazu Ito User Bio for takakazu Ito. takakazu Ito. Personal Information. Hometown NewYork, New York No other swim history for takakazu Ito available. http://www.nycswim.org/UserBio.aspx?UserID=100878 |
24. Lawrence University Scarff Visiting Professors takakazu Kuriyama, LL.D. 93, who attended Lawrence University in the mid1950sand went on to become Japan s ambassador to the United States, http://www.lawrence.edu/about/scarff/kuriyama.shtml | |
25. People In Motion - Takakazu Uchiyama Tak Uchiyama has served as President of Fujitec America, Inc. since 1988. He hasguided the company through new installation success in the late 1980s, http://www.fujitecamerica.com/aboutfai/people/People\Takakazu_Uchiyama.html | |
26. DBLP: Takakazu Kurokawa takakazu Kurokawa. List of publications from the DBLP Bibliography Server FAQ 4, Hirotsuga Kajisaki, takakazu Kurokawa SEBSW-2 SEcret-Key Block http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/indices/a-tree/k/Kurokawa:Takakazu.ht | |
27. DBLP: Takakazu Mori takakazu Mori. List of publications from the DBLP Bibliography Server FAQ 4, EE, takakazu Mori On the computability of Walsh functions. Theor. http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/indices/a-tree/m/Mori:Takakazu.html | |
28. Takakazu SUZUKI, Dr. 20, 2005. (C) Dr. takakazu Suzuki All right reserved) New Materials DesignGuide Book for Environment, Ed. by takakazu Suzuki,Japan Techno Consultants http://staff.aist.go.jp/suzuki-takakazu/suzuki_E.html | |
29. Takashi's Home Page Zhenhua Zhou, Tsukasa Maruyama, Kotaro Osakada and takakazu Yamamoto takakazu Yamamoto, Hiroshi Wakayama, Takashi Fukuda and Takaki Kanbara http://staff.aist.go.jp/t-fukuda/htmls/paper.html | |
30. Atarashi Takakazu ½çµ½©©¸ Atarashi takakazu . born ? ; bloodtype ? Emi no jikan ryokou? serialized on Margaret Rainbow Comics, 1 volume @ Y? http://users.skynet.be/mangaguide/au192.html | |
31. Function Field Modular Forms And Higher Derivations, By Yukiko Uchino, Takakazu Function Field Modular Forms and Higher Derivations, by Yukiko Uchino, takakazuSatoh Yukiko Uchino, takakazu Satoh tsatoh@rimath.saitamau.ac.jp http://www.math.uiuc.edu/Algebraic-Number-Theory/0084/ | |
32. The Canonical Lift Of An Ordinary Elliptic Curve Over A Finite Field And Its Poi The Canonical Lift of an Ordinary Elliptic Curve over a Finite Field and itsPoint Counting, by takakazu Satoh. Preprint 0223 is an updated version of this http://www.math.uiuc.edu/Algebraic-Number-Theory/0184/ | |
33. Introduction For Takakazu Kojima kojima.jpg. Click here to Japanese page. Professor takakazu Kojima Go to KojimaLab. Email c-taka@nda.ac.jp. Date of Birth. 1944/04/27. Academic Career http://www.nda.ac.jp/cc/chem/chem_e/kojima-e.html | |
34. Kojima Takakazu Translate this page The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.nda.ac.jp/cc/chem/chem_j/kojima-j.html | |
35. Takakazu Shintomi, Environmental Science, ARISH, Nihon University Professor takakazu Shintomi, (Research Adviser), Environmental Science. URLhttp//.eMail@ Energy Frontier, Professor takakazu Shintomi. Subject http://www.nihon-u.ac.jp/arish/prof/prof_s_shintomi_e.html | |
36. Takakazu Oka takakazu Oka, MD, Ph.D. Division of Psychosomatic Medicine Key Words Psychosomaticdisease, Psychoneuro-immunology, Psychogenic fever, chronic pain, http://www.uoeh-u.ac.jp/kouza/sinnai/oka_e.html | |
37. Takakazu Satoh At MSRI - Algorithms For Computing Zeta Functions takakazu Satoh Algorithms for computing zeta functions of elliptic curves overfinite fields and related topics. http://www.msri.org/publications/ln/msri/2000/arithgeo/satoh/1/ |
38. SEKI Takakazu Published SEKI takakazu published Hatubi Sanpoo. ?Back to the chronological table?.In 1674, SEKI takakazu (ca. 16421708), famous for his work in Wasan or http://www.hps.hokudai.ac.jp/hsci/stamps/1674a-e.htm | |
39. Ãö§µ©M¡]Seki, Takakazu, 1642-1708¡^ The summary for this Chinese (Traditional) page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.edp.ust.hk/math/history/3/3_112.htm | |
40. Seki Kowa takakazu Seki Kowa. 1642 1708. Seki Kowa came to be known as ?the arithmeticalsage.? What do you think this means? A sage in this sense doesn?t refer http://www.math.wichita.edu/history/men/kowa.html | |
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