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21. I31.html Sidi MUHAMMED altahir ibn Husain. BORN 1828 DIED 1879. FATHER Bey HUSAINII ibn Mahmud 16 MAR 1784 - 20 MAY 1835. PARTNER http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~royalty/tunis/i31.html | |
22. I16.html FATHER Pasha Bey MAHMUD ibn Muhammed 10 JUL 1757 29 MAR 1824 Sidi MAMUNibn Husain 1825 - 1861; Sidi MUHAMMED al-tahir ibn Husain 1828 - 1879 http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~royalty/tunis/i16.html | |
23. IslamiCity.com - Education general named tahir ibn alHusayn in charge of the eastern province.Tahir asserted his independence of the central government by omitting mention of http://www.islamicity.com/education/ihame/default.asp?Destination=/education/iha |
24. 750-1258 The Caliphate Of The Abbasid Dynasty (Banu L- Abbas 813 The Khurasanian army under tahir ibn alHusayn besieged and 821-73 Al-Mamunappoints Tahir I ibn al-Husain governor of Persia and the east. http://www.princeton.edu/~batke/itl/scroll/800tx.html | |
25. From Root Thu Apr 30 080136 1998 From Library Of Congress Min alam alZaytunah Shaykh al-Jami al-Azam Muhammad al-tahir ibn Ashur hayatuhu On Muhammad al-tahir ibn Ashur, Tunisian Islamic scholar and social http://www.lib.virginia.edu/area-studies/MiddleEast/Cairo/98/l98-101 | |
26. Clm97-46. 43 Titles From Saudi Arabia. Cairo Library Of Congress - Monographs ISBN 9960314448 36 LCN 97965919 Maashir, Abd al-Razzaq ibn tahir ibn Ahmad.al-Jahl bi-masail al-itiqad wa-hukmuh / talif Abd al-Razzaq ibn tahir ibn http://www.lib.virginia.edu/area-studies/MiddleEast/Cairo/97/046.html | |
27. Fons Vitae Publishing - Sufi Sage Of Arabia ; Imam 'Abdallah Ibn 'Alawi Al-Hadda The Imam s son alHasan and grandson Ahmad - Habib tahir ibn Umar al-Haddad andhis descendants - Habib Ahmad Mashhur al-Haddad - successors from other http://www.fonsvitae.com/sufisage.html | |
28. Encyclopedia Of The Rulers Of Egypt Abdullah Ibn tahir ibn alHussein, from Rabei Awwal 211H/June 826 AC to Ragab212H/October 827AC, Eissan Ibn Yazid al-Gloudi, from Zel Queida 213 H/April http://www.sis.gov.eg/rulers/html/en07.htm | |
29. History Of Iran: Saffarid Dynasty In order to repulse the forces of tahir ibn Abdollah, the ruler of Khorasan, hesought help from Yaqoub ibn Layth Saffar, who had made somewhat of a name http://www.iranchamber.com/history/saffarids/saffarids.php | |
30. Mad7. Abu Muhammad alFahsili, Muhammad ibn tahir ibn Tawus and a group of peopel fromFes and Ceuta and some Andalusians. His fatwas went to the east and the http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/ABewley/mad7.html | |
31. Tahirid Dynasty -- Encyclopædia Britannica The dynasty was founded by tahir ibn alHusayn, a successful military generalawarded the eastern lands by the caliph. Tahir s successors pushed their http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9070923 | |
32. Islam Online - Hadith Its Sciences 2 tahir ibn Ahmad AlJazairi, Tawjih an-Nazar ila Usul an-Nazar (Maktaba Ilmiyyah,Madinah, ND), p. 68. * Based on the book An Introduction to the Science http://www.islamonline.net/English/HadithAndItsSciences/HadithMethodology/2005/0 | |
33. IslamOnline - Contemporary Section Malik Ibn Anas, alMuwatta (Narrated by Malik from the report of Yahya Ibn Sa`id Nazariyyat Al-Maqasid ` ind Al-Imam Muhammad Al-tahir ibn `Ashur, p. http://www.islamonline.net/english/Contemporary/2002/08/Article02e.shtml | |
34. Home and discussion of tahir ibn alHusayn s (AD 775-822) famous letter to hisson Abdallah, and tahir ibn al-Husayn s treatment of government s role. http://islamic-world.net/economics/father_of_economics.htm | |
35. Arabian Nights: Tale 164 - Harun Al-Rashid And Abu Hasan, The Merchant Of Oman This is the daughter of tahir ibn alAlaa; she is our mistress and we are allher handmaids; but knowest thou, O Abu al-Hasan, what be the price of her http://www.wollamshram.ca/1001/Vol_9/tale164.htm | |
36. The Book Of The Thousand Nights And One Night, Volume 9 By John Payne His name is tahir ibn el Alaa, answered he, and he is a keeper of girls; allwho go in to him Quoth she, This is the daughter of tahir ibn el Alaa; http://www.wollamshram.ca/1001/Payne/tnon/p09_tale164.htm | |
37. Scholarly Titles In Islam Ibn alSam`ani said about the latter that he was called Shaykh al-Islam. Abu al-Qasim Yunus ibn tahir ibn Muhammad ibn Yunus al-Basri - Ibn Mandah http://www.abc.se/~m9783/o/scht_e.html | |
38. MuslimHeritage.com - Topics Al Baghdadi is sometimes known as Ibn Tahir, whose full name is Abu MansurAbralQahir ibn tahir ibn Muhammad ibn Abdallah al-Tamini al-Shaffi al-Baghdadi http://muslimheritage.com/topics/default.cfm?ArticleID=516 |
39. Our Belief In Ahl Al-Bayt [as] Yahya ibn alAktham, Abdullah ibn Tahir, Thumama ibn Ashras, Bishr ibn Abdullah ibn tahir ibn al-Husayn has written down his name and the same date; http://al-islam.org/al-rida/3-1.htm | |
40. 822: Definition And Much More From Answers.com tahir ibn Husayn, founder of the Persian Tahirid dynasty Gim Heonchang, Sillaaristocrat and rebel leader. This entry is from Wikipedia, http://www.answers.com/topic/822 | |
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