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81. Ibn Taymiyya/Shah Wali Allah/Ibn `Abd Al-Barr Between the father of Abu tahir (Abu tahir = Muhammad ibn Ibrahim alKurdial-Madani) and the Hafiz ibn Hajar there are no less than four missing links. http://www.abc.se/~m9783/n/itsw_e.html | |
82. Medieval Sourcebook: Ibn-Miskawaih: The Experiences Of The Nations, C. 980 CE Safi the Hurami (attendant of the women s apartments) went to bring him down theriver from ibn tahir s palace; when the harraqah in which he was brought http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/source/980Ibn-Miskawaih.html | |
83. Al-Ma'mun: Information From Answers.com Abu Jafar alMa mun ibn Harun (786 - 833) (?) was an Al-Ma munwould come out on top, with his victorious general tahir bin Husain (d. http://www.answers.com/topic/al-ma-mun | |
84. Artnet.com: Resource Library: Abu Zayd He collaborated with Muhammad ibn Abi tahir (see ABU tahir, (1)) on the two mostimportant lustreware projects of the period, the decoration of the tomb http://www.artnet.com/library/00/0002/T000296.asp | |
85. Ali Ibn Tahir Al-Sulami - Definition Of Ali Ibn Tahir Al-Sulami In Encyclopedia Ali ibn tahir alSulami (died 1106) was a Damascene jurist and philologist whowas the first to preach jihad against the crusaders in the aftermath of the http://encyclopedia.laborlawtalk.com/Ali_ibn_Tahir_al-Sulami | |
86. A-1Hotels.com - Online Hotel Reservation - Offering Discount Rates For Accommoda (827) , Abd Allah ibn tahir, who had been appointed Governor of Egypt bythe Abbasid Khalif al Ma mum, ordered that the mosque be doubled in size, http://www.a-1hotels.com/eg/history/amr_ibn_el_aas_mosque.html | |
87. The Time Of Al-razi him was really written in 966 by Mutahhar ibn tahir alMaqdisi (qv, next chapter) . Grandson of Thabit ibn Qurra (qv second half of ninth century); http://www.levity.com/alchemy/islam15.html | |
88. Muslim Rulers Abu Bakr ibn tahir (10381063); Abu abd al-Rahman al-tahir (1063-1078. Annexed bySeville (1078-1091). ibn Ammar (1078-1081); ibn Rasiq (1081-1091) http://www.balagan.org.uk/war/0711/rulers_muslim.htm | |
89. Forms Of `Id-greeting: Companions' Way 1. athar transmitted via isand to Jubayr ibn Nufayr, may Allah have mercy on him, 1126), said, Zahir ibn tahir recorded in *Kitab tuhfat `Id alFitr*, http://www.islamworld.net/eidgreet.html | |
90. Review: Al-Maqamat Al-Luzumiyya By Abu L-Tahir Muhammad Ibn Yusuf Al-Tamimi Al-S http://jis.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/reprint/15/3/352 | |
91. Journal Of Islamic Studies -- Table Of Contents (2004, 15 [3]) Geert Jan van Gelder Review AlMaqamat al-Luzumiyya by Abu l-tahir Muhammadibn Yusuf al-Tamimi al-Saraqusti ibn al-A starkuwi (d. http://jis.oxfordjournals.org/content/vol15/issue3/index.dtl | |
92. Schools And Sects Ahmad, Bashiruddin Mahmud, Hasrat Mirza, 1889 ibn tahir alBaghdadi, Abd al-Qahir, d. 1037 Moslem schisms and sects (al-Farkbain al-firak) being the history of the various philosophic systems http://pkukmweb.ukm.my/~library/school.htm | |
93. Accessions alHasan al-Basri Hunayn ibn Ishaq ibn Abi tahir Tayfur ibn al-Muqaffa ibn al-Mu tazz ibn Qutaybah ibn al-Rumi ibn Sa d Ibrahim http://www.mtholyoke.edu/lits/library/about/accessions/052005.shtml | |
94. Memento Finis Annexes ibn tahir. http://cdefours.club.fr/scenarmilesannexes.htm | |
95. Memento Finis Partie 2 Translate this page Il sagit du Dey ibn tahir, le secrétaire particulier de Salah-Ad-Din. Après quelquesmots de bienvenue, ibn tahir proposera aux Frères de se reposer de http://cdefours.club.fr/scenarmiles2.htm | |
96. Alcantara ibn Mundir AHMAD ibn tahir (*) Señor deMurcia MUHAMMAD ibn tahir (*) Hijo del caíd de Murcia http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Labyrinth/7331/alcantara.htm | |
97. CRONOLOGIA Translate this page 849 Morte do governante tahirida, Abdullah ibn tahir. Assume tahir II. 852Morte de Abdur Rahman II da Espanha. Assume Muhammad I. http://www.geocities.com/ibnkhaldoun_2000/cronoix.htm | |
98. Die Presse.com - Alles Schneller Www.issen Translate this page Als ibn tahir (Marko Mandic) der versklavten Hure Myriam (Petra Govc) in den Zwar gibt es noch eindrucksvolle Bilder, etwa, wenn sich ibn tahir mit http://www.diepresse.com/Artikel.aspx?channel=k&ressort=kb&id=497707 |
99. S--International Muradi, Muhammad ibn Ahmad (15th cent.), Muhammad altahir Rizqi. Risalat al-tamlik,aw, Irshad al-raghib fi al-`ilm bi-al-tahqiq fi musawat al-shart http://www.preciousheart.net/Main_Archives/Divorce_Archive/05--Divorce_Internati | |
100. Saudi Arabia Hotel Search Sheikh Muhammad ibn Ibrahim ibn Uthman ibn Jubair (Chairman) Mr. Abdullah ibnTahir AlDabbagh, Member; Mr. Abdullah ibn Muhammad Al-Huqail, Member http://www.saudia-online.com/Shura Council.htm | |
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