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41. Www. Persia .it In 205/820 al Mamun, the Abbasid caliph, appointed tahir ibn Husayn ibn Masab tahir ibn Husayn purposefully left al - Mamun s name out of the Friday http://www.persia.it/English/html/history.htm | |
42. 822 -- Facts, Info, And Encyclopedia Article (Click link for more info and facts about tahir ibn Husayn) tahir ibn Husayn,founder of the Persian (Click link for more info and facts about Tahirid http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/encyclopedia/8/82/822.htm | |
43. List Of Muslims -- Facts, Info, And Encyclopedia Article (Click link for more info and facts about tahir ibn Husayn) tahir ibn Husayn (Clicklink for more info and facts about Tariq ibnZiyad) Tariq ibn-Ziyad http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/encyclopedia/l/li/list_of_muslims.htm | |
44. Sankore Today Sultan alHajj Abu Bakr ibn Muhammad at-tahir ibn Muhammadu Bello ibn MuhammaduAttahiru Making supplication for all the Muslims of the Umma of Muhammad, http://www.sankore.org/public_html/Sankore Today.htm | |
45. The Cypress Of Kashmar And Zoroaster he wrote to tahir ibn Abdullah, giving him orders to cut it down, 19at Samarrahhe sent orders to tahir ibn Abdullah, the governor of Khurasan, http://www.vohuman.org/Library/The Cypress of Kashmar and Zoroaster.htm | |
46. English Section Shaikh Abdulfattah Aboghodda.com : His Life .:. Biography Shaikh Mohammad altahir ibn Ashour, Tunisia; Shaikh Mohammad Mahmoud al-Sawaf*,Baghdad, Iraq; Shaikh Mohammad Nur Saif, Mecca; Shaikh Mohammad Saeed http://www.aboghodda.com/en_life.htm | |
47. Tahiti Financial Definition Of Tahiti. Tahiti Finance Term By The Tahir Aslam Gora Tahir bin Husain tahir ibn alHusayn tahir ibn Husayn Tahir Mirza Tahir ul-Qadri Tahir Yoldoshev Tahir Yuldash http://financial-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Tahiti |
48. ABOUT US Sudan, AmirulMu mineen Sultan al-Hajj Abu Bakr ibn Muhammad at-tahir ibnMuhammadu Bello ibn Muhammadu Attahiru ibn Uthman ibn Fuduye . http://www.yantaru.org/about.php | |
49. Al-Mutah: Or Temporary Marriage - To Be With The Truthful - Muhammad Al-Tijani A Ulama of whom I refer to the eminent Tunisian scholar, the leader of theZaytunah Mosque alShaykh al-tahir ibn Ashur (may God s mercy be upon him). http://www.mutah.com/2bewithdatruthful.htm | |
50. Burton Nights and the man said, His name is tahir ibn alAlaa, and he is a keeper of This is the daughter of tahir ibn al-Alaa; she is our mistress and we are all http://www.mythfolklore.net/1001nights/burton/merchant_of_oman.htm | |
51. FAIRUZABADI - LoveToKnow Article On FAIRUZABADI but-tahir ibn Ibrahim Majd ud-Din niFairzabgdI (1329-1414), Arabian lexicographer,was born at KArazin near Shiraz. His student days were spent in Shiraz, http://71.1911encyclopedia.org/F/FA/FAIRUZABADI.htm | |
52. History Forum > Bamiyan for the investiture of their command of the region by a certain tahir ibnHussein, the beloved of Allah and the favorite of Caliph Harun al Rashid. http://www.simaqianstudio.com/forum/lofiversion/index.php/t3391.html | |
53. Islamiblog The Faqih and Mufassir, Shaykh tahir ibn Ashoor Real men. Real Heroes. Real peoplewho deserve our thoughts and Du a. http://www.islamiblog.blogspot.com/ | |
54. Recognition 9 The author of this work, Muhammad Altahir ibn Yusuf Al-Tigani, denounced themagical practices resorted to by faqirs and fakis. http://members.tripod.com/aalsafi/tm/profession/recognition.htm | |
55. Egyptian Kings (Pharaohs) Khalid Ibn Yazid Ibn Mazid alShibany (822-826 AD) Abdullah Ibn tahir ibnal-Hussein (826-827 AD) Eissan Ibn Yazid al-Gloudi (829-829 AD) http://interoz.com/egypt/Kings.htm |
56. A General History Of The Near East, Chapter 10 tahir ibn Hussein, the general who helped alMamun win the Caliphate, was rewardedfor his services with the governorship of eastern Iran, Afghanistan and http://xenohistorian.faithweb.com/neareast/ne10.html | |
57. ::: Yeni Ümit ::: Dini Ýlimler Ve Kültür Dergisi Muasir Tunuslu müfessir M. tahir ibn Âsur bu Garanîk kissasini maharetle reddettiktensonra hülasa ederken der ki ?Bu kissayi, müsriklerin Necm sûresini http://www.yeniumit.com.tr/konu.php?konu_id=334&yumit=bolum2 |
58. ::: Yeni Ümit ::: Dini Ýlimler Ve Kültür Dergisi tahir ibn u Asur bu hususu etrafli bir sekilde ele alirken Ibn u Rüsd ün (Ö.1198) Faslu`l?Makal adli eserinden su sözünü nakleder Müslümanlar ittifak http://www.yeniumit.com.tr/konu.php?konu_id=198&yumit=bolum2 |
59. THE EVENTS OF RABIUL AWWAL AND ON THIS DATE The lofty scholar Sayyid Husain ibn Sayyid Mahmud the known as The exalted scholar Sheikh tahir ibn Sheikh Ali died in year 1357 AH He http://www.rafed.net/ahdath/3-e.html | |
60. ESCLAVAGE SYSTEME ESCLAVAGISTE ET TRAITE NEGRIERE Translate this page Takirides (820-873), dynastie fondée par tahir ibn Hussaym (mort 822), prince deNishapour, du Khorassan et de Kirma. - Saffarides (863-902), fondée par http://les.traitesnegrieres.free.fr/vosPages/2_traite_musulmane/02_esclavage_tra | |
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